jeff T
1 points
I haven't seen anything on the internet to help me completely comprehend the idea balance and how it applies in game practice -
FWIW I dont have well thought out ranges in any spots except super roughly my flop cbetting range on different boards (just because that spot probably comes up the most). I play 100plo on stars full time.
At lower stakes, knowing the game, playing your A game while looking to exploit fish is more or less sufficient enough to win.
So against other regs - if im at least aware enough to not play my hands too standardly, and to not bluff in the same spots over and over, or to have a rough flop cbetting range/checking range .....is that sufficient enough to not worry about it ? Do I need to develop/widen my range in spots even at 100plo ?
Or are there players who are seriously winning because of balance/they actually are so in tune with other players imbalances ?
If so, how do I become aware of other players who are balanced ?
How many .50 - 1 and 1-2 PLO players on stars are aware of balance in the games ? Anyone beating other regs based on specific balanced or imbalanced play ?
If you consider yourself a relatively balanced player,
How long does it take you to figure out if a player is balanced in liveplay ?
How hard/easy is it to exploit an unbalanced player ?
How important is the math ?
Dec. 7, 2013 | 7:30 a.m.
I want to start playing with the ranges of villains but I dont feel confident estimating. For an UTG 20% open for example, do I plug in big pairs, A high rundowns, K high rundowns, one gappers, two gappers, all suited all rainbow all 3 to a suit all double suited, some double pair hands say 99xx +... I dont know how I can actually estimate it accurately to gauge my equity in different spots...and Im sure Ill end up miscalculating my equity in every spot. Anyone who can tell me how they started out doing this Id appreciate it.
Dec. 5, 2013 | 5:02 p.m.
i raise the turn here pretty much always against a guy with those stats. Against a guy like this I think just minraising or raising to 12-15 is fine. He could be betting a straight ott but its more likely two pairs, flush draws, sets and random BS. My sizing is small because I just want to rep the straight, if you raise huge it polarizes you (in his mind) to 96xx. Most rec. players will call my turn raise and fold to my river bet. I would be way less likely to play a hand like this against a reg. If you just call the turn, youre almost always going to loose the hand when you dont hit a flush, so I dont love flatting the turn. Its not bad but raising is better.
Dec. 2, 2013 | 5:36 a.m.
My stats are EXACTLY the same as yours. Everything normal in the leaktracker but I'm way out of range on those 3 stats. I'm not even sure if those stats are referring to cbets or just bets ? I basically disregarded them figuring they had to be off, but now that you've brought up the same thing hopefully I can verify that this is in fact just a bad stat check ? I wonder if everyone is way out of range for these 3 in leaktracker ?
Nov. 28, 2013 | 2:29 a.m.
B/F > C/C > C/F
Oct. 23, 2013 | 8:42 p.m.
I highly doubt sauce expected Doug to call with Khi here. Question: If doug folds his King highs, does sauce bluff become profitable?
Sept. 16, 2013 | 7:49 p.m.
i think flop play is fine. turn sucks but you cant do anything but fold. i know they exist but its pretty rare that you find a guy who's bluffing in that spot. if i were raising flop as a bluff against this kind of player i often pot it (or really close to pot) so they cant possibly manuever without a big hand. i know its nice to be able to bluff for less but honestly potting it makes it pretty much impossible for them to do anything without a hand (plus i think he folds all his flush draws too).
FWIW I think a flop float and a turn raise would be better, i know your hand is bad but you can raise probably 100% of turn cards ?
Sept. 14, 2013 | 1:56 p.m.
if hes not raising your cbets too often then i think it has to be a bet/fold right ? You're way behind his value range and his hands that are worse then yours still have to have a ton of equity ? Check/call or bet/fold unless you have a plan to attack lots of turns and rivs
Sept. 14, 2013 | 1:25 p.m.
love u but this video is no bueno
July 30, 2013 | 3:55 a.m.
Always funny getting to see urself in a video
There's more than 2 run it once members at this ft :p
Too bad one of us didn't have such a happy ending. :P
June 20, 2013 | 2:30 a.m.
I just found it so bizarre that the 11/8 was flatting me pre. I def agree that the squeezers range isn't all that much to be worried about, he's def capable of jamming some hands we crush, and tons we flip with, but that flatter being so nitty threw me off. Its odd because I basically don't find a fold here to often, but the tightness of the flatter usually is an argument to jam because its even more likely he'll fold a decent portion of his range.
