0 points
2/4 Bovada, hero is BB with $529 behind.
UTG limps, utg+1 makes it $12, SB calls, I call with As6s67.
Flop comes 8910 spades and flop checks around.
Turn brings a red 6, and I lead half pot which folds to the small blind who min raises me to 48, i call.
River brings red 9, villain leads $78 quickly.
Now, as played i assume the villain never has a boat here, so i'm really only worried about 7j and jq spades. King high flushes check river...so im either facing air or straight flush no?
Not sure if i'm just completely overthinking this and should just ship this turn, but then don't i lose value from bluffs, but if that's my thinking should i just auto call any river here b/c i know he never has a full house here?
Also, villain has played very passively, and based on his bet sizes does this just scream straight flush? or, does this scream i'm weak, and don't want to commit too much money in to pot with a bluff??
Please advise any streets you'd play different.
June 7, 2016 | 7:48 p.m.
100 buyins live??? I really don't understand this...not taking shots unless you have 50 buyins?? I understand this even less..
June 4, 2016 | 1:58 a.m.
Would love to see a video on how to break down a session from Phil. The descriptiveness(word?) of his videos is unbelievable, and I have never learned as much from watching videos as his.
Seeing Phil break down a mid/high stakes PLO session he played would be awesome. Basically, explaining his thought process on how he reviews hands, which hands he stoves, does he only look at big pots he was involved in , etc.
A HU PLO video, and a 6 max PLO video going step by step through his hand histories after a session would be great. Preferably, exactly how he does it himself after playing a session.
ok, so those are good points. i ended up folding b/c i knew he wouldn't make that play with blockers, and even so...at 2/4 i feel like repping a straight flush, and expecting your opponent to fold an A high flush doesn't happen too often.
Since it's Bovada i can see his hole cards 24 hours later, and he had 7j spades for straight flush...however, i feel like folding that is still -ev, and i'm probably burning money in the long term.
June 9, 2016 | 8:39 p.m.