benzooka's avatar


32 points

Phil's HUD looks extensively expanded from the post on Phil's HUD Stats. Could someone explain the additions since this thread:

Or any video he explains it will do.
I'm trying to clone his omaha HUD.

May 19, 2015 | 10:06 p.m.

Think I've got it right now, I was missing a couple key features of how to express and (:) and not (!) properly. Please still have a look over this, and if it's right I hope this helps someone. I've also included any JJ+ hand after a bit more thought.

Jan. 12, 2015 | 8:45 p.m.

Looking at it some more I see the single suited connected-ish cards could be covered by 234+,235+,245+)
and that would leave the range:
And I would put it all together like this: !AA!RRR[OONN,WWXX,$0g,$1g,[7+][7+][7+][7+],wwxy(66+,$2g,234+,245+,235+),5532+,5542+,4332+,5442+,6552+,4322+,5322+,6322+,5422+,6422+,6522+]

Jan. 12, 2015 | 7:16 p.m.

Post | benzooka posted in PLO: Help with Pokerjuice syntax

I'm just starting my trial with pokerjuice and I'm not sure how to best (or correctly) write my opponents range to start tampering with some scenarios. I'm quite new to Omaha, but I have a very good idea of what my opponent's range looks like. Can someone with experience help me clean this up?
I spent some time looking at the general syntax in odds oracle and learned a bit about the smart syntax in poker juice to learn the language, and here's what I got:

Here is the range:
Not AA or trips : !AA!RRR
Any two pair: OONN
Any double suited cards: WWXX
Any rundown: $0g
Any one gapper: $1g
Any 4cards 7 or higher: [7+][7+][7+][7+]
Any single suited pair 66 or higher: wwxy66+
Any single suited 2 gapper: wwxy$2g
Single suited connected-ish cards: wwxy(2357+,2457+,2467+,234+,245+,235+)
Connected-ish pairs: 5532+,5542+,4332+,5442+,6552+,4322+,5322+,6322+,5422+,6422+,6522+

And I would put it all together like this: !AA!RRR[OONN,WWXX,$0g,$1g,[7+][7+][7+][7+],wwxy(66+,$2g,2357+,2457+,2467+,234+,245+,235+),5532+,5542+,4332+,5442+,6552+,4322+,5322+,6322+,5422+,6422+,6522+]

Is that right?


Jan. 12, 2015 | 1:58 a.m.

Comment | benzooka commented on Android App Users

I've installed this app and have downloaded a few videos on it. However when I try to watch them nothing is happening. I see a white bar at the top of my screen, a (cut off on both sides) line of text from the middle of the description of the video, and a red button that says Discuss on with delete video beneath it. I use a nexus 5 LG by google. Can someone help with this please

Jan. 8, 2015 | 8:54 p.m.

And although the simple and complex answer to that is learn to understand poker I think that's important to realize because a lot of people probably want that answer. Sell them what they want, so you can give them what they need.

April 12, 2013 | 8:22 p.m.

My friend who plays a bit of live says he'd want to read "how to truly crush terrible players at live games."

April 12, 2013 | 8:20 p.m.

I'd like to hear about common ways poker hands are thought about (both the effective as well as the ineffective) and techniques for identifying the player types quickly. Even though I constantly learn new betting strategy, I regularly relate what my opponent is doing to what would I be doing that with... (oddly when I'm not in the hand I don't automatically go to that).

I've found that line of thinking can cause a lot of confusion/frustration at surprising results, because he's not thinking in your brain.

Obviously figuring that out is pretty much your job as a poker player, but I feel like it gets easily overlooked at lower level games. At lower levels it feels like people aren't even trying to do that and a getting started thinking poker for beginnings guide could help make the game a lot more entertaining for those players and provide a good focus point for improvement. I mean solving how each person thinks sounds like a really fun game to me, and probably the most interesting way poker could be described to me.

April 12, 2013 | 8:17 p.m.

Thanks for the creative insight Damian! Some crazy family stuff popped up and I actually haven't been able to settle into any routine, but we just got good news and things should be settling down :D

Dec. 14, 2012 | 3:44 a.m.

