ali23imsirovic's avatar


5 points

Thanks for the video Apotheosis. Been watching your vids since the iveyleague days haha.
At 4:20: AQo 3B in mp vs utg+2. Can you explain why you thought 3bet>Call in this spot? You don't mind the short stacks shoving when you have AQ and I would imagine that 3b to get in vs utg+2 can't be good unless he has a very high 4bet stat or willing to just rip A9o (if he even has it in his opening range) or something. Think your line looks quite strong here, especially with the fact that you have to call the short stack shoves behind you.

7:30 Can you talk about the 2.2x 3b sizing? Still being relatively deep (35bb eff) I think a bigger 3b size is gonna be a better play. Very easy to peel correctly vs that sizing.

At 18 min mark w/ Quo otb: You bet 1/3 pot on QT3... can you talk a little about bet sizing here? Would think it's a spot where you're gonna be more polar. Don't expect you to just bet no equity hands, and expect you to chk back Tx quite frequently. Was a little surprised by the bet size.

At 40:50 3b w/ 88. Can you talk a little bit more about this? W/ Icm, I would imagine that the raiser won't want to go broke here very light at all with him being 3rd in chips, so are you 3b w/ the intention to fold here? It is btn vs BB, in a spot where he can assume you're gonna be light fairly often, along with the fact that you had just 3b him and folded to 4b, so he could be shoving fairly light here. I would imagine icm would dictate a fold vs his 4b however... Interested in your thoughts here.


March 4, 2016 | 11:57 a.m.

Great video Lucas!

At 3:31, TT 3bet, how wide are you going here vs the original opener for 23bb? Are you going w/ everything you're 3betting here? I guess you could find a fold for that sizing w/ A2s-A5s? Also, are you planning on calling it off for 32bb vs a cold 4bet jam from vandir4rek? You going w/ TT+ AQs+ AKo vs him?

At 18:36: You rip 99 for 33bb. This generally seems like the standard play, but when doing this, aren't you capped at 77-TT and ATs-AJs, AJo-AQo? It's a spot that people are splitting their range. Do you also have a calling range as well as a small 4betting range? Do you think that's the optimal way to go about splitting your range 3 ways in this spot?

At 27:00 A9s. Don't you think cbetting here is a losing play? Especially since your cbet sizes are larger than most tourney regs? You do block K9, T9, AT, but you have pretty much no turns you can dbl barrel on. Is this a spot to look at it from a pot share pov, and chk back to realize equity/possibly get to showdown?

At 43:20 you shove 99 for 11bb utg and MP calls off his 8 bb stack w/ATs. How wide do you think villain should be here? I assume you're shoving 55+ A8s+ AJo+ KQo+ KTs+ QTs+ JTs+ T9s+


Jan. 21, 2016 | 11:27 p.m.

at 13:21 Do you like the 55 shove on table 2 for 13bb over the utg+2 open and the call from the 24bb stack? Opener should be pretty tight here w/ every stack behind being a reshove stack. What's the bottom of your shoving range in this spot?

Dec. 4, 2015 | 6:10 p.m.

Always love watching your videos!!
Can you discuss the A8 pot cbet on A8Q?

Nov. 26, 2015 | 12:42 p.m.

The AJs hand at the 30min mark on K92Q8, you said you would prefer betting the turn, but on what cards would you continue with a barrell otr? The heart seems like an obvious option, but expect him to have a lot of one heart hands there, so maybe it's not as clear of a card to bet on as a bluff.

Nov. 16, 2015 | 9:27 p.m.

Breebaart what's your calling range here?
Interesting to see 2 people say it's a gotta call and another to say it's a terrible call.

Nov. 6, 2015 | 4:57 p.m.

Buraze sta ima?!
Welcome to RIO! Used to watch all of your vids on Iveyleague as well!
Had a question about the ATs hand at the 25min mark. You chkb on 678 and pot the 2 ott. I understand the flop chk, but not so much the turn bet. Can you go into that a little more? I'm not exactly sure what it accomplishes and can't find any better hands that fold. I would think that if you were to bet turn, you would want to make it a small size?

Oct. 19, 2015 | 7:22 p.m.

They are down to 11 players and he has over 300k for chip lead!

Oct. 9, 2015 | 4:02 p.m.

So this is a satellite where 2 seats are paid and that's it. We're down to 11 at this time. There are about 280,000 chips in play. I have 51k and have a top 3 stack, probably top 2. So we're currently 6 handed because down to 2 tables. I'm in the BB w/ ATo and SB is already all in having less than the ante. The BTN shoves for 49k when blinds are 1500/3000/300. It obviously doesn't matter whether I get 10th or 3rd, and an average stack to make the "money" is 140k, so I wasn't sure how to go about this spot. The shover was playing an 18/17. I don't see how to run this type of hand in holdem resources, and I wasn't sure whether we should call here or not, and how to exactly decide that. I really don't care about losing the hand, so I'm not trying to be results oriented, I'm just genuinely curious about the spot. Help someone?
Winning Poker Network Game #490900980: No Limit Holdem (1,500/3,000) [2015/10/08 21:29:09 UTC]
Table: Sunday Special $115K Sat. - 2 Seat R/A, Table 1
Tournament: 3496147
Seats: 9
Seat 1: Holl (7,047)
Seat 3: MrMofo (23,956)
Seat 4: luckyducktape (12,950)
Seat 6: nmlobo58 (49,634)
Seat 7: clutch352 (8)
Seat 9: ali23imsirovic (51,130)
Button is seat 6
clutch352: raises all-in 8
ali23imsirovic: antes 300
Holl: antes 300
MrMofo: antes 300
luckyducktape: antes 300
nmlobo58: antes 300
ali23imsirovic: posts big blind 3,000
ali23imsirovic: dealt [Ac Th]
Holl: folds
MrMofo: folds
luckyducktape: folds
nmlobo58: raises all-in 49,334
ali23imsirovic: calls 46,334
FLOP [2h 2s 5c]
TURN [2h 2s 5c] [9c]
RIVER [2h 2s 5c] [9c] [7s]
Pot: 100,176 | Rake: 0 |
Board: [2h 2s 5c 9c 7s]
Seat 1: Holl lost -300
Seat 3: MrMofo lost -300
Seat 4: luckyducktape lost -300
Seat 6: nmlobo58 won 100,128 (+50,494) [Jh As] One Pair, Twos
Seat 7: clutch352 won 48 (+40) [9h Ts] Two Pair, Nines and Twos
Seat 9: ali23imsirovic lost -49,634 [Ac Th] One Pair, Twos


