15 points
Scenario: we are in the CO and position named (UTG, LJ, HJ) RFI 2.5x preflop. We are in the CO with Q9s
- CO vs UTG + 2 = -0.11 EV
- CO vs LJ = -0.06 EV
- CO vs HJ = -0.02 EV
Above you can see some different scenarios I have checked out in PokerSnowie in relation to what EV looks like if we 3-bet. In these situations, all the 3 bets are -EV. What I have in mind is that even if some plays are -EV against a random player, it can be + EV if we play against a fish. My question is therefore the following: How much minus EV can a typical 3 bet hand be for it not to be profitable against a fish. How bad the fish is and how well we play after the flop is a factor, so i know that this is a difficult question.
Sept. 21, 2020 | 1:02 a.m.
Hi I have a question that is a bit off topic, but what is the optimal bet size when it comes to Live cash game. I usually open 3.5x from UTG + 1 to CO, 4,5x on the BU, and 3x in the SB. The reason I bet so big on BU is because I have trained in PokerSnowie and the artificial intelligence use 3.5x on BU (since its live i make it a little bigger). As a rule, I have seen that people use larger bet size live, than online. Whats yout thoughts?
Sept. 20, 2020 | 7:32 p.m.
ok, thanks for the reply. Will try to implement it as best as possible.
Sept. 20, 2020 | 7:25 p.m.
What does X/R and SD's mean?
Aug. 25, 2020 | 1:34 a.m.
I'm a fairly new omaha player, and have seen around 20 hours of training videos on the site so far. I'm still a little unsure of how opening ranges I should have, and I know that this varies a bit depending on what kind of game you play. I play in an 8 handed live pot limit omaha game with lots of straddles and loose players + standard casino rake. It would had helped me a lot if you had given me a clue of how the opening ranges should roughle look like from the 8 different positions :)
Aug. 25, 2020 | 1:11 a.m.
ok, i will definitely have it in the back of my mind when I play against fish, but I did not quite understand if you confirmed my idea that running the hand several times costs us more rake in the long run or not. Since every hand we split, we pay half the rake.
Aug. 22, 2020 | 6:28 p.m.
What are your thoughts on running your hand several ways when you are al in. Where I play, people often go two or 3 times, but have heard that it costs more rake, since you have to pay rake when it splits, but if you loose the hand you dont have to pay the rake.
Aug. 21, 2020 | 6:54 p.m.
Ok, thanks for the good answer! I also have another question since often most of the players straddle around the table so that I only sit at around 50bb. What hands should i re pot someone in this dynamic, people are poting loose. I'm a little unsure if double suited rounddown like 7-6-5-4ds is good here, since people always calls and am not deep at all.
What are your thoughts on hand selection in this spots
Aug. 20, 2020 | 4:06 p.m.
Hi I play a lot of PLO live and try to learn as much as I can. Could you explain why it is better to 3 bet more than to call in close spots against loose players, considering rake. I do not quite understand how we battle against rake with 3 bets. Maby like how the rake works.
Aug. 17, 2020 | 10:21 p.m.
Sorry if you have already answered this question, but I only watched half of the video before I went to play live poker now. If many people at the table play bad hands and join a lot of pots preflop, should you rather squeze big? To me, it seems that 3-bet smal is more relevant heads up. Whats your thought
Aug. 6, 2020 | 12:21 p.m.
Thanks for the good answer! It's standard rake, do you still want to cold call with bad AA? And when you say bad AA it that like AA97rb?
Aug. 6, 2020 | 10:46 a.m.
Great video and explanation! But I have a question. Usually I play in an under ground poker game live plo where the players are super loose. Often 4-5 people limp or call pot from RFI. If I squeeze then almost always everyone calls evry time or at list minimum 3 people. People fold very little, and join in on everything. Do you think I should tighten up my range when I then squeeze since they always calles, and should I especially squeeze as little as possible out of position? I have been sqeezing some weaker AAXX comboes out of position, and when that many people calles its very difficult to play.
Hi I have a question that is a bit off topic, but what is the optimal bet size when it comes to Live cash game. I usually open 3.5x from UTG + 1 to CO, 4,5x on the BU, and 3x in the SB. The reason I bet so big on BU is because I have trained in PokerSnowie and the artificial intelligence use 3.5x on BU (since its live i make it a little bigger). As a rule, I have seen that people use larger bet size live, than online. Whats yout thoughts?
Sept. 20, 2020 | 11:08 p.m.