Comment | benzooka commented on Confused vs ADZ124
Lol for some reason I thought we were UTG vs UTG+1 when I posted this! This changes a lot, and it makes a lot more sense now since it's bvb :D

Dec. 12, 2012 | 3:04 a.m.

Comment | benzooka commented on Confused vs ADZ124
Thanks James and Tx! Have little to no experience here and I confused the positions! :D

Dec. 12, 2012 | 3:01 a.m.

Comment | benzooka commented on Confused vs ADZ124
wow.... 2.3x overbet raise! Wild. I am also equally confused, and if you called I'd really like to hear what he had at the end of this.

I've been playing some 2/5nl zoom and I haven't seen this before. So I'm just going to tell you my instinct without too much experience: I'm calling with the top two sets, and possibly top two pair. (I think top two is much better than third and fourth set in this spot because of greater likelyhood of someone having the absolute nuts with these lines going for messed up value and that it plays similarly vs if he has like KJs.)

Dec. 10, 2012 | 11:19 p.m.

An interesting aspect of live poker is that people have become hyper-sensitive to flushes. People are always putting you on flush cards; you hear it all the time. And there's good psychological reason why, since people play a ridiculously amount. All the Ax combos for flushes are available all the time, most Kx, a lot of jx, some tx and nearly all scs and sc one gapers. Because of this, thin value raising flush boards becomes a lot worse.

That being said, I like the way the hand is played because of one aspect: you've described v1 as having the personality type that suggests he's bad aggressive. And bad aggressive players have such a massivley wide range preflop coupled with a tendency to never want to lose a hand. This means they're range consists of a very different amount of hands played aggressively than a competent player; he's playing a ton of hands, a lot of those unpaired, and we all know it's hard to flop pairs in spots with wide ranges (just think of stealing from the bu or when Hu) so he's got a ton of hands that are total air, and he hates to lose. He's going to have to bluff to win then. That's why it's so good to allow bad aggressive players more rope to hang themselves, because your hand isn't near as vulnerable on a scary board as it would be to a different player. To sum up we're looking at the best way to get value from this player - he wants to put in a lot of money with a weak range; that's really good for us.

One more interesting factor I see: someone else is already all-in. You can't bluff someone who's all-in, you just have to have the best hand. Everyone realizes this, and simply put, no matter how ridiculous a player can be it makes them LESS likely to bluff (still possible).

I like a call on the river, and I'm extremely happy about it. Overpairs may call you if you raise, but a lot of those this player type would three bet on the flop a lot.

To illustrate how happy I am about the call, had this happened where the second player had folded on the turn instead of being all in, I would gladly shove here with A high and feel damn good about it. The only thing that could be better is if he was wearing a Hawaiian shirt.

Dec. 10, 2012 | 11:06 p.m.

Comment | benzooka commented on Test
+1 to Parker's comments.

Dec. 8, 2012 | 1:19 a.m.

Thanks Dan! I'll try to work out a format that makes my posts easier to read while still including as much depth as possible. I really enjoy the why/depth in poker, and have no gamble gamble in me :D so my favourite posts are always in-depth posts with as complete a thought process as possible.

Nov. 9, 2012 | 2:34 a.m.

The Bu is a LAG and the player between us is a fish. His range is capped because I believe he would get the money in with anything good on the flop given the potential for scare cards and the fish already showing interest.

Nov. 9, 2012 | 2:30 a.m.

I'd also like to know how to not show the results/only up to the point I want if anybody knows how.

Nov. 8, 2012 | 3:45 a.m.

Thoughts on my range analysis?
Thoughts on my bet sizings/plans?

Nov. 8, 2012 | 3:44 a.m.

