15 points
Hi Alex at 33:09, I was surprised that we are limping QJo. With this stack distribution, I thought the SB would be jamming aggressively with offsuit BW, low pairs, low Ax and suited hands since there is huge ICM pressure with the short stack being 10bb. Would like to have seen the sim for this one.
March 23, 2023 | 4:01 p.m.
Great video Alex, interesting to note in the 99 hand at 29:08 it looks like QJ/QT/JT are low frequency bluffs blocking IP's folds from TT-QQ but a lot of the missed fds with two low cards or one high one low are bluffing high freq or pure.
I also noticed the use of the turn overbet in the delay line which I don't have in my arsenal, will need to investigate those.
Hey Brian, thanks for the vid. I like to have all tables open and screenshot using gyazo for bubble spots to run on HRC. If you have bb conversion with software like jurojin, makes it quite easy to input all stacks for the most accurate result.
@20:11, villain opens from HJ but in the sim you reference the BU. Still feels too tight to fold a hand this strong with good postflop playability. With how shallow the average stack is think it's worth it to risk bubbling here and play to win chips to increase the likelihood of running deeper.
Sept. 18, 2023 | 4:16 p.m.