15 points
Woah, $1500? Really?
Oct. 13, 2017 | 11:54 p.m.
I'd call in SB with that hand. Flop, go for x/raise. If he 3bets you on the flop, just fold it. V is probably stabbing this flop a lot, though.
If he calls x/raise, barrel turn. If he calls or raises turn, just give up.
If he checks behind flop, check/fold turn.
Sept. 26, 2017 | 11:29 a.m.
Cbetting half pot into three opponents first to act with an overpair and runner runner redraw, what could go wrong?
Sept. 16, 2017 | 3:31 a.m.
This is a purely mathematical situation. What are your pot odds on the turn? What's your chance of hitting a full house on the river? Calculate those, then you'll have your answer.
Sept. 16, 2017 | 3:26 a.m.
Used to live there. Peak season is Memorial day through last day of the WSOP, and all holiday weekends. Go then. PLO games are pretty reg-infested the rest of the year. A few 10/25 and 25/50 PLO pros are masters of game selection, and will drop down to the 1/2/5 and 2/5/10 games on a regular basis depending on the player pool across the stakes.
That being said, there will always be visitors the rest of the year, but the money during off-peak times is not near as good as during peak season.
Best of luck.
Sept. 1, 2017 | 6:46 p.m.
Would you please explain the reasoning for the first example? If the villain does not have a lot of bluffs, then why would hero want to bet here?
I wouldn't want to inflate the pot with a set OOP on a board where it's likely villain has a straight.
@27 min, we have the nut flush, unless these colors are out of whack and that isn't the case??...this isn't a turn bluff. Not sure what point is trying to be made here...
Aug. 5, 2017 | 10:42 p.m.
Theme seems to be call in the BB with weak holdings, x/raise/GII on the flop as an underdog, and donk away your stack...This video is pretty bad.
Aug. 5, 2017 | 10:08 p.m.
At 32:00 I at first thought It was strange to shove with second set + FD, but after running through PPT, his play seems good.
If both of them have a straight, we have awesome equity if we can GII on the turn. If we smooth call and river pairs or flushes, we likely get a fold from them, losing out on a lot of value.
We're not even in that terrible of shape assuming one has top set and the other has the current nuts.
TLDR: His stack-off makes sense.
June 4, 2015 | 10:49 p.m.
Your syntax work is pretty cool. Do you mind explaining what it all means?
May 31, 2015 | 5:54 a.m.
I'd love to see it!
May 30, 2015 | 11:18 p.m.
On Bovada it's important to keep in mind what time of the week and day you are playing, as to whether more recreational or regulars are playing.
As for trying to figure out how to play against a random unknown, I suppose it's best to play back as if in a vacuum, as we essentially have no history with any players.
I too have trouble deciding if playing on Bovada is viable long-term, since I won't ever be able to save reads against players, as we could do at a Casino (or at PS or FT but it's been ages since I could play on there from US). Some times I think it doesn't matter, then I sometimes toss and turn wondering how I could play back if I moved up to 2/4 or 3/6 PLO on the site..
Perhaps it's best to start out tight, then adjust play accordingly until we can determine average player types at the table.
May 30, 2015 | 9:21 p.m.
On the last hand, where you had QTJ3 on the board 24T3, are there any rivers you are folding? I'm thinking we could find a fold if he jams on a 2 or a 4? You make it sound like you would be hard pressed to fold really any river here. What about an A, K, Q?
Nov. 21, 2014 | 1:58 a.m.
How is two pair polarized? The nuts and K-high are polarized. Two pair is smack in the middle...
Oct. 30, 2014 | 6:20 a.m.
P.S. I also prefer the videos where you speak after doing the session :)
Oct. 26, 2014 | 8:49 p.m.
You seem to value bet fairly large, with hands like top two on boards w/ possible straights out there. Do you find players won't usually be calling down with sucker straights, but are more likely to call down with middle two pair, making these bets have merit? For example at 14:00 you considered value betting your top two in a spot I would have likely x/folded. How are you so sure villain isn't calling down w/ T986 or 8765 etc., and your top two are good? Are you betting to avoid facing a decision if villain bets in to you when you check?
Oct. 26, 2014 | 8:04 p.m.
Read my mind.
Oct. 25, 2014 | 12:02 a.m.
If you're folding nut wraps in a pot 6-way like this, please tell me where and when you're playing so I can be there.
Oct. 25, 2014 | 12:01 a.m.
Pot flop. Pot turn. Pot river. You have Qc, so if he doesn't have Ac, most he has is J-high flush. Is villain stacking off w/ 4th nuts?
Oct. 24, 2014 | 8:35 p.m.
gii on turn
Oct. 24, 2014 | 8:30 p.m.
Hi Phil,
Early in the video you mention how in the games you play, a lot of your opponents tend to 4-bet more out of position than in position. I've heard you say this in other videos as well, but have a hard time understanding why they consider this strategy optimal. Is it to discourage their opponents from 3-betting light in position? Or do they just love playing out of position in 4-bet pots postflop?...
Oct. 23, 2014 | 4:06 p.m.
At 8:30 in this situation are you always calling down your K-high + overpair FDs OOP? I mean, what is your plan when the boards bricks out entirely (as it did)? Calling down two bets, just to fold when you don't hit your nine-outer seems like a -EV play.
Will this particular player [or the average random player, since it seems like you don't have stats for this player] for sure double you up if you hit your flush? Is that why you are comfortable x/calling all the way?
He was also shocked the book was $1500, said it was good (presumably sponsored ad since he didn't pay for the book), and the topic was quickly changed. It would be great to hear others talk about their experience with the book more.
Oct. 15, 2017 | 1:39 a.m.