0 points
hey there.. at 4:23 bottom rigth.. you defend your big blind from a button raise with K4 offsuit.. imo a hand with poor playability especially when we are oop.. (btw some hands earlier you fast folded k4 off from button).. whats your thoughts about the range we should defend our blinds?
March 5, 2015 | 4:38 p.m.
after a little research i found out that the rake is about 20 bb/100 hands so the rakeback sounds very tempting, and i am wondering what win rate an average regular has..
Jan. 10, 2015 | 10:38 a.m.
everyone tells me that and i did so ( cold 4bet/call he had kk unfortunately) so i am convinced thats the best think to do.. i just dont really understand why is that correct... imo, since he had no history on me, he has to assume that my cold 4bet is nuts... so whats his 5bet range there? can he 5bet light (we are not talking about pokerstars)? and whats my equity versus this range? why exactly cold call and reevaluate is a bad option...?
Nov. 24, 2013 | 1:52 a.m.
i would raise the cbet for value because the konnhand has many overpairs at his range that will pay you, you are very deep you hit a monster and you want to build the pot .. i would call if the stacks were shorter to trap... since you call the cbet i think jam is fine he cant fold with two overcards and nut flush draw.. i would also put a lower set at his range... as far as the AT thing .. i dont really think you should cold call with AT pre no matter how deep you are... becasuse there are only bigger aces and big pairs at his range at early stages... if you call just a raise (not a 3bet) with AT and you hit top pair you generally want to keep the pot low and reevaluate your hand at later streets because if you raise you may lose many many chips to over pairs and sets and worse hands will just fold.. .. unless you have a tell that your opponent is very inexpirienced player and will give you his stack with TK
Nov. 23, 2013 | 7:32 p.m.
22$ tour at 888 poker 27 left we are in the money.. i am sitting at the big blind holding jj.. good aggro player opens 2x from mp with 40 bb stack and the co who is also good aggresive player 3bets 2,4x . 2nd player's stack is also around 40 bbs.. their stats: 20% vpip 20% pfr 10% 3bet so whats my move? fold is too tight obv since he 3bet light a lot, 4bet is an option but i am not excited.. these players had no tell about me that i can 4bet light at that moment so i think that they will fold anything worse than qq+, ak... is cold call a good option and reevaluate later?! why yes or why not?
at 22:30 top left with jqs.. given these position dont you worry about being dominated too often? since you flopped a gutshot and a backdoor flush draw would you consider check raise repping a set ?
March 10, 2015 | 2:58 p.m.