1 points
thanks, enjoy watching you play and listening to your thoughts on the game as you play-
3-4 tables is fine for me as at .50 PLO, people wont be too tricky and there is no need to do deep analysis on hands.
Dec. 29, 2014 | 11:14 a.m.
changed your HUD again?
Oct. 10, 2014 | 12:59 p.m.
BB: $127.25
UTG: $53.50
HJ: $46.19
CO: $337.06
BN: $88.97 (Hero)
UTG raises to $1, HJ calls $1, CO folds, Hero calls $1, SB folds, BB folds
Sept. 24, 2014 | 1:11 p.m.
thank you, its great to get into the mind of another PLO player. Eagerly look forward to more PLO content. Great video
Sept. 21, 2014 | 9:03 a.m.
If you watch enough of PG's videos, you will catch enough information where PG is in certain situations and refers to his HUD to help his thought process out.
I find this a better way to learn/understand the thought process and how the particular stat helps to make a specific decision in a certain situation.
Sept. 18, 2014 | 6:20 a.m.
Additionally if Jnandez87 agrees, I could paste the hud as a picture into this thread in HM2 designer format.
Sept. 12, 2014 | 8:05 a.m.
Hi, if you look at the first few vids that Jnandez made, he explained his hud in a bit more detail. I believe that since then the HUD has been amended a bit as the spacing looks different. The vids that you are looking for are titled "Flop strategy as preflop aggressor"
Click here for all vids from JNandez87
Sept. 12, 2014 | 8:03 a.m.
many thanks for the ongoing PLO content, I really love watching your style of play, your explanations of situations have helped my game tremendously.
Sept. 11, 2014 | 11:52 a.m.
Hi All
My 2 cents, I currently use a Logitech F710 Wireless Gamepad.
I use the gaming software to customise the sticks and/or buttons and then use tableninja t assign the keys.
works really well.
my zoom profile is simply to assign bet, fold,call/check to right,left,down on one of the analogue sticks.
many more things you can do with profiles and TN, but you can remove all clicking for example
Sept. 11, 2014 | 10:38 a.m.
Can you post some hand histories next time of when you were 4bet and what your throughts and actions were
Sept. 5, 2014 | 6:54 a.m.
recent content from Phil on 3bet pots OOP and Jnandez series on Flop strategy is what I mean
Sept. 3, 2014 | 12:13 p.m.
Please keep up the amazing PLO content, I really look forward to more content on exploiting opponents and takign non standard lines
Sept. 3, 2014 | 12:12 p.m.
Please Phil, make more videos like this
- theoretical followed by examples to show the theory
Sept. 3, 2014 | 11:49 a.m.
Good Luck Phil, looking forward to some HH reviews from this session please :-)
March 16, 2014 | 9:50 a.m.
I would focus more on the mental game: focus, concentration, tilt, etc.
It sounds like you have trouble dealing with those kind of things.
Feb. 10, 2014 | 12:04 p.m.
do you have stats of the other players?
Feb. 10, 2014 | 12:01 p.m.
if you are not in a rush, I would go for 100 buyin rule. I know its steep, but imo PLO can be very high variance and losing 10 buyins is not uncommon.
If you find yourself crushing a limit though, then move up and take stab.
Feb. 10, 2014 | 11:57 a.m.
I play exclusively Zoom @0.25/0.50
I would like a professional to analyse my game/coach. Am looking for a long term coaching relation ship, so this would be a nice variance free job for a poker coach looking to create the ultimate PLO player.
Happy to discuss further
Feb. 10, 2014 | 11:53 a.m.
I am also looking or a full time PLO coach. Currently play Zoom 0.25/0.50 and would like to move up stakes. Not sure if this is the right place to ask. I would like a once a week session of some sort.
Feb. 10, 2014 | 11:50 a.m.
Hi, thanks for the great insight. It nice to be able to watch the videos, decide what I would do and then compare it to your comments. Keep it coming.
On another note, and maybe this is a faq which I should look at myself, but how does one qualify to be able to get my play analysed by a coach.
Feb. 10, 2014 | 11:47 a.m.
many thanks, I currently only play PLO Zoom myself as I dont have the time to sit down playing for very long at any given moment. Looking forward to more
do you use a hud at all when not making RIO vids?
March 24, 2016 | 11:28 a.m.