10 points
great video!
we actually joked with friends about your propensity to punish capped ranges, which made the first hand that much more enjoyable to watch:)
That said, I am missing something on the river, Im not totally convinced that the hands you named are better calls than 88 (esp since 88, unlike 99, blocks 85 as well). To simplify:
you think that his call is bad, because we check the turn with sets a lot more often than we are going to check the turn with straights, so blocking 77/44 is more valuable than blocking 89/85. Correct? That would make sense, but just sheer amount of straights we have ott+the fact that we will bet sets sometimes makes this argument kind of dubious.
That still does not explain why did you mention T9/T8 as a better call than 88. I fail to figure out why.
Thank you:)
Sept. 8, 2019 | 5:23 a.m.
I think because we have really big range advantage and we want to be more polarized...polarized isn´t maybe good word but we want to push opponents cappted range - main part of bluffcatchers are something like 77-JJ + he has lots of broadways. On the turn we can overbet shove or x/shove.
No, I don´t think we need lots of protection but we want to push opponent´s bluffcatchers with pretty big range advantage.
Oct. 9, 2017 | 8:33 p.m.
This is really good for BTN range so I prefer check/raise flop.
As played imo the best way is 3b flop and barrel any turn (except A or T where I will go x/c)...against this kind of opponents we have really good fold equity.
Oct. 8, 2017 | 1:04 p.m.
I like this calldown. Villian is so polarized and we block lots of his value hands. I think Villian will not valuebetting for example A9ss with this sizing on river. Maybe I prefer caldown with something like K6hh or some thing like that because we don´t block any of his bluffs - 65s, 54s, QJ, Q9 and lots of his 9x hands. The question is how frequently will opponents bluffs with this sizings on turn and river...
Oct. 8, 2017 | 12:55 p.m.
I prefer larger sizing on the flop - it´s pretty dry board and only we have 5x hands - 65s, A5s, maybe 75s, 54s . I don´t know EP´s PF deffending range but I don´t think that he has to defend 65s, A5s 3way...probably he hasn´t to defend 88.
Turn is blank so I prefer this sizing - other opportunity is imo x/shove - against players who will steb too much.
Reasons why I prefer shove river:
I´m pretty sure that the larges part of EP´s range are bluff catchers.
I don´t see peoples turning their made hands (66, 77, 99) into bluffs.
We are so high in our range..I think this is the best hand in this spot (I don´t know if we have 54s).
If Villian defends 5x PF or 76s etc., we will get calls by worst.
Oct. 8, 2017 | 12:48 p.m.
I think this is flop where CO will cbet close to 100% so I play it the same way but it depends how wide is his 4betting range.
Oct. 8, 2017 | 12:32 p.m.
Yeah, I think 3b pre is better opportunity vs 2,5x open raise.
Other than that I agree with Barracuda.
great video, thanks!
Btw I absolutely love the preflop ranges you were forced to use/young gun plays. The juxtaposition of standard live nitty ranges vs "whatever occasionaly flops backdoors is good enough" approach and the implied belief that 3bettor is a sucker who doesnt know he is essentially setmining aces is just hilarious to me.
Oct. 21, 2019 | 8:27 p.m.