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58 points

Comment | Zefa commented on Luke's Guide to PIO

Thanks for the detailed reply.
For a bit more context, I am basically doing more work on 200bbs and looking to work on studying oop 3b pots so i am wanting to figure out best cbet sizes for different boards. Was not sure if my old approach of running so many sims was the best way to do it or not.
When you say aggregate, you just mean comparing the ev of each bet size in the single sim? That would be much more helpful then running so many sims, I just didn't know how accurate the results would be compared to running an individual sim with 1 size only.
As for the trainer I agree facing multiple sizes is very useful and more like reality.

Nov. 2, 2023 | 5:38 p.m.

Comment | Zefa commented on Luke's Guide to PIO

What would you suggest when trying to use and study a 1 flop cbet size strategy?

In the past I ran 4 different scripts, each with 1 flop sizing then compared the evs for each board between them to get an idea which single sizes were useful on different boards.

It is very time consuming so wondering if you had a better way of doing this as you seem to like the simplistic approach as well and stick to 1 single size on flops.

Also if I wanted to practice these single size cbet strategies in the trainer not sure how useful the 3 sizes would be as pio will often split the flop range between them.

Thanks for the help


Oct. 28, 2023 | 5:45 p.m.

Comment | Zefa commented on Studying a Specific Spot

So you are basically trying to set up for a 2 street game and shove a lot of turns when using the 90% size? Will have a small overbet left to play on turn is why I ask, makes 3 street betting a little awkward.

Sept. 15, 2020 | 9:18 p.m.

Comment | Zefa commented on Studying a Specific Spot

How did you choose the 90% sizing? Most regs in the games I play use a 50-75% pot on the low textures here so wondering if you found the ev to be higher on average using 90% vs say a 67%?
Great job on the vid!

Sept. 15, 2020 | 12:30 a.m.

How much weight would you put into the simplicity reasons of choosing the 1/3 bet?

For example, Having worked on this AK4r board for 100bb cash games often you will see PIO bet a K7 type hand on a 5x turn because it gets worse Kx to call ( K2, K3) but better Kx to fold, Or even in your sim you ran it will bet large and high freq with something like JJ on the flop.
This board in particular seems to have a bunch of tricky stuff going on that is not so easy to spot and easy to screw up is why I ask.

Great job on the vid, Look forward to part 2

Sept. 1, 2020 | 12:39 a.m.

Comment | Zefa commented on Sauce Plays Full Ring

Awesome, Makes a lot of sense thank you

Aug. 22, 2020 | 5:35 p.m.

Comment | Zefa commented on Sauce Plays Full Ring

QJss hand at 9:47, Do you mind explaining your bet sizing choice on turn?

In hu pots in this spot I generally stick to a larger/overbet size on this board but when it is multi-way I just end up clicking buttons and not sure which and why sizing strategy is best.

Tend to just bet small on flops when multiway but would like some guidance on the differences for turn/river play multiway vs hu pots, Thanks.

Aug. 22, 2020 | 6:10 a.m.

Thanks for the replies, If you are villain in a spot like this how do you go about constructing your bluffing range? Feel like trying to emulate something similar to pio would be way to tough in game and easy to misapply it.

March 13, 2020 | 2:18 a.m.

22:00 and 31:00 Both similar turn spots I am curious with villains bluffing range. Maybe this is flawed logic but would it not makes sense to check a lot of the marginal type draws that don't want to get jammed off there equity and bluff some very low equity hands that don't care getting jammed on?

For example I ran the A5dd in Pio and see it mixes bluffing with A5dd here a decent amount as well hands like A2o while pio checks a lot of the marginal draws like QT and low flush draws at very high frequency.

Trying to get a better grasp for low spr spots like this so any input would help, Thanks! Enjoyed the video!

March 12, 2020 | 9:50 a.m.

Well since you asked what we thought about the 7748 hand at 20 min. I think this is a pretty clear fold but I dont think he has any boats. Him playing a hand like 9TJA no clubs makes some sense though I dont 100% like his line. A boat in his spot needs to check always and he isnt donkey enough to not realize that. I also think its unreasonable to assume he has naked AA there.

