19 points
Enjoyed the video immensely. I was wondering if checking the EV for studying is an afterthought generally for you? I tend to look at EVs heavily so that I have a good idea of where the line is for certain actions and therefore which hands flake off/play more aggressively vs certain player types. Obviously the higher you play the fewer discrepancies between humans and Mr P.O. Solver exist but I like it as a learning exercise.
July 28, 2020 | 9:06 a.m.
Hi man. Big fan we've played a few hands but nothing of note.
Curious about your 3b strategy from the BB. I've seen you 3b A5o vs utg a previous video (which I've never seen as a thing) and yet flat JTs vs CO in this video and T9s vs BU both of which I have as pure 3b in both positions. Is this a strategy that is more encouraged in a lower rake structure ie high stakes or are you simply of the opinion that this yields more EV vs weaker opponents?
May 16, 2020 | 1:34 p.m.
Ran the sim and IP has 54% equity and over 60% of pot share EV.
NB my preflop solves could be different to yours admittedly.
April 28, 2020 | 11:18 a.m.
I've said before I think your videos are fantastic and have heaps of respect for you as a player. Was surprised when you said that you don't really think you have an advantage around 38.45 because he has a high checking frequency retaining all overpairs. I of course agree with that strategy but isn't the reason for this an acknowledgement of your range density which yields greater overall EV for you? The vast majority of the range is TT-55 with some suited connectors mixed in with varying frequencies. So, even your 1 pair hands have straight draws with them and given your lack of off suit combos vs his QJo (mixed) through AKo he retains large numbers of hands which have sub 20% equity whereas you probably only have AJo/AQo/KQo and teeny bit of AKo all at a mix. This combined with 1/4 of your density of flush draws and sets surely gives you equity advantage not to mention EV asymmetry over a lot of runouts with position despite his overpair advantage.
haha I didn't see I'd made a pair with my K9 vs your AA smh
Nov. 25, 2020 | 9:48 a.m.