ampm93's avatar


3 points

And if he correctly reads that 3x is the villain's standard range so he doesn't do it with just the hands he's going in with, couldn't we 3bet shove pre? You reasoned that the BB is still in play, but my point is: Which hands is the BB going to call your 3bet shove for a pretty big part of his stack? We already have an A blocker, and possibly the button opener has some blockers as well, so does it make sense to sacrifice the strenght of your play by being cautious because of the BB hand? He cant get it in with much more of his AQ+, TT+ range, cause even with 99, he'd have to put his final table and the tournament place he has at the moment in risk, sometimes against 2 players. The thing is, when you 3bet the 3x raiser to the amount you 3betted, is he ever gonna fold with that pot odd? If your play is to get it in if shoved by him, shouldn't we shove and let him fold all is JTs type hands? Cause he's always gonna call with those hands and that equity and chips already in the table, and you're just gonna have to fold to his flop shove on any flop type such as the one you got,or others with J,Q,K... And you dont really have big postflop playability since you're not hitting a decent hand a big % of time. So doesnt it make sense to just shove pre? And consider only the effective size of the villain, since the BB must play really tight calling your shove?

Jan. 25, 2016 | 1:26 p.m.

hello! On minute 33, why do you shove with the KK? I mean, don't you think we can sometimes(rare times) make him do some mistake when you just flat the shove? When you shove on top you don't really give him any options, but when you flat, he may think (incorrectly) you can still fold, or any other kind of mistake, and just shove on top of you, while he's never calling your shove with the 88-JJ hands he can have there. Sure it will be practically the same result, as he probably doesnt have hands he shoves if you call, that he doesnt call your shove with. But still, dont we wanna give him that option when we have KK? Thx for the videos, appreciate it!

Jan. 20, 2016 | 6:37 p.m.

Comment | ampm93 commented on 4 Table Live Session

Hey. Great video btw. I have a doubt tho, in the 5$ 750gtd, you iso twice with 99 to 750 (bb150), while saying you do it because he's not folding ever, after he limped, with a monster stack. my thoughts are, aren't we check folding a huge amount of flops against him (flops like the ones you got, with high cards), that we should consider betting less? because i understand we're betting for value preflop, but aren't we gonna frequently be running into awkward situations postflop when the flop have higher cards and he doesnt fold to our cbet for example? what hapenned to you was what will happen almost everytime on that situation, we burn 1500 in two hands just like that without playing a single turn, because we're obvious short (6kish stack) and are putting way too much pre and can't follow after a bad flop. i mean, wouldnt it be better if we raised sth like 450-550 that gets our other opponents to fold pre almost pretty much the same frequency, and get him to call without putting as much chips in an awkward posflop situation?

Jan. 13, 2016 | 6:14 p.m.

Yeah i dont think you're ever good there :) I think you never beat anything he bets for value (maybe 1 or 2 combos that i'm not sure he bets), and he won't bluff that often on that board with a 1/2 size bet when he knows you have hit some kind of hand because you double barrelled. he's asking you to call

Dec. 1, 2015 | 12:35 p.m.

Believing he has a better K than you is putting him on the very top of his range, which he won't have a lot of the time there. You always have to call on that board. He can easily float your standard Cbet with the K high board, and then when you check the turn, he tries to take it away from you since the board didn't change significately. And he will have some worse hands than you that he raises for value on the river, like A8, K9,K7. He's on the SB and flat calls your button raise, i really don't think there is more combo hands than KJ and 88 that beats you (he'd 3bet KQ often and even 88 some of the time). Call.

Dec. 1, 2015 | 12:26 p.m.

imo, you always have to commit on the flop,either by jamming or by betting a strong size that you can't fold if he jams. both ways have the same effect, maybe you can expect more folds if you bet bigger (and not inspire some increase of variance caused by his looser jams), and if you bet smaller sometimes you'll get jammed just on an attempt get you out of the hand, but with AK it's a call

Dec. 1, 2015 | 12:20 p.m.

he was playing 40 40 on 8 hands, with a 100% 3bet (2/2) so i guess i assumed he was pretty agressive, which i think doesnt change the way i played preflop and on the flop. and gives maybe credit to check to him on the Turn and induce some bets

Nov. 30, 2015 | 11:37 a.m.

