1 points
Hi Steve
Very articulate. I like your video.
1.) Suggestion to your note system: Make your first note with x question marks than remove one everytime you see that note reconfirmed, when all are removed maybe add exclamation marks. Of course with HM2 you could use autonotes to the same effect.
2.) Question about your strategy of calling 3bets. You mention several times pot odds to justify calling with AQ/AJ, without considering 3bet frequency of opponent. You seemed very confident. What good is it to call with those if your opponent 3bets rarely (say 10+,AK). Sure you have the right pot odds to call but might end up dominated in a big pot. Could you please elaborate on the interaction of these two factors (odds / opponents 3bet frequency). I seem to fold way too often in your liking.
Jan. 7, 2015 | 3:16 p.m.
This video should be tagged MTT instead of NLHE. thx
Yeah that´s what I meant, sorry.
Jan. 8, 2015 | 11:04 a.m.