Oct. 9, 2015 | 8:37 a.m.

Really easy to learn from you. Love all of your videos! Thanks for the great content!

Aug. 21, 2015 | 7:32 p.m.

June 2, 2015 | 5:50 a.m.

Why do you prefer to have a more polarized range here?

May 7, 2015 | 12:43 a.m.

At 29:04 if the river isn't a jack are you just checking w/ KQs? Also you said you would be bluffing w/ JQ and KJ, meaning you're expecting villain to fold an A? What Ax can he have that he would fold? You opened from EP and he called in pretty early as well. So he has hands like ATs+ and AJo+ possibly just calling AKo pre (doubt it). Also, out of those hands he would peel OTF probably have a BDFD since there is still two players left to act behind him. It doesn't seem like villain would fold any of those hands other than maybe exactly AQs which there would only be 2combos of. How often are you really supposed to be bluffing then?

Dec. 27, 2014 | 1:26 a.m.

Do you feel like this is just primarily for HU players or do you think that players that play things such as tournaments can improve from this video? I feel like in a full ring tournament x/r a hand like JQo on A64 would probably be a losing play due to how little equity we have when called since villain will usually have a much stronger range than villain would if it was HU cash.

Dec. 22, 2014 | 11:17 p.m.

At 36:25 you're talking about 3betting a polarized range in the bb vs a sb open. I've heard you talk about this before, but I'm not exactly sure why that's better than 3betting a linear range. I always thought it would be better to 3bet a linear range for playability purposes in these spots, but would be very interested to know why you prefer going with the polarized approach in these spots.

Dec. 12, 2014 | 8:52 a.m.

Also at 16:55 you x/r A7d on 874r saying that it was too weak to x/c. Why?

Dec. 10, 2014 | 11:53 a.m.

Hand at 11:30 you lead 6T on q966 for 15 into 44.50? Can you explain why the small sizing is better than say $30 or pot?

Dec. 10, 2014 | 9:45 a.m.

So I'm going over a whole bunch of SNGs on holdem resources calc just to check mistakes and all that. I see a spot in a triple up SNG..(top 3 out of 9 get the same amount) where we're down to 4 players aka the bubble, and UTG w/ 41 bb folds.. button min raises w/ 21bb stack, sb folds w/ 54bb's and I'm in the BB w/ ATo. I wasn't exactly sure what to do so I went to the advanced hand section of the holdem calc and allowed for flat calls and 3bet shoves.. I put in villains range for how wide he was opening.. and holdem calc told me to defend 87.7% of hands and 3bet the other 12.3%.... How can this be correct? Is there something about triple-up SNGs that I'm not understanding?

Thanks to anybody that can clear this up!!

Dec. 8, 2014 | 12:04 p.m.

At 34:30 You 3barrell KQ on 7c2dKdTs5h. On the river, wouldn't it be more +EV to x/c? The only hand that I see that's worse than our hand that can call a 3rd barrel is KJ. There is only 8 combos of that hand, while there are more combos of possible flush draws.

Nov. 6, 2014 | 7:04 a.m.

As for the QT hand around the 50 minute mark, when you bet that river, are you mainly trying to get him to fold hands like AcXx and KcQx? Or do you think you can get him to fold overpairs there as well? If you don't think you can get him to fold QQ-AA, do you think betting smaller would be better or do you feel like that's too unbalanced?

Oct. 28, 2014 | 4:38 a.m.

Top 12 got paid. We were down to 9 people at this time. Chip average about 100,000 and I have 250,000 for second in chips while chip leader has 350,000 and we have about 60% of the chips in play. I consider every player in to be weak. The chip leader is a loose bad aggressive player. Blinds 3000/6000/1000: Chip leader makes it 25k UTG+1; he did this same 4x raise earlier with aces but no other real history on his raise size. I have KK in the SB. I think the best play here is to shove. Thoughts? I think it's an ICM disaster to go broke in 9th with so many short stacks. I decide to call to trap as well as pot control. Pot size: 65k. FLOP: Js 8h 6s. I check, he bets 75k. I think for a minute, and jam my stack in there. I don't expect too many folds but I think hands like 99,TT,QQ, AJ, KQ, QQ, JJ, AA, and then QT, and decent flush draws. I don't expect too many folds but when he bets so big I take JJ out of his range so the only hand I can see myself beat here is by AA. I decide to shove, which I still think is the best play here. Thoughts? He ends up calling w/ Ts9s for a straight and flush draw and gets there on the river. I guess I didn't give him as wide of a range as he could have, but I think shoving gives me a big chance at winning. If i win that hand I'm basically guaranteed first place of 2k so I think trapping w/ the KK gave me the best chance for winning the tournament. I would love to hear other peoples thoughts on this.


Aug. 10, 2013 | 9:49 a.m.

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