casadewinna's avatar


0 points

I can sell for 40 bucks RFI chart. Maybe it will not be that good as nittyoldman's, but it's cheaper.
Now I see it's quite nitty since I did it a long time ago but if there will be some interest I'll put some more hours to improve it. PM if interested.

March 6, 2017 | 9:39 a.m.

I'm playing quite lower, but nobody answers, so I will)
It's hard to come up with Villains range. Looks like quads is a decent part of his bet/calling range here. It's hard to put him some wraps that x flp, call trn and bet the rvr. Maybe some 654x, for example, with suited ace, or some random KJ96ds, or something like QQ96 (that he can bet otf). Not too much. I don't know, how it is on your limits, but on average, even if value range is quite small, statistically unknown fish will have the hand, and we need some extra reasons to think the opposite. Also, you should expect him to turn SDV into a bluff to make a call, which is unlikely as well. I don't see any single reasonable draw in his range. At least, without specific stats/reads.
Just my opinion

Dec. 16, 2015 | 9:17 p.m.

Even 3 straights. But 2 of them are unlikely after flop action. Still, it's too thin.
What is your thinking process in the flop decision?
Mine is:
For bet:
- we prepare a turn bluff on 8,J,K with our QQ blockers (if it's profitable at all)
- we force some hands with OK equity to fold
- we protect our range on paired turns
For check:
- we are crushed against calling range
- we blow up the pot OOP with marginal hand
- we can't put 2nd barrel on almost any turn
- we don't have enough FE to show immediate profit


Nov. 7, 2015 | 5:20 p.m.

Hand History | casadewinna posted in PLO: doubtful decisions on 3 streets
Blinds: $0.01/$0.02 (6 Players) BN: $2.00
SB: $2.00
BB: $2.67
UTG: $2.99
MP: $5.62
CO: $3.90 (Hero)
Preflop ($0.03) Hero is CO with Q 9 Q 7
2 folds, Hero raises to $0.06, BN calls $0.06, 2 folds
Flop ($0.15) 7 9 T
Hero checks, BN checks
Since I don't have x/r range as PFR here I need to decide whether to bet/fold or x/c. On the one hand we block a lot of rundown combos like QJxx, T98x and so on, on the other hand it's still a lot 8 (J,T,9,7,6) hands in villian's range. So I don't think I can print money by betting. From other perspective it allows me to bluff barrel on 8,J,9 (I don't know, if it's good idea vs. villain's calling range) and to protect my range on 9 and 7. But I'm sure I'm behind villains calling range and have few outs to improve.
Check puts me on a creepy spot as well: I have a vulnerable hand on draw heavy dynamic flop OOP. I think I have enough equity to x/c but what is my gameplan? I can't bluff any turn after checking the flop, and I can't construct strong enough x/c range here at all.
So what is better?
Turn ($0.15) 7 9 T A
Hero checks, BN bets $0.12, Hero calls $0.12
The only reason to call this turn is villain's check otf. Still, even against dry ace we have only 34%
River ($0.39) 7 9 T A Q
Hero checks, BN checks
I think, I should VB the river since only KJ improves. And it's not too much KJ combos in villain's range after checking this flop. On the other hand it's not that easy to call such board runout w/ some top+mid pair.
Final Pot CO wins and shows three of a kind, Queens.
CO wins $0.38
Rake is $0.01

Nov. 6, 2015 | 5:50 p.m.

Yep, we have equity advantage, but I'm not sure that it covers your position disadvantage, 90%- equity realization, reverse implieds, and 11,5bb already lost in 12% of cases.

Nov. 4, 2015 | 7:12 a.m.

Hi Robin, nice video! Have a question on AA39. We float the flop and the turn w/ A blocker, as you said, representing Nut/2nut flush. But why don't you think, that Villian can put us on a set there and call the river w/ Qhigh flush?

Dec. 7, 2014 | 1:34 p.m.

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