biggy333x's avatar


10 points

  Def prefer the one table videos covering every hand like this one. I watch on an 11" macbook and find it hard to follow 4 (or even more) screens esp bet/stack sizes.  This makes it loads easier and more enjoyable viewing.

  What advice can you give about not having moments when u jus monkey off ur stack like u did with the ATo, Obv u get there that hand but sometimes i jus do stuff similar and after i think wtf am i doing! but its too late then once the chips are in.  My latest meltdown was with an avg stack shoving A2dd aipf after playing quite normal /low variance for 5 hrs.  Its so annoying because after you look back at it and you know better but its as though u just literally don't think and shove the chips in?

Oct. 4, 2014 | 9:45 p.m.

the vids good u need to sort the echo out on the mic tho its annoying, like really annoying

Aug. 2, 2014 | 3:18 a.m.

is it possible to do some vids relating to good structured live comps like the GPS or GUKPT how you approach and play them compared to online pls

Aug. 2, 2014 | 3:11 a.m.

   You can talk about all the ranges u want but the TT was spew (i think obv u realise this after and try justify with ur exp of maybe he/they/could have xxx......etc). ur flipping at best vs at least one of them and there's no way both of them are bluffing or gii with anything ur in good shape against .  All the way thro u talk about low variance (think you could make a drinking game each time u say it during this series!) and then go and monkey off ur stack as tho with 5 left 2 players are gonna gii with 99/88 or worse. c'mon mate u could've walked to a win there ? or took a low variance line to 2nd place min.  

   The videos were good explaining your reasoning behind why you were doing particular things at a particular time but it honestly looks like you made a mistake with the KK hand late on losing loads of value not gii pf and then try to make up for it with the TT hand and lose the flip.  Just seems to go against everything you had been saying all series about LV lines when u jam the TT?

July 20, 2014 | 5:25 a.m.

Comment | biggy333x commented on mix games

even just basic strat videos for padooki, baducey, 2-7, etc to show people how to play and ground rules how to give you a  start in these games

May 11, 2014 | 3:45 a.m.

Comment | biggy333x commented on super stud h/l

All 5 are dealt face down and you give 2 back to the dealer face down and then pick which one you show to other players.  The game is played PL so pots can get very big quickly and some of the hands i saw i thought this is a game that none of the players were very good at  tbh - even though i don't know the game myself!

I've read the super system chapter and realised i made some big mistakes the first time i played.  The main one being selecting AxAh(3h) as my cards instead of the ones i discarded 4h 5h (3h).  Obv as I've only played NL/PLO before you think AA - good cards.  I think the super system chapter takes for granted you'll be playing against competent players but in this game this is def not the case. e.g one guy choosing to show a Q as his face card (i think they split this hand with (QxXx)Qx to take the high then the other had a low).


May 11, 2014 | 3:38 a.m.

Post | biggy333x posted in Other: super stud h/l

I've just started playing mixed games and one them is super stud h/l.  

you're dealt 5 and pick 3 pre draw then its normal stud h/l

can anyone help with basic strat there doesn't seem to be much about any mixed games on the site any help much appreciated.


May 8, 2014 | 5:46 p.m.

sounds terrible

April 1, 2014 | 3:23 a.m.

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