2 points
Hi Phil,
I am as many others very excited about the project. I am sure you have your feelers out there on 2+2, ps.de, here etc. to grasp what the community is asking for. There have been a lot of good posts here concerning legal and financial questions, software questions, marketing, game spread, rake and rakeback, structuring of TOS and enforcinh these.
I am sure you and your Team have looked into that previously with a lot of effort and are still continuing to do so. And I am sure you are/will be doing a great job.
My main concern is still one that has already been aired here and that is the anticipated toughness of the games. I just do not see enough recs joining the site in the beginning. I am sure when you open up, you will have more people playing than you would have even expected. But as soon as regs start realizing that it is a mere regfest, they will start quitting, big MTT prize pools (they do attract tons of recs) will be cut and you have a spiral...
People were already posting good ideas to cope with that in the thread (social media, streaming, Livegames etc. ) While these are all kind of standard-ish ways of marketing for online poker, why not go old school and put some $$ into print media or the good ole handling out Flyers in front of universities, shopping malls... I am sure you could even find people hre on the forums who would do it 4 free (although prolly not).
Definitely wish you good luck and hope you will manage to catch up to the expectations. By being yourself you have set the bar very high.
Sept. 18, 2016 | 11:48 a.m.
Feb. 6, 2013 | 11:46 p.m.
But still:
the flaw in my calcs is to your disadvantage but even calculated correctly we have a loss if all the correct steps in the calculations stay like they are.
- bet the flop smaller on different boards: this board is already pretty damn good to bet small, but whatever I guess on A83 we can go a tiny bit smaller, but this does not make too much of a difference
- double barrel and get turn folds: we can also double barrel and not get turn folds and lose half our stack. Do u know the BB well enough to be able to tell how often he'll fold vs 2nd barrels on certain boards?
- If we open close to 100% our opponents will most likely think that we are some degen maniac who is randomly clicking buttons and not put us on AA, but rather jam the shit out of us pre (for the regs at least)
- Yeah this might generate action when we get monsters, but we only get them less than 5% of the time.
- the part about 'safely flipping' is in the math, lol. That part also covers that we are not flipping but that we are a 30/70 dog.
- the last sentence is just back to jumping out of a flying plane, landing on our feet and going out to watch a movie...
Jan. 29, 2013 | 3:47 a.m.
Pot is 10500 + 5492 = 15992. You invest 7000 by limping, thus the pot is 22992. Let's say 23k. We assume now for reasons of simplicity that the SB folds every time. Now we see a flop.
We assume that the BB will play absolutely straightforward and fold the flop every time he misses and you take down the pot by betting. I Do not know how often you'll bet flop, but I guess it is pretty close to 100% here.
If the BB continues we will give up every time. If he folds we go to SD with the player who is AI.
So you invest 10500 to win 23k. This means the pot becomes 33500. The BB will hit the Flop about 1/3 of the time so in conclusion you'll get him out of the pot 2/3 of the time. If he folds 2/3 of the time you win 33500*0,67 = 22445
Again let's say 25k. Now out of these 25k you have won 3k for sure (1,5k from u and the BB because shorty only has 5,5k). For the rest of the 22k you go to SD with the AI player. Assuming he shoves a 50% range (which seems rather optimistic considering he's sitting there with < 1BB but maybe he just lost a hand so whatever), your equity with 72o is 30%.
22000*0,3 = 6600
6600 + the 3k that you automatically win -> 9,6k
So in the long run you will make 9,6k after having invested 17500. So this play is terrible in itself (burning $$$ big time), before we start talking about others shoving over your limp.
Jan. 29, 2013 | 2:28 a.m.
Still this would be a rather unorthodox line, esp. because he has a hard time deciding what to do if i continue.
Chris isn't it irrelevant whether we have JT here or say 88 if we put the guy on a bluff and want to bluff catch? Only difference is that we are obligated to put a bet in at some point with JT in contrary to 88. But that bet doesn't even have to be that big (I think also my river sizing is far too big. Something around 450-500 would've definitely been enough). I also think CiB on the flop is a valid option.
Jan. 29, 2013 | 1:24 a.m.
You are limping with a hand that has worse equity than a random hand. You are forced to go to SD because of UTG, so you are behind his range already. The odds make up for this, but you just ignore the facts that you will get shoved on often enough by players behind you and that you have to play post flop as well.
I could think it is OK if this was a one time play to let the regs at the table see you limp such trash in order to induce light shoves in the future where you could snap em off with monsters, but it seems u r doing this way more often, which again I think is just burning money.
You argue that this strategy can not be exploited by the regs because they don't know your ranges and frequencies, but the same goes the other way round. You don't know either which part of their range they'll start shoving on you, what the fish will do, how they will play postflop short like that...
Jan. 29, 2013 | 1:07 a.m.
Well played as for the rest of the hand.
Jan. 27, 2013 | 10:50 a.m.
The two most important factors are: Is the add-on giving you more chips than the initial buy in and as a rebuy at that stage of the MTT (this holds true especially for 2x,3x turbos)? If the answer is yes you should definitely stay in the tournament until you can take the add on.
The other thing is how playable is your stack. In R+A - MTTs you'll pretty much always have >10BBs to play if u take a double rebuy and the add on, where as in xXChance - MTTs this is not the case.
