Big Noets's avatar

Big Noets

11 points

Comment | Big Noets commented on $1K MTT Hand History

'I have, my video is very similar to theirs, and level of play and review is higher or similar to all 3 of those guys videos."

You got some balls sir.

I'd very muck like for S. Greenwood to chime in about you saying you do a better job than him making mtt videos.

Maybe he'll challenge you to a HU too where you get 4 cards vs his two :p

Dec. 8, 2016 | 9:55 p.m.

Comment | Big Noets commented on $1K MTT Hand History

INTERESTING why this is elite video

Dec. 8, 2016 | 3:27 a.m.

they should make 2.0x speed for this

Nov. 23, 2016 | 4:51 p.m.

oh c'mon, #flashdacashbalancebra :D

Oct. 19, 2016 | 11:52 p.m.

Great vid! Would like to see some more of these in depth analysis on IP triple barrel bluffrange (fe. K-high semi-connected board) and some turn x/r-barrel riverspots if possible.

Oct. 13, 2016 | 1:30 p.m.

Comment | Big Noets commented on Bounty MTT Strategy

Hi, was having a discussion w some1 about the value of a bounty in a $21 SKO where $10 goes into the prizepool and $10 to a some1 who busts another player. If I make the calculation I understand that a bounty will be the equivalent to starting stack: ($10/$10)*3000 = 3000. Now some1 else was adamant the bounty was only worth 1500 or even less. This was his response to me saying its worth 3k: " if that is true, you should be indifferent to recieving 3000 chips or $10 in your pocket or the other way selling 3000 chips for $10 in your pocket. In the $22 SKO if you offered me 3000 chips or $10 I'm taking 3000 chips no question. Apestyle's (and others) mistake is they neglict the equity from your stack in the bounty portion of the tournament and only equating the buyin to the money going into the payout structure having chips lets you win bounty money. Another way to think about it, say there are 1000 players that means there are 3m chips in play. If 3000 chips = $10, then there is $10,000 in tournament equity but 1000 players put up $22,000 to play so what happened to all the other equity? ... Right, it's in the chips and the 3k = $10 calculation is undervaluing chips. Another thing in SKO is that chips change value a lot.Bounty is worth 1500 chips (from 3000 starting stack), but not always. Say you are the start of the tournament adding 1500 chips to a player with 2500 chips is more valuable than adding 1500 chips to a 4000 stack. Essentially being a short stack in a SKO is double punishment." So what do you think?


Jan. 21, 2016 | 12:47 a.m.

Hi, Q about the AJss hand on JTXxss flop: Is this a board we could check a lot since we have less Jx hands from an UTG range than say Ax/Kx?

Dec. 13, 2015 | 12:01 p.m.

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