Hand History | benzooka posted in NLHE: Vs Lag with capped range as aggressor
LJ: $218.70
HJ: $197.60
CO: $80
BN: $588.09
SB: $213.20
BB: $226.34
UTG: $87.60
UTG1: $200
UTG2: $217.20
Preflop ($3.00) (9 Players)
Hero was dealt T T
UTG raises to $6.00, UTG1 folds, Hero calls $6.00, LJ folds, HJ calls $6.00, CO folds, BN calls $6.00, SB folds, BB folds
Flop ($27.00) 4 7 8 (4 Players)
UTG checks, Hero bets $16.00, HJ calls $16.00, BN calls $16.00, UTG calls $16.00
Turn ($91.00) 4 7 8 T (4 Players)
UTG checks, Hero bets $54.00, HJ folds, BN calls $54.00, UTG folds
River ($199.00) 4 7 8 T 2 (2 Players)
Hero checks, BN bets $324.00, Hero calls $141.20
Final Pot
BN has 7 6 UTG2 has T T UTG2 wins $478.60

Nov. 8, 2012 | 3:43 a.m.

+1 to bet big/call, looking to shove a ton of rivers. Not shoving non flush river board pairs, 2, 6 and T. But I think that's it.

Nov. 7, 2012 | 7:49 a.m.

Comment | benzooka commented on Do I Jam This River?
+1 to above range. Air + 44,55,67s, and I'd add 45s, k4s, and k5s to the flop range (though by the river all flop two pair are counterfeit and aren't calling the jam or firing out imo, except 45 as a bluff.)

HOWEVER if he's xraise calling KQ/KJ then I'd definitely raise river. I don't expect it, but if I call and he shows me one of those I'll adjust immediately for future hands: folding to his flop xraises in steal positions more, value raising these spots lighter, and value betting his x calls lighter.

Nov. 5, 2012 | 5:28 p.m.

Feels like his range as a whole is pretty much destroying ours equity wise with two streets to play though is what I meant by "feels like it's all ahead of us though"

Oct. 31, 2012 | 5:55 p.m.

REALLY unfamiliar with this stake's trends.
Why do you think he can never have a flush draw; could he be trying to purchase a cheap check to him on the turn to get to see both cards type of thing? Could he have limped an overpair and be scared of the connectivity of the board and now just raises small? Could he not be thinking at all and doesn't want to lose anybody with a monster?

My hand reading raider scanner is spinning and I'm just not picking up any blips. What the hell is raising this small on a board this wet that he limped?

How's he going to play different turn and river cards which each group of his small flop raising range? How can we best respond from all the options?

Feels like it's all ahead of us though, and we are oop which is just going to make our already tricky hand tough to play. I'm leaning towards a flop fold, because I just think even though we are getting a great "absolute" price, I don't forsee any comfortable turn/river plans on any cards that aren't a 6 or and 8.

Would like to hear more detailed thoughts on his range, your percieved range, and your actual range in your thoughts to really get to building plans that revolve around why to do something instead of what to do :)

Oct. 31, 2012 | 5:53 p.m.

Hand History | benzooka posted in NLHE: Interesting spot(But I have the nuts)
BN: $100
SB: $49
BB: $108.46
UTG: $97.85
UTG1: $134.77
UTG2: $42.80
LJ: $215.47
HJ: $199.93
CO: $47.50
Preflop ($1.50) (9 Players)
Hero was dealt A A
UTG folds, UTG1 calls $1.00, UTG2 folds, Hero raises to $5.00, HJ calls $5.00, CO folds, BN folds, SB folds, BB folds, UTG1 folds
Flop ($12.50) 2 6 9 (2 Players)
Hero bets $8.00, HJ calls $8.00
Turn ($28.50) 2 6 9 A (2 Players)
Hero bets $17.00, HJ raises to $52.00, Hero calls $35.00
River ($132.50) 2 6 9 A 2 (2 Players)
Hero checks, HJ bets $84.11, Hero raises to $150.47, HJ folds
Final Pot
LJ wins $297.92

Oct. 31, 2012 | 5:17 a.m.

Post | benzooka posted in Chatter: Building a dream study plan
I know just putting in the time alone doesn't make you great. If you want to be great at something, the best chance you can give yourself to be great is to dedicate yourself to it; doing the work and the homework right every night.

I realized I love poker and I wanted to be great so I committed myself to between 45-120 minutes a night of study in the evenings. But I want to study right, I don't want to be the guy at the YMCA shooting hoops all day, because at the end of the day he's still awful.

