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I too would like to join the study group, should we get a zoom meeting in the books to get aquainted? I am in toronto, est time zone

July 19, 2021 | 10:23 p.m.

what part of snowie's ranges makes you think it has "errors"?
how are you defining error?

Carroters on here has a free pfd on modern 3b ranges on his site

Feb. 17, 2020 | 2 a.m.

I guess I am looking for something more specific, I think I should have "gone firs" here and given an example of my own.
The general idea of checking more OOP even when we are the opener or 3bettor.
An example is when I squeezed a btn open with A5ss and got called, the flop was A93r and I checked after some solver work, this was a 100% bet spot for me OOP everytime for years, but now I x/c or if it goes x/x Ill bet turns

Feb. 17, 2020 | 1:49 a.m.

Post | bombriver posted in NLHE: Where have solvers helped you?

In what spots can you say with certainty that solvers like snowie/ pio have altered your play for the better. Any sort of "standard" bet or check spot you have been doing the wrong way for a while?

Feb. 16, 2020 | 5:10 a.m.

Rec's tend to over-fear draws, its unlikely you are getting min-raised by 99, 55, Q9s, 59s because they will think you have the draw.
Rec's who skew aggro and like to plays draws fast wont be x/ min raising here, youre more likely to see a small donk bet than small x/r imo with a draw
looks like standard fish thinking here "feeler raise, see where I stand" looks like 9x or Qx to me.

Nice turn size, gives you a good river jam size.

May 27, 2019 | 9:01 p.m.

Comment | bombriver commented on The Donk Bet Theory

A common perspective on donking flops is that your hand must meet 2 criteria, 1) too weak to check/raise and 2) too strong to check/ fold ( Galfond, Forrester, Fitzgerald) The problem with this strategy is that your donking range is very vulnerable to raises
What happens on turn, and river is seldom discussed, but when the turn heavily favors your range Id be inclined to suggest that donking is preferable here because alot of players stop betting on turns that are bad for their range and then get to realize equity on river for free.

A common donk spot I found in live play is check/call flop HU with something like 44 on 378 and donk 40% psb on any turn 8 or lower, but thats live play and exploitable.

Another consideration is the cbet % of the pfr. If the pfr has a low cbet % you can donk alot of low boards.
There are so many combos of JTo+ and Axo+ that brick on 9 hi boards that donking can effectively deny equity to.
When I opened up with donk betting I noticed it often takes 2 barrels because people are more inclined to "call once" IP rather than OOP, so be prepared to fire on alot of turns.

When facing donk bets vs fish I like to do alot of floating drawing to a check from them on the turn, but these turn bets IP also get called more often by a weaker/ capped range so be prepared to fire rivers more.


May 23, 2019 | 7:38 p.m.

I play in a timed session fee game, w/ max buyin of 200bb, do you think vs ave reg w/ 200bb stacks defending suited 2 gappers starting 74s for 5x is okay or even still better to fold?

Jan. 16, 2019 | 5:19 p.m.

Hey mark
very first hand defend w/ 68s for 2.2x is standard but in the live games I play in the opens are always 4-5x do you still defend suited gappers for that sizing 100bb+ deep?

Jan. 9, 2019 | 9:58 p.m.

You mentioned at 21min with 78s that a raise will fold out TT-KK, do you like the cbet from villain in that spot with TT-KK?

Jan. 2, 2019 | 10:59 p.m.

@46min Why the Cbet with KK in the 4bet pot on A54r? seems like we dont get value from worse, and hes not folding Ax, no need to protect either??

Jan. 2, 2019 | 12:38 a.m.

Thanks Mark, one thing I am unclear is on when I can have range advantage w/o nut advantage and nut advantage without range advantage, can you give an example?

Sept. 30, 2018 | 8:10 p.m.

Hey, I noticed a topic brought up in a couple videos that I wanted to unpack further, the relationship between cbet frequency and cbet size
There seem to be 2 options here: 1) cbet frequently, but "small" or cbet infrequently but "large" Sulky mentioned a term for this, something like "total volume bet"

Can anyone explain this further, why you can't make infrequent small bets or frequent large ones


Sept. 29, 2018 | 2:02 p.m.

Yes that does make sense, thanks. Would you prefer to have QTo (no spade) here to KTo? does having more equity vs anything but flushes make up for the fact that we dont block K's?

Aug. 21, 2018 | 3:12 p.m.

25:50 mark **

Aug. 20, 2018 | 8:03 p.m.

At 16:03 on Table #2 you mentioned that KTo (no spade) is a good bluff candidate on the Js 9s 6s- As board because you block other KTo combo's but Im not sure how you can block spades w/o having spades. I would imagine you have more Kx in your range being the PRF but I dont understand how having and of the 3 non spade K make it less likely villain has the K spade specifically

Aug. 20, 2018 | 8:03 p.m.

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