Robert Bozodi's avatar

Robert Bozodi

2 points


I play MSNL in smaller networks. Almost everyone in a 3bet pot uses a cbetsize 50-55% of the pot regardless of the board. What I see on the Stars videos that almost every reg use like about  2/3 of the pot cbet size in those spots(sometimes smaller in extreme dry boards). Can you please tell me what is the reason behind it? As I remember, about 2 years ago stars regs used the half pot cbets in 3bet pots as standard,at least most of them. What changed it?


Aug. 21, 2013 | 10:51 p.m.

liked it, more please of action hour 6max :) ty :)

July 19, 2013 | 7:14 p.m.


I started openlimping. So far I did it very very unbalanced and what I got from it is that a lot of dead and easy money sit around in this spots. Now I'm planning to make a balanced(but not perfect) limping strategy. I think about it a lot and still dont know the answer.

When we openlimp do we need limp/fold range? Both having and not having have a lot of advantages and disadvantages.

What is your oppinion about it?

Ps: please never do a video about how to construct openlimp ranges!


July 9, 2013 | 10:41 p.m.

the best series on the site, please keep up making more parts from this session.

June 14, 2013 | 2:22 p.m.

Thank you for your reply!

Do you see regulars having l/r range weighted towards value?
What I've seen so far is most of the regs have very unbalanced, bluffheavy range, cause they openraise AA, when it should be just called, or l/c it, when they should reraise it. It works though, since players don't really know how to react properly(maybe nor I).

June 7, 2013 | 8:10 p.m.

Good video!

Around 22:00 KQo l/r scenario: what would you do with 44, if you played that way(I mean when limpreraised, and not called because of the presence of the fish)? Would you fold that or called because of the odds?

And if you have Aces in that spot would you only flat against this smallish raise or just go ahead and ship/CIB it?

What you think if villain do this with his almost entire range which doesnt good to flat a l/r? He should have around 50% FE to make that play +EV. Since I don't know you I have no information if you are well balanced in this spot. Lot of players l/r range is like 20% nuts and 80% pairs and other stuff , so against them it seems to be a good option to click it back. What you think?



June 6, 2013 | 4:45 p.m.

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