Dec. 30, 2012 | 3:45 a.m.
Dec. 24, 2012 | 4:13 a.m.
LJ: polleblues: 542512
HJ: iamhlv: 1816646
CO: RemuS775: 3360814
BN: max1620: 783947
SB: xsizz: 565980
BB: wwwSARPETcz: 333442
UTG: Chester20o: 353778
UTG1: Hero: 870968
Chester20o folds, Hero raises to 51249, polleblues folds, iamhlv calls 51249, RemuS775 folds, max1620 folds, xsizz folds, wwwSARPETcz raises to 330317, and is all in, Jon Doe bets 250
What do we make of his flat?
Jammer is 17/15 over about 100 hands and I had played with him earlier at another table, without seeing him really get out of line or do anything stupid.
Are we always Iso jamming here?
If the flatter wasn't so nitty I would never have a question about it.
But that flat and then the other guys jam range make this seem somewhat questionable to pile in.
What are you gents doing here.
Dec. 24, 2012 | 4:13 a.m.
Dec. 23, 2012 | 5:57 p.m.
Dec. 23, 2012 | 6:24 a.m.
Less tables Czar :)
Dec. 23, 2012 | 6:18 a.m.
Whose your favorite team. Chelsea over here.
Total thread derail. apologies.
Dec. 23, 2012 | 6:18 a.m.
Seems like you'd be left to guess in a ton of spots vs randoms, and lose the action at a lot of tables mid hand.
Not suggesting you don't make it work, clearly you are profitable, just seems like if anything, that amount of tables should stress you out, regardless of hud or different software's for sites.
I feel like in the past 6 months, the amount of tables I play continually goes down.
Especially on Sundays where I have no made a conscious decision to play less tables, but higher stake MTTs, in an effort to gain a slight edge to all the ppl clicking buttons on 20 tables on a Sunday.
People say they like to have fun when playing poker, obv. its a mixture of keeping the game fun, but trying to do whatever you have to make as much profit as possible, however, poker just feels a lot better to me when you play less tables, digest situations and actually think about spots.
I'm not really sure how one can argue that it changes from person to person.
Less tables means more focus, more focus means catching more of the nuances at your tables, which means you can do a better job of exploiting people who can't take that same time to pick certain things apart.
In Andy's video he talks about going back to see hands that go to showdown, when you have 20 tables up, you really just aren't doing this because you miss most action, specially when you are stacking.
I also think there is nothing worse then having 15 tables up while you are at a final table.
Also think the more tables you have up, the more you need a hud, as you can't grasp gameflow when you are just scrambling to make a decision every 3 seconds basically.
But alas, ppl are doing that every day, and making money doing it...just wonder if they'd make more if they played less tables.
Looking forward to the progression of this conversation.
Dec. 20, 2012 | 6:07 p.m.
We play together everyday, and you are obv. a very sick player, so I hold you to a high standard and thats what I wanna see in your videos, not to say this isn't it, but I bet you (dont bet) can do a bit better if you take it a bit more seriously, or at least come off that way for optical reasons.
Looking forward to parts 4 and 5.
Dec. 20, 2012 | 6:53 a.m.
Dec. 18, 2012 | 8:38 a.m.
Dec. 15, 2012 | 8:34 p.m.
Howevers...there are a couple of spots where I feel like your lax attitude discredits a lot of the good strat that you employ.
Obv you are who you are I just feel like the vibe you give off during the video is like oh lol this is my play here, lol he's a fish...lol it worked here and its gonna work most of the times.
Not so sure.
Don't mean to be vague and not asking you to be someone you are not, as part of what makes your videos and style great is the unique outlook on the game and the tone in which you proceed.
Would have to rewatch (and will rewatch) to be more accurate, and that doesn't mean I don't think you are a great mtt'er, just not sure about the videos yet. Its like fun to listen to you...but...ya.
I think just calling down all 3 streets is fine. I think the nut blocker bets the turn in a 4 bet pot a ton. I mean, when you get to the turn on that board in a 4 bet pot, how often are you check folding ? I feel like nut blocker against your flop calling range is standard profitable bet for villain. And by the river people still decide to shove it a lot. I feel like more then any other spot, this deep in a 4 bet pot is where people decide to use the blocker a ton. I think calling down is fine against most regs with no real history ?
Dec. 2, 2013 | 7:21 p.m.