Dec. 14, 2019 | 4:23 a.m.

Comment | Zefa commented on $200 PLO Live

Thanks phil. Would like more wsop.com vids pls. With wsop coming up and players going into vegas, vids on this site will make a great series for this summer.

May 12, 2019 | 7:55 a.m.

2:13 is 9944dd really a fast fold here? Double pair hands are pretty strong flopping sets 1/4 times.

April 14, 2019 | 7:03 p.m.

This video is good. If you've ever played some reasonable sample size of PLO both online or live, you'll inevitably run into one of these maniacs who pot and repot every single hand. I've seen it many times across all stakes and many times in live casino PLO as well. This video has a lot of good concepts on how to adjust and deviate away from "GTO" based strategy

Prime example being flatting super strong hands to back squeeze and generally more passive adjustments to exploit a hyper aggro opponent.

Dec. 11, 2018 | 11:01 p.m.

While I see some merit of betting QQ22 on 75Q6, given what you block and unblock i still think this is better as a check back. Id rather bet 77xx more than QQxx. I think we just run into straights too often and hate blocking top pair. Do you think you check back this spot if a more “obvious” straight card hit like a 4 or 9 or if we had less deep stacks?

Also as an off topic nitpick side note since you call sasuke, suzuki in all your previous videos...
I believe its pronounced like Sahs-kay

Nov. 27, 2018 | 6:08 p.m.

Great video format. A lot of your subscribers do play the lower stake stuff like 1/2 instead of the 25/50 games and as exciting as watching a ton of money fly around at the higher stakes games is, we also really like seeing you play the same lower stakes that we do to see what adjustments we need to make from the higher stake vids to lower stake stuff.

March 7, 2018 | 9:50 a.m.

Mostly its to reduce variance.
But another reason is that when you run it twice, a lot of bad players feel more encouraged to gamble when they're an underdog because of two run outs.

At my local casino for example, when you go all in, a lot of the times the fish will ask if you want to run it twice. I've noticed that if you say no, sometimes the fish reluctantly fold, but if you say you will run it twice, they know they're pretty behind but willing to gamble it on two runs. Running it twice in this scenario is more +EV.

Sept. 2, 2017 | 6:14 p.m.

Comment | Zefa commented on Going to Las Vegas

I live in Vegas (Moved here less than a year ago) and I've dabbled in the live PLO games. The place that primarily runs PLO is Aria. They have a 1/2 PLO but its really a 1/2/5 (5 bring in) and that game is usually very soft. 500 max buy in.

Then they have their standard 2/5 PLO game even though its 2/5 with a rock (10 bring in mandatory by whoever won the previous pot and action starts to the left of it). 2k max buy in. There are a few solid regs who play that game and usually at least a few people who are clearly not that strong and sometimes a massive fish. It's a swingy game, especially since you get so few hands per hour but you should be able to make a good hourly in that game.

They run 5/10 PLO and higher but I've never played those.

Living in Vegas is relatively cheap (compared to major U.S. cities). It's got really good food, and great night life obviously. Even though its a desert, there are some decent hiking spots around the red rock mountains if you're into the outdoorsy stuff.

If you live right on the strip, it'll be a bit costly. If you live 10-15 away from the strip, its much cheaper but of course you have to be able to drive to the strip everyday if you want to play live. I wouldn't live too close to the strip as crime is much higher in those areas and the 5-10 min away from strip areas are also much older and run down. 3 best places off strip to live are usually summerlin (most expensive ~20-25 min away from strip), Southwest (~15 min away, cheap), Henderson (~15-20 min away, medium price).


Aug. 23, 2017 | 2:10 a.m.

Speed is fine as mtts are mostly just folding. Im glad you took the time to go through other players' hands and actions even when Hero folds his hand.

Oct. 29, 2016 | 4:37 p.m.

I think its better to gravitate towards a more 3B or fold only strategy as the raise size gets bigger. Vs a smaller raise size (min raise,) I think incorporating a mixed SB strategy including calls may be better.

