aamadeo's avatar


143 points

I'd rather check-raise QJ that doesn't need protection, if he checks behind and T it's a Q or a J, you now have a good-ish hand.

OTT like SemiFreddo just said, you're not representing any bluffs.

The alternative. OTF you could use a std bet size, and OTT you could overbet like 120%, and overbet river about 150%, it would put his two pairs in a pretty unpleasant position.

June 23, 2017 | 9:54 p.m.

Vs this guy it probably it's better than from theory because he will probably continue with gshots and flush draws, that in theory the should fold turn, so triple barreling in this spot I would expect much profit than vs a theoretical optimum villain.

The only concern here must be if he's willing to call you down with a hand like Tx, still, barreling here seems pretty ok.

June 23, 2017 | 6:19 p.m.

Your sizes seem OK.
I would bet turn without a heart, he has a lot of pairs with a heart, call a jam. And check-call river.
I would check-call twice AK and AA with 1 heart, and probably check fold river with AK with the AKo with the Kh and call the rest.

Otherwise you're folding too much.

June 19, 2017 | 8:38 p.m.

I think 4betting AK would depend on villains 3bet frequency. But without a read I would just flat given stake tendencies.

When it's called preflop. Flop is std.

Turn, you do have bluffs : You do have some FDs, maybe you could turn into a bluff your 88s given that they don't have much value when villain check flop, or bluff with broadways suited.

So I would bet turn with AK and AQ, check ATs, AJs.

Given his line, his range look a lot like A4s, ATs, maybe TTs if he 3bets vs UTG.


June 19, 2017 | 2:44 p.m.

Yes definitely sucks. But you're way up in your range.

You would bluff in this spot with AJs, AQ, 87s, 76s. So OTT I don't think you can fold your value range (AK+).

At least without a solid read.

June 16, 2017 | 6:10 p.m.

It depends.
What is the river? Can't see it well in your PIO screenshot looks like a 2s

What's your range? You probably have suited connectors like 65s-T9s those are like 5combos, you still need more bluffing combos to balance your jamming range.

With only 276hands I wouldn't even look at his stats on the river. BUT if you saw him calling the river with a ridiculously loose hand, ok I can get on board on not bluffing enough, but if not, you should be bluffing this AQhh and checking your AQ with a club if the river it's a non club, and viceversa if it's a club.

You block AK and KQ, that's a pretty good bluff.


June 16, 2017 | 3:50 p.m.

The AQ 4bet is to fold to a jam, but since we're not cold calling, our range should be linear when 4betting, and it has the better blockers of his continuing range.

QQ-KK agree that they don't make any better hands to fold, but I'm saying that IF he is going to cbet in that A high he should bluff something, and that's the worst part of his range.

Personally, would check my entire range almost every A high board as the 4bettor.

June 15, 2017 | 5:54 p.m.

I wouldn't Bet the river.
His cold 4bet range should be something like QQ+, AQ+. If he's wider well then I'm lost.

If he cbets here he should bluff his QQ and KK and valuebet his AQ+.

When he checks turn he is probably checking his entire range, so giving up KK and trapping with AA, QQ and AQ, and pot controlling with AK.

When he checks again I think he should be bluffing with his KK and VBetting his AA,QQ.
So he only checks AK, and he should fold some of them and calling with the others.

So, there's no value in betting the River with AK. If you have some twopair or better that check OTT that might be better to value bet OTR.


June 15, 2017 | 4:41 p.m.

Even if BTN is tight there's a high probability he will loosen up a little vs the recreational.
So if he's 3betting wider and linear vs the recreational, let's give him a 12% 3bet range, TT+, KQ+, KJs+, AJ+.

So you should probably 4bet / Call with a std range QQ+, AK and a good 4bet bluff range should TT-JJ, AQ, AJs, ATs or something like that, and JTs is too loose to 4bet IMO.

So Calling might be good but you'll be OOP vs BTN, so probably you're better of folding.

June 8, 2017 | 8:38 p.m.

Comment | aamadeo commented on AA 3 way

I think until the flop it's pretty standard.

OTT, his range is AQ, QQ, Flushes, You only need protection from AcQd, QcQd and QhQd, 3c, so checking behind isn't that bad, so I think it would be better to check, but I don't mind a bet either.

When he XR again I think his value range it's flushes and random bluffs, that would probably be not enough. But you still have implied odds to improve to a full house, so a call doesn't seems bad.

OTR you can easily have QQ with a diamond and AQ with a diamond so folding this hand it's not bad in my opinion.

June 2, 2017 | 9:38 p.m.

In his range are all the PP he calls the 3bet, 66-JJ I'm guessing, also ATdd, AJdd, 87s + 98s.
76s has a straight, 65s has two pair. So does he calls the 3bet with A6s that's loose, but possible.

So the bottom of his range has to be 98s, 99-JJ and probably wouldn't bluff with.

So exploitative folding seems fine here. Calling with QQ+ with a diamond seems fine too.

May 21, 2017 | 2:21 p.m.

I think the size it's ok, betting bigger would depend on how you play on later streets to balance with valuebets, since you probably would need more bluffs.

Turn I think you could check-call twice like JJ-QQ maybe TT too, blocking AJ-AQ, and folding 99. KK check-call turn, but OTR I think it might be ok to fold sometimes at least.

But I think it's OK your flop play.

May 19, 2017 | 9:33 p.m.

Suited connectors?? 65s-T9s ??? With a low freq

May 19, 2017 | 8:23 p.m.

