Ben C
0 points
V's turn raise is a little bit LOL bc he is only repping QJ here or JJ, your IP I would prob call this and see what he does on the rvr. It Would be good to know if he is nitty or spazzy, does he raise combo draws like 910ss on the turn etc? also sizing is pretty big so I would be curious to know if you think he raises larger when he has value or when he wants FE. I guess lots of if's here to consider... and so maybe calling and folding are closer than it looks from the outset..
Aug. 27, 2014 | 1:42 p.m.
So basically because he opens a 23% range UTG, we can 3 bet a 17% range (A5ss) and then piss all over him post so to speak bc our range in inherently stronger? It sounds good maths wise... but what do we rep? (which is the point of my other post) and secondly if our range is thoretically stronger, then why not just ck call down and always profit vs his range (this is obv retorical and it is meant to be tounge in cheek). Also if V can hand read at all I think it's not as great as the math suggests. Maybe this hand isn't spew.. maybe it's genius and I'm not getting it.. so please explain a little more in depth?
Aug. 26, 2014 | 7:09 p.m.
I agree that Vill has a weak range here that also beats us, But if V can hand read an LP 3bet should be weaker than just AKdd AKsuited and JJ+ which is what your repping here IDK if you 3 bet small pp so I left them out / and sets if you would 3 bet them in this spot then add back them in.
When you get to the river you are shoving Pot which seems def polarized but more bluffy, bc you are polarized to what types of strong hands? You cant really have any Heart,Heart hands that contain a Kh, I don't think you blast blast with QJhh or naked overcards, and so it looks so much like you backed into a K as I said in the above post, or just a bluff of missed diamonds....specifically, AKdd would fit as one strong hand that gets there I guess but why pot that against a weak range? Bet it smaller to get value from worse or induce spews....
It might be +++ev to blast away but would this line work against you Peter Jennings (a Pro) or someone who can hand read? I'm not sure it would even work against me, who is likely a weaker player than you :)
Im new to this forum but I come from a Live Med Stakes with very solid fundamentals and a coached background, and I am just trying to understand the Internet wizardry that goes on here, so I can earn my wand so to speak and so I am really just trying to understand and not trying to contradict so thanks for your time!
Aug. 26, 2014 | 4:18 p.m.
This hand from the outside looks like your repping missed diamonds that maybee backed into a K on the rvr... Not sure i get the bet bet shove line at all here with your hand.. It seems like you could have just as easily taken a c/c line throughout and then just repped the K on the rvr and risked less..
Also not really sure why we are taking basically a low value bluff catching hand and turning it into a potentially high risk stack spew for the sake of getting V off a likely med str hand even though it worked.. Am i missing something?
Aug. 26, 2014 | 12:33 a.m.
Is pf suppossedly standard here? going back to pf what do you think V is 3 betting you with pf and then cking flop with? In zoom I may even fold to a v 3! depending on tendencies bc you shld often be dominated by his 3 bet range. That being said post he played this like a passive AK type hand and I would prob just ck back rvr out of confusion for being slowplayed more than anything else
"Also 33 and 55 which are a non-insignificant portion of his value range that's crushing me. Regarding reads - everything I know about villain is posted in the OP."
I would think these hands raise flop when you might be more inclined to spew. But I suppose you are right that a lot of rec player so seems to just flat these on flop..
Aug. 27, 2014 | 9:14 p.m.