10 points
Playing 3/5 live (9 handed).
Villain (fish) limps utg+1 (stack 900) folds round to hero in CO (stack 1500)
Hero makes it 25 with AdQD.
Fold to BB (lag reg) who makes it 90 (stack 1300)
Vaillian calls and hero calls.
Flop: Ah As 9d. (Pot: 270)
BB check, villain bets 150, hero calls and BB folds.
Turn Ks (pot 570)
Villian bets 260, hero calls.
River 6s (pot 1090)
Villian goes all in (400), hero calls.
... Any thoughts on this hand? Can hero fold at some point in the hand?
May 12, 2016 | 6:45 a.m.
Against an 'aggressive decent reg' I don't see how you can ever fold turn here or on most rivers. On a texture like this he has so many draws that are incentivised to x/r because they can potentially lose to your like J high turn stabs that you'd just give up on the river. And he reps so thin for value especially if his 3b strategy includes 88 and 77 combos at some frequency. He should be aware that his weaker 2 pair combos should work better as x/c because you have so much air in your BTN range that stabs this turn that might fire river and also as stated above, his river range after calling turn would be so weak if he raises all of his 2p+. So just call down and make a note of what V is taking this line with. If he has bluffs, great you win the pot. if he has value, just relentlessly barrel whenever he flats turns in future.
March 12, 2016 | 6:28 a.m.
Assuming his 'bluffing' range is exclusively AK here and obv AA for value. easy fold for 360+bb more. Think about your range..just call with AA and you print $$. Don't lose sleep about being exploited by a rec player, it simply isn't happening.
Feb. 13, 2016 | 8 p.m.
I feel there is a decent amount of value to be had on the turn so I prefer a bet there, also relevant that on many river cards you will be unable to bet and get value from his one pair hands with a b/x/b line...Assume only reason to check behind is to induce river bluffs so you have to call river as played. V will value bet worse and has a ton of bluffs and floats compared to few value combos (some % of V value range will raise flop vs your sizing). I'd say you need a pretty big exploitative read to fold this 2/3 pot river bet.
Out of curiosity, what did he have?
Jan. 11, 2016 | 7:19 a.m.
Nice video as per.. At minute 41 With AQ 4bet pot 68Assh66. Would you ever consider a smaller river betsize? What kind of hands would you decide to bluff? 9T suited?
Nov. 24, 2015 | 6:33 a.m.
Simply because AK has enough equity(hero needs around 35%) to call and get it in vs a range that consists of lower pairs, straight draws, gutters and flush draws as well as random overcards. (It is pretty safe to assume even the funnest of 'fun' players isn't gonna lead-shove trips plus in this spot)
Nov. 23, 2015 | 8:56 a.m.
River I call Q9+ imo.. Quite high in range vs 2/3 pot bet
Nov. 6, 2015 | 7:11 a.m.
Well played. If V is in any way a half competent player it's a very easy fold. Seems he would have to turn 66-JJ into a bluff at a decent frequency to make it a call for you( which is kind of suicidal on his part) . Plus, hero blocks his back-door diamond floats which also leaves him with less bluff combos OTR.
So yeah, although his line is strange, I don't see it being weighted towards bluffs. The fact of the matter is he simply doesn't have enough air combos that get to this river and want to bluff shove into a strong range(especially when you hold diamonds). Even if he is somehow bluffing, I don't think that you are getting exploited by folding this combo, as if you are 3b as wide as K3s, you still have A2s and K2s(I assume), A3s and obv KK and prob AA that can be snap calls for you. Which is more than enough combos that you can sleep at night folding K3.
Side note: His tank on turn is also relevant as I feel the value hands he plays this way would have had to decide on turn whether to X/R or not. Once he flats he may decide to the K is a scare card to your 99-JJ and hope to get a hero from his strange polarized line. Just my thoughts, GL.
Oct. 25, 2015 | 6:12 p.m.
Stake .10/.25 6max 100bb
Hero MP raise .75 AdKd
Btn call
Flop: 2h2cjh
Hero cbet .70
btn calls
Turn: Ac
Hero bet $2
btn calls
River: 5c
Hero bet $5.50
Btn raise $17 ($11.50 more)
Sept. 13, 2015 | 10:12 a.m.
Blinds .25/.50
Btn $50 (hero)
SB $50
BB $50
Hero open btn $1.25 Qc10s
SB call BB fold
Pot $3
V check, hero check
Turn 7h
V bet $2 hero call
Pot $7
River 6c
V bet $5?
Sept. 4, 2015 | 6:28 a.m.
Hey Kevin nice vid.
I have some thoughts on the KJhh on 475hh hand and specifically your reasoning why you choose to prefer betting your FD's with 2 overcards (assuming broadways) than other FD,s in your range?
This is obviously a fairly common spot as we defend all of our suited broadways to 3b's and I've always leaned towards checking back with these overcard hands and betting my lower FD's, which include a pair or bdsd a decent amount, under the assumptions that although we never really get x/r here, I don't expect a ton of fold equity on flop and turns get awkward unless we get there ( just like you explained how you didn't want to get x/r on the Q, I don't think we even love getting x/jammed on on a K or J turn).
Another thought is that if he IS giving up on flop,I think villains may choose to bluff our pairing cards on certain run outs more often than if we pair our lower draws.
And my final thought was that on heart turns we can get called more frequently with lower flushes as he will have more hands with 1 high heart hands that he x/c flop with that can peel turn?
This has been my reasoning up to now but obviously greatly respect your game so would love to hear your thoughts! thanks
Lead this flop is better with your hand and a lot of your range. you have a range advantage with more 2 pairs but its not like you want to pile money in with many of your 2pr hands with a x/r strat. your 5 is relevant for future fold equity.
As played x/r is pretty bad,(assuming it's a bluff/semi bluff??) your K and J block V bet-folding range that is beating you (JJ, KK). you have a pretty easy call after checking. a hand like Q966 is a better bluff x/r combo. You have easy fold to very strong flop 3b range. It doesn't make any sense to turn your bluff x/r into a bluffcatcher....
Sept. 12, 2016 | 8:11 p.m.