1 points
Hey folks
maybe You could help me out figuring out those few spots in MTT's:
1) At the early stages suited connectors and aces go up in value, do you call 3 bets with these hands OOP? If yes, how much does it depend on the size of the 3bet?
a real life example in bounty builder: big blind 70; I open utg+1 to 140 A3s, mp1 call, mp3 3 bet 720. I fold to this sizing but how much would you generally call there?
2) check- raising after I defend bb with fd or open- ender, Because sometimes I do it and the guy shoves. I guess I should than just simply count the odds and make a decision based on that. Do you just check- call when you don't want to go all in and check- raise when you are ok with it?
3) 3 betting preflop when someone opens from UTG. Am I thinking right that the weaker the player and the softer the field we don't really have to be that balanced in this spots and mostly 3 bet for value? I mostly flat my suited A and I don't know if it is an EV+ play.
I sometimes watch ppl on twich and sometimes they go all in with for eg. A8s after someone opens from UTG. I think it's a play that greatly increases variance, but is it done for the purpose of having a balanced range against good regulars?
4) 11$ bounty builder, bb 200 i have 10k, Everybody folds to me on the button, I open 2,2x A5s, a good reg shoves ~4k with beginning bounty on the sb. I know that this should be countable in a software, but is this more of a call against a good reg who knows I might be opening very wide and is taking advantage of that or he knows his edge over the field and want's me to make a questionable call? Basically in close spots do you lean more towards calling a good player, because he might be balanced or a weak player?
5) When I was watching one of the HH reviews, hero opened AhQc on the CO, bb defend and flop was Ts2c8s and he said that in this spot he would check with the A of spades and Cbet without it. I don't really understand that concept. I would do the opposite because I would try to take the pot right now and if villain would call and the turn was a spade, I would barrel once more. Usually, the more equity I have the more I lean towards betting instead of checking, or am I missing something?
6) Would You have maybe any guideliness towards playing off suit AJ/ KQ/ KJ/ OJ? Because at the begining of my poker adventure I would think of this cards as decent and open them from UTG and flat them after an open. But now I see that people often fold KJo/ OJo from Utg, depending on the situation on the table (I kinda get that now, when we don't want to be 3 betted or call allins from shortstacks) and would 3 bet AJo/ KQo/ KJo/ OJo after an open. But I dont think about those hands as being that strong against an EP open so why would I want to play a bigger pot with them? I'd more gladly 3 bet these hands if they were suited because they have better playability so for me it makes more sense to play with them for a bigger pot IP. Or is it some kind of a smallball aproach?
7) What would you do in this situation: UTG recreational player limps, UTG+1 unknown flats and you are utg+2 with QJo with a 35bb stack with 30 being average, there are 2 shortacks after you who have been folding for a longer time?
any insight would be greatly appreciated :)
Hey I have a question about the hand in the begining AQo. You said you would check with the A of spades. My thinking in this spot has always been the opposite, I would Cbet and try to take the pot right there and than if there was a spade on the turn I'd bet again. When I have a backdoor flush I bet (bluff) because if I get called I think that I may catch up. Could you please comment on that, is that a kind of a small ball aproach? Maybe ther's something I dont get :)
1 more question, from what position would you normally, in early stages, open hands like KTo, QTo, JTo?
Thanks for the series, very educational, clean and nicely presented :)
Jan. 9, 2018 | 5:35 p.m.