6 points
- 4b 50% call 25% fold 25%
- 4b 50% call 25% fold 25%
- fold - maybe not solver optimal but as a 2 gapper it's a hard hand to play oop.
Feb. 6, 2018 | 3:27 p.m.
- fold
- 3b
- fold
Feb. 3, 2018 | 4:34 p.m.
It would be interesting if Ivan can share any thoughts/solutions for CO open vs nitty BTN and/or blinds(they either overfold or don't 3b enough to punish our raise).
Jan. 31, 2018 | 1:30 p.m.
- fold
- open
- fold
Jan. 30, 2018 | 5:22 p.m.
I agree with #2 that is why I call it vs 2.5. Most players play super straight forward in multiway pots postflop.
Jan. 28, 2018 | 1:25 p.m.
- 4 bet
- call
- fold
Jan. 26, 2018 | 10:26 p.m.
- Call
- 3b 80%, Call 20%
- Fold
Jan. 25, 2018 | 5:17 p.m.
- Call
- 3b 80%, Call 20%
- Fold
Jan. 25, 2018 | 10:52 a.m.
Great video. Labeling the players has helped my game a lot.
July 28, 2017 | 12:50 p.m.
Load more
Takeaways(they are all about preflop since this was the theme):
Solver gives preference to high cards in the opening range: K9o better open in CO than 34s, KJs better 3b than A2s(CO vs EP), KJ's better 4b than A5s(UTG vs CO)...
Offsuit cards are much worse compared to their suited equivalent
Dominated hands like ATo have poor equity in multiway pots.
Preference to 4b or fold instead of calling.
No calling from MP and CO and just 3b/fold simplifies our preflop strategy with insignificant loss in EV.
In the 3-4 betting game many hands become a mix strategy. A huge unexploited area where we can expect opponents to make many mistakes.
We can exploit players that 3b more than the optimal strategy using a 4b/fold strategy.
The solutions offered by Monker differ from the traditional HU solvers as it is the first time a solver accounts for card removal of players that acted and still left to act. 2 big differences as pointed by Nick:
- optimal ranges are tighter for late positions than most people play
- this leaves wide open ranges exploitable to 3b especially as they defend too tight vs them
P.S. I do not own Monker and while I believe my preflop estimates were pretty good this is due to me studying a lot the preflop game(I bought PIO solver preflop ranges, studied my DB for losing hands and also trained it with Snowie). Also for full disclosure I was in the Monker solver Skype group where they shared a solution at some point for BB vs UTG.
For me preflop is the absolute most important area of the game. Good ranges make the game easy to play and I don't end up in bad spots postflop that I end up needing to save with bad aggression. I really hoped I will win the new Monker package :)
Thanks for everything you shared with the community.
Feb. 10, 2018 | 2:20 p.m.