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Jan. 16, 2013 | 10:11 p.m.
Sorry min 30...same comment (not your hand, bu t you show it). I think you are very nice considering the feed-back.
Jan. 14, 2013 | 10:14 p.m.
I hate folding 88 in the 45 min. I cannot understand how you did that (28,5 blinds to put more) blind vs blind when he does not look all that strong there. I think you are way ahead of his range there. (see the hand before that). Could you explain how you can fold this ever in that spot?
Dec. 29, 2012 | 9:26 p.m.
I am new to tournament play (I want to start playing more as I played in cash games NLH and PLO) but I cannot understand how a fold with kj when you have 14 blinds with kj it's good (as you say) when CO-1 raises and you are small blind. Depending on flow I call as he did or raise all in there. Min 43 of the video. Can you elaborate?
Dec. 29, 2012 | 8:24 p.m.
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April 6, 2013 | 1:41 p.m.