Zedekiah77's avatar


1 points

New to the site and this is my first post, so take this advice with a grain of salt..

I think the flop is too wet not to 3-bet. Even if villain will raise flop bet merged (99-QQ), there are too many bad cards on the turn that will either kill your action and/or leaving you guessing on how to proceed. Also, from villain perspective a raise PF, lead flop, call raise looks very strong and will likely check back all draws and merged range on the turn. I think 3-betting to $20 denies equity to the variety of draws on this board and commits you to the hand. If villain raises, we call. If villain calls, we shove all turns as your remaining stack will be a little less than the pot, which will feel gross if a club, 9 or 4 peel off, but you have the top of your range plus a draw to full house if your beat. If you check turn and villain jams, I think you have to call it off, so prefer to shove and get value from lower sets and 2 pair.

(I'm not sure if this is correct, but this is my initial stab at balancing this flop)

On this flop texture, I would do the following..

Check – Overpairs, AK-AT, nut flush draw, 97 clubs

Bet – Sets, straights, 2 pair, combo draws, gut shot draws, non-nut flush draws, under pairs,
other air

After a raise on this flop texture, I would continue as follows…

Call – 2 pair, non-nut flush draws

Raise – Sets, straights, combo draws


Feb. 19, 2019 | 4:59 p.m.

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