Yulian Z
1 points
SB: $182.82
BB: $100.00
UTG: $278.64
MP: $114.23
CO: $116.64
Dec. 15, 2015 | 1:34 p.m.
SB: $16.24
BB: $12.65
UTG: $20.57 (Hero)
MP: $11.13
CO: $10.82
Sept. 3, 2015 | 9:11 p.m.
SB: $228.93 (Hero)
Rake is $0.50
May 25, 2015 | 3:18 p.m.
Betsizing for almost all players @ PLO50 HU zoom is telling us villian's hand strength. Potbetting turn here in single-raise pot is st8 or 66 almost always.
As we have ~40% vs that range I am c/calling turn and:
- donkbet/fold a spade
- donkbet/call a diamond
- donkbet/call 7 of course )
- c/f other rivers
March 3, 2014 | 11:42 a.m.

March 3, 2014 | 10:04 a.m.
Hey Teddy. Thanks for all your posts concerning HU pots.
Talking about your stats (not being a pro, so take my comments relatively):
- As it was said before you are a bit tight @ BB. Overall 40-50 % should be OK.
- Strange agression from flop to river: ip your agr.f. is falling 5.3 - 3.5 - 2.5, while oop the situation is opposite 1.8 - 6.1 - 10.1. Could you comment this ?
- I guess we can 3b in zoom hu more since lots of players wil be playing FoF OTF.
- If you want to compare stats here is my data (NB: still making TONS of errors here, esp. calling river too much)
March 3, 2014 | 10:03 a.m.
Talking about preflop I guess the problem with this hand 300 bb deep is that it's hard for hero to stand big barrels even having a flush. Usually we will win a little and lose a lot to higher flush.
That's why I would definately 4b preflop (mb less than potsize). And of course call 5b.
As played I would reraise turn upto 2/3-3/4 pot.
March 3, 2014 | 9:11 a.m.
Tough but good fold. We'll see 2xxx ususally unless his flop agression is very high.
Feb. 3, 2014 | 12:07 p.m.
Thanks you guys for the comments and discussion. I will try to explain my action and the following thoughts.
1) First of all he is pretty loose/agro preflop. Imho 17% 3b is almost OK vs my 95% SB openrange. But ~50% BB flatting range is too wide I think. There are too many junk hands in that range (don't forget that top 17% goes 3b). Mb I am wrong but at least half of JJxx hands should have 3b preflop. "Bad" JJxx hands are still in his flatting range (e.g. JJ75s, JJ93r)
2) Second and the most important is his flop c/r (3 out of 4 times). So I guess he plays all his strong and draw hand aggressively: 2pairs+, combodraws, NFD+pair. I can't always call his c/r w strong/v.strong hands and fold middle/weak ones because even being oop he can play correctly vs me (turn bet sizing and river bet or check depending on hitting his draw). I need to 3b flop vs him not only with abs. nuts but also with other strong hands.
3) I got 4b 2.4x size. What can it be? Correct me if I am wrong (don't forget that we are 400 bb deep here):
a) Strong but vulnerable hands (JJxx) should raise more. At least 3-3.5x.
b) Combodraws. With given preflop action I see no super strong drawhands like QT98s or J987s in his range. The only strong draw hand is 456s (which is 45% vs JJ otf) and this hand should pot raise otf to realize its equity.
c) NFD + pair or NFD + 2 pairs. This small 4b raise is pretty logical with that hands. Esp. if he has J-blocker to top set.
d) NFD or Q-/K-high FD + JJ. Like abs. nuts here. Yes you can 4b otf that small. But how often villain would do it? Cuz given 400 bb deep there are so few hands that can stand that flop action (77+FD or 987+FD only I guess, I am not calling it with 33 there) ? Is it more profitable for villain to call my 3b and c/r turn or donk bet river if I check turn cuz there are no scary turn and river cards for such a hand ?
4) Pretty fast turn potbet (all-in actually). Given:
-his aggression;
-the fact that we do have outs vs any stronger hand;
-pot odds ott are ~38%;
-and I think he is never potting turn with 3d) type of hands (hands we are almost dead vs)
we need to call here.
Jan. 30, 2014 | 9:39 a.m.
So you are OK with my flop 3b?
Jan. 28, 2014 | 6:46 p.m.
BB: $201.02
Hero raises to $1.50, BB calls $1
Jan. 25, 2014 | 6:55 p.m.
What do you think about ai @ river? You have ~200$ and can make some fh to fold.
Jan. 24, 2014 | 8:41 a.m.
That was exactly what I thought after villian checked the river.
I shoved, he spent almost all tb and called w AKxx (with 1 spade).
Dec. 13, 2013 | 9:24 a.m.
Thanks, midori. I really appreciate your comment.
Looking from villian prespective are you donking flush or 8x on the turn? If no, should villian bet OTR? (spr on the turn is already ~0,7)
Dec. 11, 2013 | 2:49 p.m.
Dec. 11, 2013 | 10:08 a.m.
BB: $75.53
BB preflop - fold 47% / call 29% / 3b 24%.
3bpots - fold2CB 40% / raiseCB 0% / callCB 60%.
Hero raises to $1.25, BB raises to $3.75, Hero raises to $11.25, BB calls $7.50
no ideas ? :(
May 28, 2015 | 7:03 a.m.