Comment | aamadeo commented on nl25 QQ

Flop I think it's a good idea to check, even without a diamond.

Turn, would bet without diamon and check with diamond.

River call, you're still ahead of some AQ, some bluffs and JJ.

May 18, 2017 | 9:48 p.m.

Comment | aamadeo commented on NL25 QTs

Call river otherwise I think your calling range would be too weak.

May 18, 2017 | 9:46 p.m.

Flush Draws ???

May 18, 2017 | 3:56 p.m.

89s, 78s, 97s, 54s, 75s

Howbowduh xD

May 18, 2017 | 3:52 p.m.

OTF you could 3bet flop clearly, but you could also call because you have the As, and a club isn't a big deal, and will alow you to have some strong hands in your calling range.

I would check, in your 3bet flop range, actually a straight is somewhat in the middle of your range, because all your 3bet flop bluffs (I supose) are FD + something. So you would continue with your FD and now your two pairs or sets are the bottom of your range, so you should fold some, and continue with stronger hands like yours.

So I would check call turn, check-call river.

But I think the best play would be bet-call flop, because he is going to fold most of the time vs your 3bet.


May 16, 2017 | 3:44 p.m.

OTT I'm leaning to check, because even though we do bluff, I think I would value bet with stronger hands.

Because what hands do we bet for value and check call turn?
What hands do we bet as a bluff and check fold turn ?

I don't think we could bet OTT all our bluffs from the flop.

May 12, 2017 | 4:17 p.m.

Nope, I don't think they raise fold TT/JJ.

Actually that's a really bad play don't you think ?

May 9, 2017 | 2:03 p.m.

If you 3bet flop, he would only continue with sets and AQs, AKs maybe some FD + Straight draw.

Check your range against that range, you don't have 50% eq to make it a value jam.

Also, if you jam would you jam your JJ-QQ too?? If not you would still call some part of your range and that would be pretty exploitable.

May 8, 2017 | 8:24 p.m.

OTF, what value range should you raise? A4(16), 64s(4). Do you raise a set too, an overpair might seem loose?
If you do have a raising range, this hand should be pretty good to raise.

OTT, what value range is continuing the whole (20c), so you could continue bluffing.

OTR, do you slowdown with your straights ?? If you don't, bluffing the worst FD seems OK, you might have some spade straight draw, but those are like 4c, and you would need like 8c of bluffs, to make it balanced.

"Are in oppo range enough combo of FD or op that i could let him fold on the river ?"
He might have suited broadways + A high FD, maybe some 66-99 too.

I think he does have a lot of hands that he could fold, not only FD.


May 8, 2017 | 2:19 p.m.

I think it's better to bet without a heart because we need to protect our hand, and if we have a heart in our hand we don't need to protect, because if a heart comes, we still could improve.

May 5, 2017 | 9:01 p.m.

I'd bet KK without a heart and check the rest. We don't have 3 streets, that's right, still we can extract value from FD or any pair with a heart.

Probably would go bet flop check turn.

All his logic about not likely to bluff or not bluff seems sketchy. But I think it's pretty clear that his fundamentals aren't based on theoretical poker (either balanced or exploitive based on a read), and more like meta-game based.

May 2, 2017 | 7:39 p.m.

What's your range OTR ?
AQhh, AJhh, AThh, 77-QQ ??
You would probably have to fold like 40% of your range, so bye bye AXhh, 77,99. Probably have to call with QQ, JJ, and probably TT without hearts.

I would do that. If we make a more detailed analysis you would probably have a similar range.

March 28, 2017 | 8:19 p.m.

Probably forced to call flop cbet with Q high or some good BDFD

March 10, 2017 | 3:34 p.m.

We have 16c of QJ, 1c of T9s, 2c of K9s, 2c of 98s, 3c of J9s, 2c of 97s, 1c of 99 = 26c that could shove for value vs his checking range.

But to bluff enough you should be bluffing with your busted BDFDs AJcc, AQcc, ATcc, JTcc, 87cc, 76cc, 86cc = 7c, you need 15c bluff combos for 26c of value. You'd need 8c more, so maybe turning into a bluff your weak Tx, like: T8s, JTs, QTs, ATs (removing TXhh and TXcc, we have) 8c exactly :)

March 8, 2017 | 12:28 p.m.

I think it's fine to shove this hand rather than FD. You have 99 and 77 that want to shove, so you need 3 combos to bluff with, and T8s or 86s with no heart.

The only thing is that you should bluff only 3combos so you should either bluff T8s or 86s but not both.

Feb. 24, 2017 | 12:43 p.m.

Your value range on the river must be something like QQ-AA. Maybe AK too, if you bet flop, bet turn with it.

So 9 combos, you would need something like 4 combos, 87s (4c), 86dd, 65dd, T8s (4c) looks like the bottom of your range here.

So your non diamond T8s and 2 combos of non diamond 87s might do the trick. To balance your bluffing range.

If you also include your 9 combos of AK, you should could also add the remaining 2 combos of 87s, and 86dd and 65dd.

Feb. 23, 2017 | 5:09 p.m.

When he overbets turn almost x2, his value bets are AA(1),QQ(1),33(3),AQ(4), A3s(1) A9s(1). Remember that you should fold something like 60% of your turn range, so basically you should have some non-heart AJ and better. And so you should probably fold your FD too.

OTR his range is too polarized, most of his value bets beats you, you only beat A3s(1), A9s(1), chop with all his AQ(4) and loose to sets (6c), so a value bet here It's not an option.

IMO check is the best play here.

Feb. 20, 2017 | 7:51 p.m.

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