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Comment | benjhxc commented on Ipt san remo 770

I dont see the point to 3bet biger, we are 40 deep and i am ip,he is stil caling whatever he want to cal pre with a bigger sizing and we have less playability postflop  .

April 15, 2014 | 5 p.m.

Comment | benjhxc commented on Ipt san remo 770

I did 3b to 4k i corrected it on the original post

April 15, 2014 | 4:20 p.m.

Post | benjhxc posted in MTT: Ipt san remo 770

We are at 400/800 ante 100 and i am on the bu with ako after à min open from an italian Guy, he is playing about 30k and i am covering him, we don t have much history other than i squeezed all in 22 and won the flip against his mp ako flat and after that he quite the table 10 minutes before diner break so he might be a little upset against me' he is playing a lot of hands (too Many) and don t seems to be à good poker player , i 3b to 4k and he cals as expected and the flop came qqc7c  and i don t have any club, i chose to check back and the turn is the 9c' he bets rater quickly 8,2k ans i decided to cal after thinking about it a few secunds.

The river came the ah and hé almost snap bet almost all of his chips bottine 19,5 k .

What do we do given the fact that this should not be a river he is wiling too bluff.


April 10, 2014 | 11 p.m.

ok guys thanks for the replies that's what he did an what we thaught to be the best option afterward

Jan. 29, 2014 | 12:39 a.m.

This hand was played by a friend of mine and we are debating about the best option here.

So we are early in the day 2 so far away from the money .

The table is not realy good besides two french guys.

Co is a swedish guy opening a lot in late pos (hero played him the day 1) and the bb is a recreational player who will probably defend nearly 100% if we flat the button.

blind are 400/800 ante 100 we have 18k and the or has 40k

I think we have all options here other than folding.

What you guys would do here?


Jan. 28, 2014 | 1:08 p.m.

and i also dont get the defend of the 3b on the buton with qto with 20x behind even if you have good odds agains a range containing possibly many bluf

Dec. 26, 2013 | 5:51 a.m.

21 : 45   we have 45% against this 9 bb shove range from the hj with jts :


i am not sure that this is a +ev cal

Dec. 26, 2013 | 5:45 a.m.

I dont think defending 35o which is basicly equal to any two is profitable against a player you describe as fairly competent; this hand is not going to flop well and this is even mor ev- when you are not so deep...

Aug. 4, 2013 | 4:27 a.m.

i m agree with the post flop fold given the range of the tight player and since you are not not beaten anymore a lot of his range  but i dont get get why you dont want not to gii with kk against a tight qq+ ak 3b range.

Aug. 4, 2013 | 4:22 a.m.

i dont realy like your sizing with the aq check raise river hand; i mean like 6500 does the same effect and i dont think you are making it so large with the nuts.

I dont get why you bet so big on the flop on 789hh with aa; i mean on a mono board people are playing less back and you dont have to worrie about being bluf since you are b/folding anyway.

Aug. 4, 2013 | 4:13 a.m.

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