888poker Hand History for Game 742193424
$75/$150 Blinds No Limit Holdem - * 29 11 2015 18:39:27
Tournament #74786259 $4.50 + $0.50 - Table #24 9 Max (Real Money)
Seat 10 is the button
Total number of players : 9
Seat 1: bernardino23 ( $3,951 )
Seat 2: MosriverFish ( $6,352 )
Seat 3: FABIANAME ( $5,095 )
Seat 4: shotgun98 ( $3,775 )
Seat 5: v3ns3r ( $9,730 )
Seat 6: 366028713 ( $4,053 )
Seat 7: 83paul99 ( $5,287 )
Seat 9: maestro228 ( $7,742 )
Seat 10: CnHaze ( $4,015 )
CnHaze posts ante [$20]
MosriverFish posts ante [$20]
366028713 posts ante [$20]
shotgun98 posts ante [$20]
maestro228 posts ante [$20]
FABIANAME posts ante [$20]
v3ns3r posts ante [$20]
83paul99 posts ante [$20]
bernardino23 posts ante [$20]
bernardino23 posts small blind [$75]
MosriverFish posts big blind [$150]
* Dealing down cards *
Dealt to bernardino23 [ Th, As ]
shotgun98 folds
v3ns3r folds
366028713 folds
83paul99 folds
maestro228 folds
CnHaze folds
bernardino23 raises [$300]
MosriverFish calls [$225]
* Dealing flop * [ 4c, Ts, 3d ]
bernardino23 bets [$485]
MosriverFish calls [$485]
* Dealing turn * [ 2s ]
bernardino23 checks
MosriverFish bets [$950]
bernardino23 raises [$3,071]
MosriverFish calls [$2,121]
* Dealing river * [ 9d ]
* Summary *
bernardino23 shows [ Th, As ]
MosriverFish shows [ 3s, 4h ]
MosriverFish collected [ $8,042 ]

So, the PF raise pretty standard, and the flop cbet i guess it doesn't ring many bells. But when it comes to the turn action, i assumed he was calling the flop with a lot of worse hands, and floating a lot to steal me the pot later. So i thought he would fold a lot of my turn bets, and with tptk and a gutshot i didn't think i was ever gonna fold there, so i wanted to give him a try at bluffing me and i could maybe call his turn bet, but at the time i thought i didn't wanna see a possible river overcard and become lost in the hand if he catched it, cause i would have to call all his river bets. so i tried to :either end the action right there if he was bluffing, but mostly make him put it all there with a worse hand such as 66,77 (88 and 99 i guess he would 3bet always preflop), a straight draw, or even a top pair worse kicker type hand, TJ,TQ etc. what are your thoughts? I can see a lot of different ways to act, not sure mine was good, so I'm listening!


Nov. 30, 2015 | 11:35 a.m.

fold. when you say he's not folding to your 3 bet ever, then you can't have any doubt that it is not +EV. 3bet jamming small PPs is often the right play when you combine Fold equity+Hand equity, cause in the event of call, you still are flipping a lot. When you eliminate your fold equity, you're flipping everytime at best, when at worst you are well beaten. So it's a fold. And i dont even have to consider that he's raising UTG and should be stronger than anywhere else. and that u still have 20bbs and it's not an urgent spot :)

Nov. 28, 2015 | 11:39 p.m.

insta shove lol. he's always a donk when he raises 4x just to catch the BB , and i really doubt he would do that with the top of his range. He does it almost with any hand that has equity against a random BB hand, could be as weak as A5o. When you shove, maybe you don't have fold equity from him, but you have a hand that will be flipping at worst ;)

Nov. 28, 2015 | 11:31 p.m.

I've put the numbers in Icmizer.
If you consider a range of 13% to the LJ push, which could be something like A8s+, ATo+,55+,KJo+,KTs+,QJs+(maybe this is tighter than it should be on a turbo but let's go with it), and then a range of 7% to the reshoving player, something like, ATs+, AJo+,KQs,88+, then your range shoud consist of your top 3-4 % hands only, so TT is a thin +ev call, and AKo is a slight -EV play.,making it +ev to call TT+,AKs.

Nov. 27, 2015 | 10:30 a.m.

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