0 points
Hey guys,
What should be the $ per hour win rate to make it as a Professional? How many winning sessions should you have versus losing? My report has me making $50.00 an hour and cashing about 70% of the time, all this over a duration of 105 hours this year.
Is this good enough to make it? Any thoughts or suggestions appreciated.
Feb. 20, 2015 | 8:14 p.m.
Hey guys,
What should be the $ per hour win rate to make it as a Professional? How many winning sessions should you have versus losing? My report has me making $50.00 an hour and cashing about 70% of the time, all this over a duration of 105 hours this year.
Is this good enough to make it? Any thoughts or suggestions appreciated.
Feb. 20, 2015 | 8:13 p.m.
Thanks for your thoughts!
Feb. 18, 2015 | 2:34 p.m.
Cant get one opinion?
Feb. 17, 2015 | 3:05 p.m.
Need all you pros advice on this one,
Playing 5 handed in the wee hours in the morning, I am 1,700 effective and villain is 500 effective. He has been straddling for the past 6 orbits on my bb and has raised every time I limped in. I have not played back at him to this point, my plan is to ship it on him when I get a hand.
So, it's folded around to me in the bb and I have A10o..... I decided to limp and then shove if he raises. As usual he raises to 105, leaving him 400 behind. FYI, he has been raising this big everytime. I jam and he calls off with AdJd. He wins.
Was this the right play? I felt like I would be ahead most of the time, and given how tight I have been against him he would fold majority of the time.
Thoughts appreciated.
Thanks man!
Feb. 19, 2015 | 2:30 p.m.