So what are the best ways to study? And I like to study/practice, so there really are no wrong ideas. Even when I was playing soccer, I preferred practice to playing because that's where my favourite art is: building your strategy and ability to showcase it when you later perform.

To be honest I ended up watching a lot of discussion training videos while taking notes, because it was so easy and fun. Since I was taking notes I still felt it was active enough to justify doing. I hadn't set any limitations on my schedule other than time, so I think I just never really tried my other ideas because I didn't already like them because I hadn't tried them long enough to like them. That logic sounds ridiculous out loud, but I think it's pretty common.

I'd love perspective of things to try while I build my dream study-style. Right now my vision looks something like this:

Assumption: I'm playing a lot of poker at the time so I'm not overloading the information before I get a chance to test it in the field

Tuesday: Training Video with notes
-emphasis on condensing the knowledge into a point I can review in my warmup and apply to my game to make my best even better OR a correction to one of my common mistakes.

Wednesday: Opponent analysis
- The player pool is getting pretty thin, and I see the same faces every day. It makes sense to spend the time to disect my opponets, and learn to destroy them.
-Right now I just filter through the hands that go to showdown, specifically vs regs of similar playstyles to mine, run through them with general notes, look for common themes and try to understand what he's thinking. Make sure I put this into note form I can quickly and accurately adapt my play with.
-I would love further insight into how to breakdown an opponent and analyze them.

Thursday: Live Sweat Session/Sweat recording/Commentating a done sweat
-To gain new perspectives from my own, and other insights. Basically to find out stuff I don't even know I don't know.

Friday: HH Reviews with extensive poker stoving
-Become comfortable with how equities are affected by different variables, and practice developing accurate range construction based on my reads of the situation.

Saturday: Card Runners EV work
-Haven't used this yet, but it seems like a really powerful tool for understanding how altering one part of your range affects the rest and get a general idea of the overall situation.
-Seems like a generally bad ass tool to have some skill in.

Sunday: Free-Choice

NOTE: Monday is my regular holiday but can swap out for any other day if there's a daytime event that week

A good post I read on study options

Other possible ideas to develop:

The hand reading game from the above post
Driling pokerstove/math based stuff
Discussion of general theory groups - maybe pick a particular topic in advance and just develop the idea ie. building your opening range reactive to the table, what to look for and how much weight to give to what etc.
Forum time: Right I just do it that when I've got some time, or I'm just particularly into it (this is the first forum I've felt that way about 4 years into poker)

Really looking forward to hearing how people got good, or better yet great!

Oct. 31, 2012 | 2:47 a.m.

First, something seems wrong with your hand history with the pre flop raise sizes. If you used the sites hand converted and it's a bug, please report it.

Second, I'm not a heads up player, so I'm not in touch with any of the trends.

It seems to me one of three things is happening on the river:

I'm going to make the assumption he close to never checks back the turn with anything better than A8? And probably bets the weaker Ax hands something like half the time? He's probably also betting his turned flush draws a majority of the time.

1) he's been induced to bluff
2) induced to value bet light with a hand that was scared to bet the turn but beats us, or
3) the river gave him a strong hand.

in case 1 rebluffing him has just as much value as calling. This part of his range seems pretty wide if you induce any river bluffs as nearly his entire range of air makes it to the river in this fashion.

in case 2 turning our hand into a bluff 3bet gets a lot of folds. The problem is his range for thin value hands that make it to the river is so narrow already before even considering his thought process would have to be to go for thin value with a pot sized river raise on a river card that doesn't improve this part of his range. This seems even less likely given he would have to have displayed a tendency against going for thin value by checking back the river He also has to decline the deliciously priced bet size with his moderate show down value. This range seems almost non-existent.

in case 3 almost no matter what his cards are that improved on the river, 2 pair, straight, flush draw, I think it's a spot where at lower stakes people are going to talk themselves into a call because psychologically they already feel we're trying to be tricky from our lead, and feel this part of their range is so disguised by their turn check we can be trying to bluff them off. So reraising is just burning money here. This range is pretty thin here too: a passively played turned back door flush draw/T8, 99, Q9 and J9.

It seems like it's a pretty easy call once he raises the river.


Oct. 28, 2012 | 3:40 a.m.

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