9 points
Started this thread to get opinions on different strategies to counter overly aggressive IP 3bers and if developing a 4b shoving range is viable.
For example lets assume hero's position is CO (27% open) and he is 3b by the villain on the BTN at 10% in this dynamic.
I believe the widest his absolute "value" range could be is 4.68% {TT+, AQo+, AQs+}. We also know that villain is a competent reg and is flatting these hands pre some % of the time. So this is an estimation of what his 3b value range would look like BTN vs CO with weights attached: {TT(.5), JJ(.5), QQ(.75), KK(.9), AA(.9), AQo(.5), AQs(.5), AKo(.75), AKs(.9)}
This gives villain a true "value" 3b% of around 3.16%. If he's 3bing at 10% overall this means that villian will have to fold to a shove more than twice as often as he can call.
Hero has a 4b shoving range of {55-77,TT-JJ} which has 40% equity when called.
Assuming 5.10 blinds. $25 Open from hero and $100 3b from villian
EV=($92.4+137.28)- 193.05
If these assumption are correct our 4b shoving range yields us +3.63BBs.
To me this seems like a good result because the 55-77 portion of our range is very difficult to play. It seems too nitty to fold to someone 3bing this much, way to spewey to 4b/call and too difficult to play post flop to open/ call 3b.
Why not have a OOP 4b shove range against villains who simply have too many wide 3bs IP if we can show a profit? Is this strategy of developing a 4b shove range just too transparent and easy to adjust to? Interested to hear your thoughts.
Jan. 30, 2017 | 2:44 a.m.
I partly agree with DoF. I'll 3b half my combos of 98 in this situation. I like raising the turn not flop, but that just goes with my overall strat.I would raise this river sometimes, but certainly not w/out a plan. I'd be more inclined to raise vs this smaller sizing as it's indicative of made hands less than a flush.
If i exploitatively believe that villian is hardly capable of bluff shoving, I would R/F(This is a tough assumption to make and potentially a giant mistake as he is playing deep 10/25 i have to believe most villians are capable of bluff shoving here when holding the nut blocker even the recs).
If i believe villian is capable and agressive, and also views me as such I'll consider to R/C
If i'm indifferent or not quite sure i would call and not raise.
I think the sentiment now from most is to just call. I do think that not atleast considering a raise is a mistake if your image is considered to be aggresive/capable/creative etc. You'll get to this river with a fair ammount of potential bluffing hands and I think that villian may percieve your bluffing frequency to increase vs this smaller sizing as compared to a larger sized bet.
Nov. 14, 2015 | 6:58 p.m.
Hi Teunuss, Enjoy the journal!
Regarding the Ac3x bluff into KxQc how is is hand a beautiful bluff catcher besides the obvious he has the Qc?
My assumption is because the Ac and Kc are your best bluffing hands and he doesn't block those, is the Qc better to have vs him somehow having a bluff catcher with the Ac?
Oct. 30, 2015 | 9:41 p.m.
"The best series on RIO"... FYP
July 17, 2015 | 11:03 p.m.
Hi all,
I am a 5/10-10/20 hu/6m NLHE player looking for a coach for HM2/ CrEV/Flopzilla or equivalent programs coach. Also would consider starting a study group for anyone interested but would prefer 1-on-1 coaching.
June 27, 2015 | 6:57 p.m.
I always assumed the real service was having them get your bank account set-up. Something that would be extremley difficult as a non-spanish speaker. Are you saying you can do this on your own?
June 4, 2014 | 4:09 p.m.
Good video Peter, it's obvious you've spent a lot of time thinking about the game.
April 16, 2014 | 2:48 p.m.
Hero(mistakenly), overbets and gets jammed on/ folds, and was shown KT by villian
Dec. 29, 2013 | 5:46 p.m.
To your point Peter, Readless, I'd expect his AJ or even QJ to lead river some percentage of the time. I don't think it would be in my stratedy to lead turn and check river with those holdings.
I think it would be pretty cool to play your Txdd and Kxdd as a CRAI on the river to balance the times you'd want to do it with KT. If i had missed diamonds i wouldn't expect to get enough folds by betting again on the river.
You say your range is protected against a X/R on the river because you can show up w/ KT so you can b/f all your non straight hands. But if his stratedy is to bet AJ, QJ on the river himself, X/R KT, and draws, and x/f the rest i'm not so sure this is true.
Dec. 11, 2013 | 3:33 p.m.
BB: Big Blind: $2004.50
BN: Ryzy: $4684.50
Ryzy raises to $40, Small Blind calls $30, Big Blind calls $20
Dec. 10, 2013 | 4:56 p.m.
Don't think he was being insulting either.
Btw, You're paying 99bucks/mo to watch the highest quality poker training videos on the internet.
Oct. 20, 2013 | 4:37 a.m.
I really enjoyed this video Ben.
As stated, there is a lot of information and misinformation floating around the boards about GTO and I'm glad you're making videos to clear it up.
Looking forward to future concept videos, and would really enjoy some sort of vid about utilizing CREV for us Noobs
10% is vs HERO 3b BTN vs CO .
12% overall 3B BTN vs CO
Jan. 31, 2017 | 7:12 p.m.