April 23, 2016 | 1:56 a.m.

Appreciate the video phil. Being a USA player still, I keep seeing all these videos on pokerstars which I can't play and its nice to see you play on a site that I can actually play on myself. Its also really cool to see how you play with 0 reads and what your standard lines would on a site like bovada where detailed huds aren't available.

May 30, 2015 | 5:21 p.m.

@6:00 colbus vs lautie.

Lautie ended up having the Jh. Do you think his line to call on a two tone board isn't too bad if he plans to bluff all non pairing river hearts? Another interesting part of the hand is the colbus had the Kh. But that blocker seems almost irrelevant as lautie should have a lot of AhAxxh to call turn and would have probably cbet flop with AhKhxx so that blocker doesn't seem to be too significant.

May 27, 2015 | 10:21 p.m.

Greath video as always. When you play a 3 bet or fold strategy in the SB, this is just vs button opens right?

May 25, 2015 | 12:23 p.m.

This video is so awesome. I think a huge effect at play though is that none of the pros want to do something dumb or wrong because they know everyone will eventually be watching so they tend to lean more towards the cautious side than playing with their guts.

April 9, 2015 | 5 a.m.

Taking every +chipEV spot in a tournament (especially one where you have a pretty good edge over other players like this $11 tournament) is not good for maximizing your ROI.

Shoving something like K8s in a weak field in a situation where you aren't super desperate for chips is probably +chipEV. But its also a shove that your opponents won't be making a lot of calling errors against. But if you pass that spot, and wait for a better value hand, vs weak opponents, they will probably be making a lot of errors allowing you to bluff post flop or value betting 3 streets resulting in a much higher +chipEV spot that you might not have had the opportunity to get by eliminating yourself with a K8s shove.

March 10, 2015 | 4:30 p.m.

Comment | Zefa commented on River bluff NL100

Err sorry, I typed that really fast, didn't mean to say you blocked AJ lol. Also the range of A9, AT, 9T is obv not a semibluff range, I meant to say a value range. NYE hangovers...

Jan. 1, 2015 | 7:37 p.m.

As played, does calling down all 3 streets even make sense?

I don't see any hand we beat if he shoves the river. AK should be scared of the clubs (and we block several AK combos), AJ got there, AQ shouldn't bet 3 streets on that run out. KK QQ TT got there. JJ should probably take a free card on the turn and also be scared of the clubs. That's the majority of the 3bet range so I just don't see AA beating anything that takes a 3 barrel line on this run out.

Jan. 1, 2015 | 3:25 p.m.

Comment | Zefa commented on River bluff NL100

I don't really like flop x/r as you can't rep too much. You should 3 bet your strong AA and 3 bet 99+. If you x/r, you're repping a narrow semibluff range of A9, AT, 9T, or some sort of gutshot broadway with flush draw or 78 etc.

I think your river bluff is very interesting and has a lot of merit. Although I think your hand is actually good here a very high % of the time, if you believe he will fold Ax to a x/r then I think this is very +EV bluff. Some people may think x/ring KQ in this spot is turning a hand with great showdown into a bluff but I think given your blocking potential which eliminates a lot of potentially strong combos from the villain, this x/r is pretty good.

You block KJ, QQ, AQ, AJ,. His range doesn't look like he has AA, 9x, TT b/c of his check back on turn. So if he decides you're bluffing, he might call with a worse Qx or Tx or even JJ. If he decides you're not bluffing, then he would have folded Ax anyways as there is almost no reason for you to turn Ax here into a bluff since it'll be a split pot a lot vs other Ax.


Jan. 1, 2015 | 3:14 p.m.

I agree somewhat with Baraky that forcing a fold from trips might be a bit ambitious at 100NL but if you have a solid read that the 2 regs are thinking winning players, I can definitely see it working.

I love the though process behind the shove though, and I think the two guys have AA-JJ (sometimes 99 from the 2nd guy) more often in that spot than they have Tx.

Nov. 3, 2014 | 10:57 p.m.

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