baronverde's avatar


5 points

Do you think that by GII which is the most acceptable and standard play allows villain to play us perfectly? Don't even consider flatting here? The SPR resultant is more or less 2 with let us with almost no room postflop but consider the fishy 7x open raise, I think seeing 3 cards will lead the villain into more expensive mistakes since our hand is a premiun and it does flop pretty good, also keeping us alive in this mid stages of the tourney with a healthy stack of 30BB.

I'm pretty sure that I am shoving that here all day long, but on the other hand in a regular speed tourney (in a turbo other than shoving is a huge mistake as we won't get those premiums much and people is more preflop shoves happy) we can reduce a bit variance by not flipping for 70 BB and trying to play some postflop even out of position, which is not a big deal since the SPR is 2 and let the villain make huge mistakes against us by for example being uncapable of folding 99,TT on a K54 board, I'm not sure if my thoughts make sense or I am another fish in the sea, but many times I founded myself flipping obvius 53% vs 47% or so coins with 40-50 BB which I don't know if it's perfectly fine in soft tournaments..


Aug. 14, 2015 | 4:36 p.m.

Comment | baronverde commented on 11 SKO spot

As the 4 bet sizing is more than 3x and quite big I think he is never folding, so you need a very strong range, but I think he mb include some AQs, 99 or even 88, so I GII with TT+ and AK, some 3bet stats needed as mb he is a nit and my advice would be awful LOL.

PD: I'm a happy jamming monkey, feel shame including AQs in my jamming range :)

Aug. 12, 2015 | 4:12 p.m.

@13:47 Would you like to 4 bet shove here with KJs? I think for me is the bottom of my range in this situation, and I would shove with A9s+ AJo+ , KJs+, KQo+, 77+. I don't know if this is on the looser side and should be tighten a bit. Appreciate your thoughts on this and very solid video.

Aug. 12, 2015 | 3:44 p.m.

Thank you Luke, I will check those series!

Aug. 12, 2015 | 3:28 p.m.

I completely agree with you that there is not so much difference busting 200th or 30th and therefore you should play to win, but when taking those risky spots with hands like KJs late in a tournament, I prefer to be on the jamming rather than on the calling side to preserve FE, in this case you were opening from UTG so I would assume some respect on my raise and expect someone reshoves on me not so light as villain did.

Aug. 10, 2015 | 4:20 a.m.

Think this would be an easy call for you in the future, the only hand you have to be worried about is AK from my point of view and is highly unlikely due to the previous actions, you can remove a 6 as I think villain is likely to play it in slower pace.

Aug. 10, 2015 | 4:09 a.m.

Great video, I've learned a ton from you, I am quite interested in your thoughts about Ginzaboom question because I struggle a bit in this 10-20 BB spots, most of the time I am jamming this 97s type of hands from a 15-20 BB stack after a raise which I don't know if it is the optimal play.

Aug. 10, 2015 | 4 a.m.

Hello everyone!

Are there any vids or series where this topic is heavily discussed or mentioned?

I have essential subscription.

Thanks in advance!

Aug. 9, 2015 | 10:49 p.m.

5:30 You had A3off in the button with 8 BB, you were talking about this was on the bubble but even though, would you do better by shoving this one, or mb you prefer open folding instead to get ITM? I assume the shoving option lead us to suffer variance, but on the other hand, is the best move IMO to preserve FE. Thanks for those vids man.

Aug. 7, 2015 | 3:02 p.m.

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