Zachary Larson's avatar

Zachary Larson

15 points

pre AQo isn't a 3bet vs UTG at least for me. OTF If you're betting half pot you probably need to be checking, so you'd have to start checking some KKs with a club, or KQcc, etc., I'm not sure how wide of a range you're 3betting vs UTG, but for the odds you are getting you almost have to defend you're entire range, maybe you can fold some TT with no club, but I think you still have to call. Turn will be dicey facing a bet. I'd rather be checking back an AQcx on this flop instead of this combo with no backdoor.

Nov. 20, 2019 | 2:11 a.m.

It's important to remember that multiway your relative hand strength, no matter what, significantly declines, so while HU this might be a reasonable play, even then there's probably better ways to play, in multiway this doesn't work because you're not going to get called by a worse pair, and you're not folding out a set/two pair. The chances that somebody in the pot holds one of those skyrockets because it's 4 way. The problem here is that you're way overplaying your relative strength. Also, multiway, when were lead into, our hand now turns into a bluff catcher, and when you jam the turn, youre doing this wierd thing where your converting your bluff catcher into a...?

Nov. 14, 2019 | 5:20 p.m.

Line and board pretty underbluffed, if we hold the As/Ks were snap calling, but not holding those I think we can get an exploitative fold, probably a called in theory

Nov. 14, 2019 | 3:29 p.m.

Agree this is very underbluffed, as a lot of his bluffs get there OTR, I think OTF we need to either be range betting 1/3 or half potting a little more polarized, since we half pot it, I'd much rather put AA in our check calling range because of balancing reasons and that the hand isn't very vulnerable. As played turn and river seem fine. We are calling a lot of rivers here, but the 8h is a particularly bad one.

Nov. 7, 2019 | 2:47 p.m.

I think we should be checking this a lot her otf, I think we should usually be check raising our draws that can have troubles realizing their equities, and this hand won't. OTT I think we need to be doing a bit of both checking and betting, probably more checking just because villain is going to have a lot more Ks than us. Due to this, we should be betting larger and more polarized when we actually do bet here.

Oct. 21, 2019 | 4:42 p.m.

Really love the analyses,. It's kind of crazy how simple these seemingly hard playing board can seem after going through it and rationalizing it using pio

Oct. 18, 2019 | 1:54 p.m.

Agree with above, should be call, this board in general shouldnt be check raised too much by him because he just doesn't have enough value here ever, and I doubt he's balancing it out enough, turn itsnt scary, and neither is river, so I'd call.

Oct. 18, 2019 | 12:40 p.m.

I don't think we should be doing a whole lot of check raising on this board in BB vs CO. I'd rather prefer a call and maybe check raise with our two pairs and gutshots with FD and put the NFDs in our check call

Oct. 10, 2019 | 4:45 p.m.

I think checking range would be okay. He has a distinct advantage here and you're goal should be to get to showdown with almost all the value you have. While your sets and overpairs hate to check here, I think for simplicity's sake and the protection of your range, it might be better to just check range.

Oct. 6, 2019 | 8:38 p.m.

Can someone explain to why it's wrong for me to think a 66% and check range is better? My thinking is that most of our value is going to be pretty vulnerable and wants to bet big for protection because villains' ranges are going to contain a lot of draws?

Oct. 6, 2019 | 7:42 p.m.

I think there's a difference between what's attainable and what's actually realistic. It also depends on your goals as a player. I'm sure a 500nl reg could beat 10-50nlz at something like 18+bb/100, but a person whos trying to grind through the stakes while focusing on getting better might cap out at 7bb/100 because by the time you increase your edge further than that you're already probably shot taking the next stake.

Oct. 6, 2019 | 7:31 p.m.


Sept. 10, 2019 | 2:19 a.m.

Post | Zachary Larson posted in NLHE: Too Many Questions

The biggest thing I've struggled with is semi bluffing our draws - and it's hard to find a lot of information out there on your overall range construction when it comes to what kind of semi bluffs we are putting into our different ranges. Most people just leave it at "we need to be betting our draw here" or some form of this - but they never expand upon what that actually means. We obviously can't be betting every draw in our range because we'd be significantly over bluffing - so the question become how do we decide which hands to balance our value with. So I'd like to break the semi bluffs into three types for simplicity sake
1. Weak Draws (non nutted GSSD's, low card flush draws, etc.)
2. Middling Draws (GS+FD, OESD, etc.)
3. Big Draws (OESD+FD, TP+FD, etc.)
If you could explain to me how each one of those fits into different ranges and the function they serve, or at least point me in the direction to figure that answer out for myself I would be entirely grateful. I don't know if I'm just oblivious, overthinking about this stuff, or if this is something you can't simply learn by being told but rather have to log a bunch of hands to just get the feel of it, but I feel like it's a very BIG thing that I am simply lacking knowledge on.
Edit: sorry if this question is WAYYY too vague/broad...I kinda struggle with that


Sept. 10, 2019 | 2:15 a.m.