Jan. 27, 2013 | 10:42 a.m.
Still not with you postflop. As stacks are so shallow, we can probably even discount some sets from his range, which as already mentioned he'll flat almost always. AK can also be discounted somewhat because he'd 3bet it pre pretty often. -> value range = ???
The plan here is to rebluff at some point or call at least 1 more bet if we hit a J or a T. Will be tougher if he barrels turn and river but I think I'd still go with it. We could c/shove a Q or a 9 on the turn (would also look quite strong). If we do not pick up any equity and he bets the turn we call, and lead the river (no other choice really as he could be bluffing with Qx).
Jan. 27, 2013 | 10:18 a.m.
Jan. 10, 2013 | 1:39 p.m.
Jan. 9, 2013 | 6:38 a.m.
Dec. 18, 2012 | 1:25 p.m.
As I have written this spot is quite good to talk about raising ranges on dry boards. I play a lot of HU and nowadays it is almost impossible to bluff raise such boards vs thinking regs, because they will always play back at you. I know that the normal MTT reg is making far less moves post flop than a HU player (also makes sense because of the tighter ranges), but is this is a board where you would generally have a decent bluff raising range? And if so, which hand would you do it with? Same goes for a value raising range.
Dec. 11, 2012 | 3:35 a.m.
Dec. 10, 2012 | 12:41 p.m.
Dec. 10, 2012 | 12:29 p.m.
imo this hand is pretty interesting , because it opens a lot of room for discussion what a raising range on this kind of boards could be.
No Limit Hold'em Tournament T50/T100
Buy-in: $20+$5+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit
9 players
UTG - UTG (T3.495)
UTG+1 - UTG+1 (T2.670)
UTG+2 - UTG+2 (T2.620)
MP - Hero (T3.090)
MP2 - MP2 (T3.225)
CO - CO (T2.630)
BTN - BTN (T2.825)
SB - SB (T3.440)
BB - BB (T2.985)
Preflop: (T150, 9 players) Hero is MP with Jh Ts
3 folds, Hero raises to T200, 2 folds, BTN calls T200, 2 folds
Flop: 7s 3d Kh (T550, 2 players - Hero: T2.890, BTN: T2.625)
Hero bets T200, BTN raises to T500, Hero calls T300
Turn: 6h (T1.550, 2 players - Hero: T2.390, BTN: T2.125)
Hero checks, BTN checks
River: 7h (T1.550, 2 players - Hero: T2.390, BTN: T2.125)
Hero bets T700
I make a standard C-bet (although I think it is too big on such a dry board) and the competent reg raises me. I think he will never raise his sets there and pretty much never his Kx hands, so his range should most likely consist of ??? If we were slightly deeper I suppose he could have 54,56,64 and 86 (all suited). Here it just looks like a cheap bluff to me or he is trying to level me with a set. I float and after the Turn goes check/check I am 100% sure he was bluffing and want to make him fold his Qx and Ax hands.
What do you guys think is a sensible raising range in that spot?
I will reveal his hand after later.
Dec. 10, 2012 | 12:20 p.m.
following Hand on the sunday version of the Big 55 on Stars. We're down to 12 players, first gets 40k.
Villain has been pretty nitty so far, but all the active players (me + esp. the maniac big stack) have been to his left all the time so this does not account for too much. The maniac went bust and I had the feeling villain was starting to open up a bit. We had one big hand together about 1 hour ago, where I bluff shoved the river on a 6KKQ7 board vs him only to get snapped by 77.
No Limit Hold'em Tournament T15.000/T30.000
Buy-in: $50+$5 USD Hold'em No Limit
6 players
UTG - UTG (T3.212.811)
MP - MP (T288.180)
CO - CO (T757.523)
BTN - BTN (T1.498.025)
SB - Hero (T1.190.833)
BB - BB (T844.499)
Preflop: (T67.500, 6 players) Hero is SB with K♣ 6♣
3 folds, BTN raises to T60.000, Hero raises to T137.895, 1 fold, BTN calls T77.895
Flop: 4♣ K♠ 2♠ (T328.290, 2 players - BTN: T1.356.380, Hero: T1.049.188)
Hero checks, BTN checks
Turn: K♦ (T328.290, 2 players - BTN: T1.356.380, Hero: T1.049.188)
Hero bets T123.465, BTN raises to T315.000, Hero calls T191.535
River: T♥ (T958.290, 2 players - BTN: T1.041.380, Hero: T734.188)
Hero checks, BTN bets T330.000
First of all I am really not sure about the 3bet. The sizing is too small, and as I said he was rather tight (17/13).
The flop is really nice, but I decide to check it, because I will not get more than two streets of value anyway & I can pot control versus better Kx. Turn is very nice for us and I want to get value from his pairs and possibly Ax. Then comes the raise and I am lost. He definitely could have sets and better Kx. The big question is, would he raise 55-TT in this spot? My hand is underrepped in this spot so I don't think I can fold. Following that logic I probably have to call the river, do I?
I guess the plan is now to wait until WSOP? Makes a lot of sense from a marketing standpoint as all the interviews you will be giving are gonna be kinda free advertising. Remember to produce those patches and maybe you can even get a deal with one of the casinos to openly advertise your site (however this may look).
April 5, 2017 | 12:47 p.m.