7 points
I'm doing a lot of practice using vision, for example I am doing BTN rfi practice right now and have around 95% accuracy. Most of the mistakes I make come from quite marginal hands, a few examples:
JJT3r I folded (should be raise)
A762 ss (A) I raised (should be fold, a763ss is raise)
9865 3s I raised (should be folded but minimum open for ss middle gap is 7643)
My question is how important is it to get these ~5% of really close hands correct?
Should I continue to grind BTN opens until I have Removed these GTO mistakes or is 95% accuracy good enough, should I move on and if uncertain about a BTN open in future mark it and address the mistake then?
May 10, 2022 | 9:55 a.m.
Hey ENEMYfu Yea I'd be interested in that, I need some motivation at the minute to get studying, been slacking recently, hit me up on discord. Bambi99333#6870
March 24, 2021 | 7:10 p.m.
Hey Stockings,
I'm quite early into my studies of this course but use quite a heavy study/play approach.
My perfect day of study (which happens a lot less often than I would like) goes something like this:
I go through an episode of the course making notes on the topic (currently working through the preflop episodes)
I pick a topic from my notes and focus on just that for 3-4 days, currently I'm building out my RFI ranges. I am picking 1-2 categories of hands a day and working out the minimum hand I should be opening from each position, and composing a cheat sheet of these hands to aid me in spots I'm unsure of.
I plan a play session of around 500 hands on two tables really focusing on the topic I have just studied. I have begun streaming my play sessions as this really really helps me focus, lose all distractions and even though the only people watching are 2 of my friends I am talking through every decision as I'm 'on camera' and it has significantly improved my play and decisions. I would start my session with a 30 minute warm up, using and ProPoker tools to test myself on my opening ranges which has really helped drill the ranges into my head. I then use the session as a live test, marking any hands I'm unsure of.
Post session I do a hand review on the positions I'm focusing on for that day, usually around 90 hands total, and go through each hand making sure I made the correct decision to raise or fold, and if I did make a mistake really deep diving into the mistake to work out:
a. Why was it a mistake
b. Why did I make the mistake
c. From this hand category what is the correct minimum hand I should be opening.
d. Note down my conclusions.- I would then Write in a play journal how the session went, any outcomes, and how confident I am in that topic, asking myself if it needs more work or I am confident to move on to the next topic.
This thorough approach has really helped me drill these topics into my head and I am already seeing success over 10k hands. I'd recommend testing out your study in a very focus heavy session at the very lowest stakes as for me it has really helped put the lessons into practice and see the positive effect good focus and good discipline has had on my game which is boosting my morale to stick at the study, something I have really struggled with in the past.
Feb. 26, 2021 | 1:04 p.m.
Thanks for the reply Mike, I've been playing around with and some ranges I imported into odds oracle and have found I am heavily undervaluing DS hands especially ones with an A in them hands like AT86$DS or AJ53$DS which I would normally just throw in the bin have been coming out as clear pots. it's something I'm going to try and focus on during my next few sessions. I'm really new as well but was also surprised by how much solver ranges value $DS hands
Feb. 12, 2021 | 12:32 p.m.
I've been reviewing my EP opens recently and found a few hands which I think are very in the middle of RFI or Fold:
AKQ6 (KSS): We should avoid Naked AKxx Rainbow hands, but this hand is SS and has a Q for extra connectivity however the dangling 6 makes this hand a lot weaker, and not being suited to the A could get us into trouble.
7766DS: This is a fairly low double pair but I think it makes up for that in perfect connectivity and being double suited however making flushs or straights with this hand could get me into trouble as it will often be a low straight/flush, also set over set coolers will happen more often playing low pairs. Would I have to play this hand super passively post flop, and if so what would be the point in opening it if it's so hard to get value when this hand hits, and it isn't blocking any opponent calls/3bets?
T877DS: I opened this hand but looking back I think it is more of a fold, the pair in the hand is low and the gap is at the top of the hand which can lead to drawing to the non-nut straight. Hands like TT97DS and T997DS seem like good candidates to open however, would I be correct in assuming this?
I also want to leave my weakest AAxx hands, as I'm fairly certain we should be opening all AAxx but these are some real bottom of the barrel hands: AA63r + AAQ3 3S
Any feedback on the hands and my assumptions would be greatly appreciated thanks!
Feb. 10, 2021 | 10:34 a.m.
I've just finished the Preflop RFI videos and was excited to review the hands I've opened from EP, play around with them in ProPoker tools, to see the bad shapes me opening these hands was putting me in, and then using Monker to discover what hands I should be raising instead.
Anyway I get to downloading these tool and they come to the cost of over 500 euro.
I understand how incredibly useful these tools are, but I can't justify dropping that much money on them when I definitely won't be using Monker to it full capabilities in the near future.
For what I have described above and relevant to what EMTY shows in those videos is there free, cheaper or non premium versions of these software that will do the same job?
I think you are right, quite minimal impact on my WR once I reach a high%.
I didn't want to convince myself I have mastered RFI and was ready to move on if I wasn't ready, but you are right I have clearly got it to a strong level, there is little point 'mastering' it if I could easily improve other areas of my game.
Thanks for the answer, GL to you too ElSquancho
May 10, 2022 | 3:06 p.m.