1 points
Is there gonna be a forum for the PADS course? No comments option, no forum, it's quite weird at the moment.
March 4, 2021 | 12:05 a.m.
Both holdem manager and poker tracker work for plo8, I haven't been using neither HM3 (still using HM2) or Mac, but I think there is a PT4 version for Mac. You can download free trials of both - PT4 and HM3 (not sure if HM2 is still available). At the beginning just some basic stats will be enough, then you can customize it to put all you need.
April 1, 2020 | 8:44 a.m.
I wouldn't think so much about timing - unless you saw him earlier snap shoving top/mid range, there is no reason to be so sure, that he is not doing it with premium hands as well.
Pretty tough spot anyway - and I totally agree that it's hard to say anything without calculator.
The shallow nature indeed has some impact on ICM - it actually makes ICM even more relevant, factors that can normally justify slightly minus ICM plays no longers exist
April 1, 2020 | 8:37 a.m.
He can have a lot of A-high flushes and sets and can easily jam all of them for value - without some really strong reads I'd say it's a no brainer fold. Most players just never jam hands like T9s here, the only natural bluffs I can think of are Ahx, but not too many of those in his preflop range. It really seems like a spot where he's just going for max value from your mid flushes.
April 1, 2020 | 8:32 a.m.
In general - similar strategy as for soft PLO - play very tight, hit the board and get it in with the nuts. Look for nuttines, wheel cards, suited ace, queens+ with some low cards are still fine.
In multiways 2nd or 3rd nut low will often be no good - look for hands like nut low draw + nut fd/two pair etc.
April 1, 2020 | 8:16 a.m.
7:38 I really don't like the 2nd barrel here, it's way too strong hand to bluff, I wouldn't call it a valuebet either and it's a disaster if we get raised here.
11:40 I totally agree that it's not a great hand to x/r, but against a limper I'd rather lead this flop myself
March 31, 2020 | 6:09 p.m.
7:38 I really don't like the 2nd barrel here, it's way too strong hand to bluff, I wouldn't call it a valuebet either and it's a disaster if we get raised here.
11:40 I totally agree that it's not a great hand to x/r, but against a limper I'd rather lead this flop myself
Hey, sure, I'm already in the group. Thank you for your responses.
April 12, 2021 | 1:39 p.m.