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6 points

Post | bluegirl1983 posted in PLO: PLO Tournie vs PLO Cash

Hi Guys,

I was watching jcarvers twitch stream last night and he was playing the $320 WCOOP PLO comp.

I play PLO cash from PLO10 to sometimes PLO25 if I want to take a shot.

What got me thinking is how different are PLO cash games to low / mid stake PLO tournies?

Is there a completely different strategy? Aggression / stack preservation?

Would be good to get some thoughts as I think I throw in a few low stake PLO tournies on my Sunday grind.



* Thread moved to low stakes forum // moderator *


Sept. 17, 2015 | 9:01 a.m.

I like way you have played this, i would call the turn bet and then value bet any brick non heart river. Wouldn't be surprised to see him turn up with some 10hhx hand here looking at his sizing just looks like he has something plus heart draw but not enough to get it in.

Sept. 8, 2015 | 11:17 a.m.

I would 3bet pre on the button with this hand. I like the raise on the flop but think we have to sigh fold the turn they just always have it at these stakes. I don't think 88xx is in his range as i think all the money would have gone in on the flop. This is a massive leak I currently have I'm my game at these stakes not folding when I know they always have it. No one is bluffing at these stakes you will loose more money bluff catching than you will folding in these spots.

Sept. 8, 2015 | 11:11 a.m.

Ah don't give it up.. Post some interesting hands only way you will get to learn.. I've lost about 5bi in about half an hour before although that was playing zoom!! just got to grind through it and come out up the other end..

Sept. 7, 2015 | 3:26 p.m.

Is there a case for just calling pre? As played I would check back the flop as once villain has called your 3bet pre his range is going to be AA-QQ xx and when he check pots on the flop he is likely to have some kind of club draw which reduces our straight outs. Quite a tricky spot but I just think we are getting out stack in when we're not drawing to the nuts which can't be good.

Sept. 7, 2015 | 12:59 p.m.

I think against a players like this position is so important as you don't want to put yourself in any difficult spots. Also look for the loose weak players and try to ISO them Also 3bet 4bet potting when you have strong hands in posstion. They may have large stacks but the style they are playing will be very very swingy and trust me they will stack off against you at some point you just have to be patient and play your game.

Good luck Jason

Sept. 7, 2015 | 12:48 p.m.

I never play heads up but do we not sigh fold the flop when he nearly pots it? What cards on the turn can we hope for that we can lead with? Would it be better not to check raise the flop?
As I said by no means a HU player but just my two pennies worth!!

Sept. 5, 2015 | 3:10 p.m.

Just a word of advice I wouldnt rely on HUD stats when you only have 34 hands on the opponent as these can be seriously out. I would wait a long time until you have built up a serious database of hands before you start using HUD stats for players.

Keep posting hands though it's good to discuss.


Sept. 3, 2015 | 9:33 p.m.

Firstly I really wouldn't worry about the HUD stats with a sample of 34 hands. I like 3 bet pre think this is pretty standard.
With the A spade blocker I would defo be betting the flop but I'm not to sure about sizing maybe 40% would be better as you maybe able to get away from the hand when he sets you in as this flop hits his range pretty hard. I think best we can ask for is a chop of we are going to go with it. Think it's a gross spot and I would struggle to not get all the money in the middle here. Hopefully you will get more thoughts on the hand.

Sept. 3, 2015 | 5:08 p.m.

i think the stack sizes of both UTG and BN are important here as they are going to stack off on any flop they connect with. Is there an argument for flatting pre? As with a pot size raise pre were not getting stacks in and if we don't hit on the flop they are going to put us in anyway and leave us in a difficult spot which is what's happened?
Anyway as played its a check fold with 2 players behind and we don't block any hearts

Sept. 3, 2015 | 1:53 p.m.

Also as mentioned in the posts above the higher the limit the more BIs you should give yourself. I don't think there is much difference in player quality between PLO5 and PLO10 so hopefully I will run ok and it will work out.

Sept. 3, 2015 | 1:45 p.m.

It all depends on how aggressive you want to be and if you can afford to loose the best part of your bank roll. Looking at the posts about I'm going to grind PLO5 till I'm at $150 then take a shot with 5bi at PLO10. I'm only 2 tabling zoom and paying plenty of attention and note taking so I'm not spewing off a lot so 5bi shot should be ok. I drop down to PLO5 if I fall back below $100 as this gives me enough roll to work back up to $150 and take another shot.

Hope this helps


Sept. 3, 2015 | 1:43 p.m.


Thanks for your response I'm kinda banking on running extremely well when I take shots at the higher levels if I don't then I will just drop back down and start again. I think maybe I will need more buy ins to take shots at the higher levels as i can imagine the variance will be more.

Will see how it goes hopefully I will run hot!!

Sept. 2, 2015 | 2:25 p.m.

GL with this should make for an interesting read.

I have started grinding PLO currently at PLO5 but will hopefully be taking a shout at PLO10 oncey bankroll is there.

What type of BRM will you be adopting? I have started a thread on PLO micro stakes with my proposed BRM would be good to get your thoughts.


Sept. 2, 2015 | 8:43 a.m.

Post | bluegirl1983 posted in PLO: Bankroll Management

Hi Guys,

So playing PLO Zoom on stars want advice on bankroll management.

I want to be fairly aggressive although I do understand they game can be massively swingy, so here is my proposal -

PLO5 - $0 - $100
PLO10 - $100 - $250 (back to PLO5 if I fall below $70)
PLO20 - $250 - $700 (back to PLO10 if I fall below $180)

Any thoughts would be great.




Sept. 1, 2015 | 9:35 p.m.

I think you have played it fine. You do have the nut A Club so your right they generally don't have the flush in this spot. Check call the river is fine just remember at these stakes when they bet into you they generally do have it think you have got unlucky here. I've been playing PLO5 on stars and sometimes I fall into the situation thinking they can have it but 99% of the time on the river if they bet they do have it. Just play tight agg at these stakes and bet bet bet your made hands and you will move up the stakes in no time. Cheers JP

Sept. 1, 2015 | 9:29 p.m.

Im don't think I would 3bet this pot due to the following - if villan flats we are left out of position in a bloated pot with a hand that isn't going to flop well against his range, also if he 4 bets we have to fold. I think flatting for pot control and re evaluating once the flop comes. Just to confirm I would not fold pre. (have you got any stats on the villan?)
On the flop think cbet is fine, whats your thoughts on his holding when he flats? Im thinking some kind KKxx hands although would he 4bet this pre maybe JJxx?
I think I check the turn again if he has JJ blockers to our straight we are relying on the flush draw only and think pot control at this stage would be good? In think I check the river also may get paid off by made straight but can see any worse flush draws calling? what flush do you put him on after he has raised called the 3b pre?
Sorry if none of that makes sense just trying work out what the villans range could be and how he has played the hand.


July 30, 2015 | 10:36 a.m.

New time forum and first post so don't shoot me down!! Is there an argument for betting the turn? After we have raised pre bet flop seems this line would be the best as we would most likely take the pot down then without giving the two villains a free card and we look super strong? Obviously once the 8 hits the river we look like we have filled up and as you say we have blockers to the straights. It's very hard to assign Villan ranges at these stakes as everyone is loose and passive, limp call raise. I would be surprised to see someone show up with AA/KK/QQ hands here as they usually go mental pre with these holdings. Anyway think you played it pretty well. Jason

July 30, 2015 | 8:53 a.m.

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