0 points
Hey thanks for those tips, I feel like you've defined some of the types well. I think the ones I have trouble against are a combination of the aggro fish style along with overfloat and overstab. Real pain when they're on my left as I feel like I have to play a lot tighter. Against these type of villains, is x/r flop with top pair a good play assuming they're playing a wide range?
I play a TAG style so usually my x/r are draws, monsters or semi bluffs- so x/r something like top pair or mid pair is something I'm not use to.
Also, if they're the sticky loose type who often call with any type of backdoor draws and turn up with a whole range of things on the river- I feel like bloating the pot OOP for me is no good, which means I've been playing a lot more passively with c/c quite a lot. Also have not made a flopped flush draw in what feels like years, which is definitely affecting my confidence in playing more aggressively.
April 23, 2020 | 9:40 a.m.
More of a theory post- but let's say you encounter someone whose VPIP/PFR/3B are something like 60/40/15 and their 3bet call is 50%. When playing IP vs them, if we had a more polarised 3b range before, do we start lowering our 3bet to more value hands (99+, AJs+) with less bluffs/Ax suited? Reasoning being we are playing post flop quite often vs these villains who don't fold much preflop.
When playing OOP vs them, just tighten up a lot?
What other adjustments would be optimal vs this type of villain?
April 22, 2020 | 11:59 a.m.
Hey guys
Looking for some discussion and strategies around deep stack play when the action is crazy. By crazy I mean:
*5-6 players to the flop most flops
*average VPIP of 5-6 players are in the 50-70% range, whilst remaining players are 40-50%
*Limping and overlimpers from all positions (95% of the time multiple limpers)
*About 60% of time there's raises going from 5BB to 10BB (with the occasional 15-20BB)- and if it's 10BB raise or under, flop goes 4-6 players multi-way
*3 good LAG/super LAG players, rest are recreational loose passive types
I'm in a home game situation (played online) where the blinds are 25c/50c- initial buy in is $50. The rule is that any reloads/top ups can be up to 50% of highest stack size on table. As the night gets on it ends up being half the table sitting on $150-$400 stacks (300-800BB), one player in the $500-700 range, and the rest at $150-$200.
Not use to deep stack play, how to adjust pre flop and post flop play here?
Preflop- Iso-raising the limpers usually doesn't work unless I raise to $20 pre (40BBs lol), a $10 raise will probably net you 2-3 callers. Raises of 4-6BB pretty much get the whole table in (because everyone thinks there's value once 2-3 people call). Do I just limp/re-raise the big premiums (QQ/KK/AA/AKs) and just limp/call pocket pairs/suited connectors hoping to hit the nuts? If I do this, it's super exploitable as people will flat my 3bet and raise me post flop- I'm not comfortable GII 200bb+ with just top pair or over pair.
I've seen a 150bb preflop raise get flatted by K7s lol. Obviously he hit the flush draw and x/r AI for another 400bbs (other guy had AK).
It's hard to analyse ranges when you have so many players to the flop. Also when you have AK/AQ/AJ raise and get called, not even comfortable betting multiple streets with TPTK when there's so many callers. At the same time I can't just check and only bet two pair+. Even worse is when flop is monotone/paired/draw heavy and you're first or second to act, with 5-6 players behind.
Such a weird game- 1. How would you adjust your opening ranges and positions to limpers in front of you?
2. Post flop- how would you play top pair/middle pair type hands or draws?
3. Any other advice?
Right so let's say if I'm typically 3betting TT+, AQo+ and some combos of 9Ts I should start adding suited broadways, Ax suited etc? The thing is these villains are usually sticky so a flop and even turn bet doesn't faze them. If I whiff should I be shutting down by turn? Feels like they will figure this out quite quickly though.
April 23, 2020 | 9:43 a.m.