0 points
Never used it, so might be wrong, but he says in the vid, that it is a feature of StarsHelper. StarsHelper (as the name says) is a program to be used with PokerStars only.
May 13, 2017 | 6:33 p.m.
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0 points
Never used it, so might be wrong, but he says in the vid, that it is a feature of StarsHelper. StarsHelper (as the name says) is a program to be used with PokerStars only.
Hi Iain,
Great video! I actually liked all four of the series.
Quick question: on 33:00 right table you fold 45s from the BTN vs UTG 2.5x and MP call. You didn't said why, maybe because you were commenting on the other table.
May 13, 2017 | 6:43 p.m.