botboy141's avatar


20 points

Thanks for a great video. Dumbed down for the likes of me which is greatly appreciated, perhaps it wasn't too rudimentary, just really well articulated.

Looking forward to future videos.

May 30, 2018 | 7:39 a.m.

Your English is great. Don't apologize. Looking forward to more videos!

May 28, 2018 | 3:39 a.m.

Great video Paul. Loved the format for a PIO newbie like myself. Enjoying your 2+2 PG&C as well.

April 22, 2018 | 2:11 a.m.

11:42 Table 9 with QJss against a recreational player who is playing 43/13 this is a no brainer river jam for me. Even understanding that we block some Qx, I just don't see recreational players bluffing enough here even with missed FDs that have no SD value. Curious about your experience here versus recs (I play on a much softer network).

Similar thought @ 14:32 Table 2 with the QJdd when we backdoor the flush. Player doesn't look quite as fishy but still a small sample (IE not regular in these games) and he's short stacked. I just don't see most players in his spot folding 99-JJ ever and definitely never an Eight. A good bit of their over pair combos may check back though due to the pair on the board (he also may not have as many as he may squeeze but tough to assume with small sample on a network I don't play on!)

Maybe i just value bet too much. Anyways, late to the game, curious about your thoughts and thanks for a non-zoom video!


Feb. 16, 2018 | 5:19 a.m.

Comment | botboy141 commented on Stat Check Up

Thank you so much for your feedback necromadx. My passivity post flop has definitely been a concern for me. I've been looking at it from the perspective that I simply don't have enough fold equity with too many loose passives in the games and the large majority of spots I VPIP are multi-way, not HU. I'd love to understand from someone else playing in a similar player pool if the small ball/slightly less aggressive post flop game is good in games where people just don't fold by (or on for that matter) the river.

My VPIP (particulary 3bet) from the blinds is low as I'm still very new and a bit uncomfortable playing out of position on a lot of run outs. I was getting more aggressive with SB 3 bets (playing more 3bet or fold, NLH style) but was getting crushed there as well. I think one of my largest struggles to date is dealing with multi-way pots.

Every training video I watch tells us "we have to play much more straightforward and shouldn't bluff" in multi-way pots. Half tempted to just move up stakes a bit and see if players per flop changes much.

Thank you again for your feedback. The above is me justifying why I think my stats aren't terribly out of line in these spots but I'll certainly change things up and give it a try (can't hurt much at these stakes to find a more optimal style).


Feb. 6, 2018 | 11:44 p.m.

Post | botboy141 posted in PLO: Stat Check Up

Hi Everyone,

Would appreciate any feedback regarding the below. A few items to note:

1.) I'm playing 25PLO on Ignition. A lot of flops go multi-way so I'm playing a bit passive pre-flop, overlimping weak high pairs and naked nut flush draws (preferably in position).
2.) My river call efficiency is low, I'm likely sheriffing too much on the river.
3.) I'm too loose from the SB.

Oh, and in case anyone was curious, rake paid over this sample is equivalent to 13.78bb/100.

All thoughts, feedback and suggestions are appreciated. Help this PLO newb to move up stakes already (not a BR issue, just know I'm not crushing yet!

Edit: Adding direct links as well in hopes they are readable:
* Graph
* Stats


Feb. 6, 2018 | 4:26 a.m.

"MW pots are so tough in general..."

Ugh, trying playing 25-50NL Zone on Bovada. Well over half the pots I play are multi-way in 25NL...

Dec. 18, 2017 | 6:32 a.m.

Comment | botboy141 commented on What Would You Do?

Awesome format Paul. This is like, supremely helpful for a guy like me that's proficient @ NL in various formats but struggles with certain range construction in game. Looking at it through this lens really opened up my eyes to understand I'm not too far off, perhaps I just need to be asking myself more questions about my range as I play.

The only one I missed was Hand 5 thinking Q52 was best to check but your explanation of the discrepancies in ranges made a ton of sense and encouraged me to put in some more work on 3bet calling ranges from various positions to understand how that affects different flop textures. (Hand 6 also emphasized this point).

I would absolutely love to see more of this format.

P.S. Merry Christmas!


Dec. 25, 2015 | 7:01 a.m.

Was a SNG pro myself just starting to make the transition after a 2 year break from the game. I'd recommend picking up Slowhabit's Transitioning from NLHE to PLO e-book.

Then watch a ton of the videos here. I can say this, I had dabbled with PLO a little on and off over the years with very average/poor results. I spent about a week watching every 6 max PLO video I could from this site with an essential subscription and I'm beating micros for 30 evbb/100 since.

Nov. 3, 2015 | 11:44 p.m.

Comment | botboy141 commented on PLO10 KQQ7ds

Bovada buddy, I probably been seeing you around the tables. I'm a total newb to PLO but given what i've seen of the general population this week, this is a fold without history suggesting otherwise.

Nov. 1, 2015 | 7:06 a.m.

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