4 points
I like your video... but my complaint has been mentioned a few times already. The mic quality is pretty awful, even at full quality. Also, many poker players have 4k monitors now - maybe it's time to up the resolution in the videos? I can barely read the hud stats
Dec. 8, 2014 | 11:32 p.m.
Agree with some others - the more tables the better. However, I think having your mouse over the table you're talking about is a necessity. I regularly play more tables than this, but still had to pause a few times because you guys weren't consistent in how you referred to which table you're commenting on. Sometimes you would say "vs this person", other times it's "here...", and other times it's "[title of the tourney]". Other than that, fantastic content, and I kind of prefer multiple people talking about the hands because it addresses some of the counter-points that come up when analyzing a single pro's perspective.
Nov. 14, 2014 | 9:28 p.m.
I understand. I just think the bullshit meter should be off the charts any time someone mentions quantum physics when they're not a physicist. I completely got what you're saying, I just think there are a lot of other valid scientific methodologies and explanations for the point you were trying to make about fatigue, etc.
I really enjoy your content - I guess pseudoscience is just a pet peeve of mine.
Oct. 23, 2014 | 10:28 p.m.
I was really enjoying this video until the second slide...
James, I encourage you to look up some of the features of pseudoscience. One of the biggest warning signs is that practitioners of pseudoscience tend to use jargon and/or scientific principles that aren't well understood by the average person. A great example of this is Deepak Chopra. People like Mr. Chopra use big words, and concepts like quantum physics to sound "scienc-ey". In fact, any time someone says they have any "theory" or (especially) product based on quantum physics, they're usually completely bullshitting. Even physicists with PhD's don't completely understand quantum physics. Actually, there's a famous quote on the subject by one of the greatest modern physicists, Richard Feynman: "If you think you understand quantum mechanics, you don't understand quantum mechanics." Furthermore, if someone understood quantum physics well enough to develop a product, technique, or anything based on said understanding, they could simply publish their results, AND COLLECT THEIR NOBEL PRIZE!
There's a lot more... but I've rambled enough. You're a smart guy, I think you get what I'm saying. In life, as with poker, we should question everything ;)
Mic is better, but c'mon - a great mic is like $50 on Amazon. You can afford it, and the people paying $100/mo expect it.
Dec. 22, 2014 | 11:23 p.m.