1 points
I've recently decided to get back into poker and decided to start with some off the table work to improve my theoretical understanding of the game. I have been looking at some postflop situations with moderately wide ranges and am struggling to determine how to form my postflop strategy for my entire range. Basically, how to I determine what strategy works best for my range? Why is checking my entire range on a certain flop best for example? One recent example that I found challenging was a CO vs BU scenario. Let's say I am opening CO: 22+,A2s+,K6s+,Q7s+,J8s+,T7s+,97s+,87s,76s,65s,54s,A9o+,KTo+,QTo+,JTo
(~27% 354/1326 combos). BU flats my open with let's say: TT-22, AJs-A2s, K9s+, QTs+, JTs, T9s, 98s, 87s, AJo-ATo, KJo+ (~14% 182/1326 combos). Flop is Td 8s 6s. So in this case I have ~53/47 range advantage. What's the best way to determine if I should have a cbetting or a C/R range here? What is the best way to perform this type of analysis? I've been using a combination of Flopzilla, Equilab, and a Word document, but it takes me multiple hours to go through a single scenario. At first I was listing every combo, then tried to simplify by listing combos of two pair+, top pair, strong draws, etc. Flopzilla obviously helps greatly with this, but is there a quick way to seperate out combos that meet multiple criteria? Like in this case 97s overlaps and it takes a while to cover all these combos to ensure that I am not counting them multiple times.
Aug. 26, 2014 | 10:34 p.m.
Thanks for the reply! I did include my 4bet range as a part of my defending range. As a default, that is KK+ and KQs as a bluff. Thanks for the thoughts on CO opening range. What about something like JTo vs A8o? Overall this is ~27% opening range, correct?
Aug. 21, 2014 | 4:56 a.m.
Are there any free programs that determine the frequency of certain flop textures? Like the ~20% Axx ~7% 9xx
Aug. 20, 2014 | 7:16 p.m.
Hello all, I’ve returned to poker
after a decent break and decided I should seriously work on my game. Logically
(?), I’ve decided to begin by examining my preflop ranges. I’m having a
difficult time making the theoretical side agreeable with the practical side of
my game. For example, currently I open fairly tight from UTG: 55+, ATs+,
A5s-A2s, KTs+, QTs+, JTs, T9s, 98s, 87s, 76s, AJo+, KQo. Even with this range,
I’m having a hard time constructing a defending range versus 3bets that meets
the minimum defense frequency. Even something like: 99+, AQs+, KQs, AKo feels a
bit thin to me. This becomes even more problematic from UTG+1. Since I am
opening wider, but am having problems finding enough extra combos to defend.
Another thing I am having difficulty with is differentiating the EV difference
between certain hands. For example, would it be better to shift to lower SCs in
my UTG range to achieve better board coverage at the expense of high card
value? Things get even tougher when CO. Let’s assume a range: 22+, A2s+, K8s+,
Q9s+, J9s+, T8s+, 97s+, 87s, 76s, 65s, 54s, A9o+, KTo+, QTo+, JTo, T9o, 98o.
Are K9o, Q9o, and J9o better opens than T9o and 98o? What about some worse
offsuit aces? What about this in relation to Q8s, J8s, K7s, etc? I haven’t
really gotten into the other 3 positions, since these problems already
presented themselves and things will only get more complicated. If anyone would
like to work on these aspects of their games or just try to improve in general,
feel free to shoot me a pm or add me on skype (homerunhitter77). Hopefully this
will generate some good discussion!
Aug. 20, 2014 | 6:01 p.m.
In the past my default SB opening range was: 22+, A2s+, K2s+, Q2s+, J2s+, T7s+, 97s+, 86s+, 75s+, 65s, 54s, A2o+, K2o+, Q9o+, J9o+, T9o, 98o, 87o, 76o which works out to ~51% (674 combos). Based on some of the recent Sauce and Peter Jennings videos I have watched, it seems like I should be stealing wider in this spot. How wide are you guys opening and if you are wider than this, how do you defend against a BB 3bet?
March 15, 2014 | 2:39 a.m.
In the past my default SB opening range was: 22+, A2s+, K2s+, Q2s+, J2s+, T7s+, 97s+, 86s+, 75s+, 65s, 54s, A2o+, K2o+, Q9o+, J9o+, T9o, 98o, 87o, 76o which works out to ~51% (674 combos). Based on some of the recent Sauce and Peter Jennings videos I have watched, it seems like I should be stealing wider in this spot. How wide are you guys opening and if you are wider than this, how do you defend against a BB 3bet?
March 15, 2014 | 2:38 a.m.
In the 99 hand, you mention you are playing QQ-AA the same way. Are you jamming river for value with AA?
Thanks so much for the reply! Any recommendation for avoiding overlaps when using flopzilla? Also what ranges would you use in this situation?
Aug. 27, 2014 | 2:03 a.m.