u l
0 points
Agree with SPrince.
OTF board is really bad for our range. I think it's standard to give up with tons of hands on that board, OTF but certainly OTT. So there aren't that many bluffs in our range --- also if villain wanted to bluff the flop would have been perfect. It's basically a good folding spot OTT.
I think check-call is a way better option (also protects of OTT checking range) IF:
1- I cannot get 3 legit streets of value
2- I have tons of equity against villain range
3- I'll have to fold on a raise.
I don't really see big downsides to c-c, he'll bet a lot of his AT hands and we'll take one more street of value anyway. One downside is to make it a toufh spot OTR, but that's not a reason to play sub-optimal turn!
exactly what i was looking for but links are dead :(
May 15, 2017 | 8:45 p.m.