2 points
Ok, I know running bad can be hideous in plo but are you being objective enough on your game/ working on ways to improve winrate other than the flip? I mean if your getting it in good 90% of the time it's nothing to worry about and is undoubtably just a downswing (yes they can last a while!) but what I've learnt so far about this game is there's always something you can work on. Whether it's mentally, technically, session goals, whatever! Doing this will help you focus on bits of the game you might not have noticed before rather than your opponents heaters. It'll keep you motivated too.
April 6, 2015 | 11:17 p.m.
Sounds like a hud would be a good idea for you. You'd be able to see exactly how many times you were winning in these spots. I think holdem manager still do a ~30 day free trial :)
April 6, 2015 | 9:10 p.m.
Potentially one of the best videos to date! One table works perfectly to learn the concepts/ thought processes. I always come away from these videos with a new train of thought or something new to try. Thanks so much. Really :)
As a student playing my way up through the micros I'd love to see even smaller stakes and any other thoughts on how to exploit players/ pools would be golden!
Thanks again.
April 3, 2015 | 7:02 p.m.
Absolutely the right play and you ACTIVELY want to get more money in preflop with an equity edge therefore reducing the SPR oop so you don't have to make decisions postflop with the positional disadvantage.
After you 4b there is the odd flop you can check fold. e.g. 789, 89T monotone, basically hands you completely miss and your opponents range is very likely to hit but you want to be shoving almost everything.
A general rule has been useful for me of late: Get 1/4+ of your stack in preflop and push your equity edge as much as possible when you're out of position with AAxx.
A quick example (I know this is basic assumes a number of things e.g. both players are pot size raising and villain has hero covered... but hopefully it illustrates a point):
HERO. UTG Opens 7
Villain BTN 3b 24
HERO 4b 82
Villain calls.
Flop Pot = 167 (82hero+82villain+2bb+1sb)
To have an SPR of 1 (or one pot sized bet on the flop) you could do this with a stack of 249bb preflop (Heros investment 82 + flop pot size).
April 1, 2015 | 2:07 p.m.
Spotify "focus" playlists. Work a treat!
Hey Robin, firstly thanks for the vid! At 9:15 you opt to bet for value... Which hands are you aiming at?
May 17, 2015 | 11:28 a.m.