I don't understand the point of our shove, are we value betting or bluffing? We're not getting a flush to fold, we're not getting sets most likely, so I don't really like this play. While I do think there's some merit to it, as a lot of hands contains a Q or J, if we were targeting those we shouldnt be jamming 2x pot, we can put a nice value bet it, we just have to make sure we're doing this with all our value not just middling hands like we have, so when we inevitably get xraised on this board we have calls.

Sept. 4, 2019 | 4:16 p.m.

Pre I think we can fold, if we're not folding this then we're calling too much
OTT I think it's better to just call, hes not folding enough better to make this profitable, if we had like J10cc which has no show down value then it would be not terrible, but he have TP and we need to try and get to showdown. The flushdraw is just added equity and by jamming were allowing his bluffs to just fold, and it would be higher EV to let them fire the river and have us call with our catcher.

Sept. 4, 2019 | 4:08 p.m.

you just have to call on the flop - you will be vastly over folding. You have to understand that the vast majority of his 3betting hands are unpaired hands, and most people are over cbetting flops after 3betting pre, so you can probably start check raising here a decent amount.

Sept. 3, 2019 | 8:36 p.m.

pre flop don't 3bet it
Flop: you can still bet this flop even though it doesn't hit you're range because this board doesn't particularly hit his either, and you're utilizing the strength of your perceived range.
Turn: fine bet given the circumstances.
But seriously, stop 3betting this garbage pre

Sept. 3, 2019 | 8:29 p.m.

cbet flop I like, Turn I think I'd like an overbet - do the same when you have some nut flush draws (and then bet like 2/3 with full houses and combo draws)

Aug. 31, 2019 | 9:45 p.m.

yeah you have to call - should be 3betting pre

Aug. 31, 2019 | 7:54 p.m.

He can very reasonably be value betting worse than top two - KQ, AQ, even an AJ who blocks the J10 can do this - calling this - I like the check call turn - but I think you need to be check calling river also

Aug. 30, 2019 | 6:30 p.m.

  1. Check call the jam - he doesn't have too many 9s, on top of that we only need 27% to call and we have about 17% to hit the FH, he can play overpairs and flush draws with a 10 like this
  2. never folding KK pre

Aug. 26, 2019 | 5:04 p.m.

Pre: I like a 3bet pre a very good amount of the time, but flatting is fine I guess
Flop: I think we're going to have A LOT better check raises on this board than J10s, I'd rather just call and then re evaluate on the turn
Turn: If you're going to do this I prefer an overbet, as you would do this with straights, sets, and some FDs
River: Im jamming this river. Both draws missed - and we still have all 7s and sets in our range, which he erased almost all of when he just flatted turn bet on a double FD turn - on top of that both FDs missed - and were going to be putting his Ax draws that missed but still hit an A in a VERY tough spot - and were bound to fold out a significant amount of those with a jam

Aug. 23, 2019 | 9:12 p.m.

Pre is rather 4bet A5s because the straight potential - I think a jam turn works well, we have the 18% chance to hit our NFD, and we're going to be folding a significant portion of his range that simply had to protect against your small preflop sizing. I think betting small on the turn simply leaves us with too little fold equity on a jam

Aug. 8, 2019 | 12:47 a.m.

Pre: is whatever, you should be doing both calling and 3betting
Flop: betting flop makes since not only for our hand but also for our range as a whole - when raised were getting 23% pot odds - we have a 18 percent chance of hitting our flush on the turn, and he's going to be bluffing the spot occassionaly so our equity is for sure above the 23% needed to call
Turn: if it's a diamond were playing for stacks, if it's not and he bets more than half pot we can fold, if he bets half pot or less we can call

Aug. 7, 2019 | 11:44 p.m.

you're getting 18.5% to call, I think just call, and shrug it off when he jams river, except maybe on the 4d,6d,8d,9d?

July 25, 2019 | 10:09 p.m.

yeah youre range is capped he has all sets, all 2 pairs - its very hard to come up with bluffs for his range in this board - the sizing increase is most likely a 2 pair+/made straight trying to get you off a flush draw - I just dont think he has enough bluffs here to profitably call an almost pot bet here - good as played

July 25, 2019 | 9:49 p.m.

Post | Zachary Larson posted in NLHE: Studying

I was wondering what everyone thinks the most optimal thing to study after learning foundation stuff in poker is? Like what do you think the 20% of things you can study to get 80% of the results? Or do you think that just not exist when it comes to poker?

July 20, 2019 | 2:32 a.m.

You need check raise because your hand is very vulnerable, a spades run out puts you in a tough spot, so you need to raise to protect your hand, and remove his weak flush draws - which as the BTN he is going to have many - you still allow his value hands to stay in - and it also allows you to now semi bluff a spade on the turn/river

July 18, 2019 | 2:07 p.m.

This board smashes his range - you can try and rep the AA/KK but I think people are a little to sticky here to fold after hitting the flop in a 4bet pot to profitably semi bluff here

July 16, 2019 | 7:17 p.m.

jamming turn - I'd generally never slow play aces because you're not only missing a lot of value but you're also just allowing yourself to be put into situations where you can easily screw up - but you have to jam turn to protect

July 16, 2019 | 7:08 p.m.

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