0 points
Hi, im writing this in the hope of bringing to your attention how I and i suspect many others feel about the disparity between the essential and elite membership plans.
Iv been an essential run it once subscriber for around a month now, and have pretty much exhausted all the mtt videos. But a step up to the elite membership is far too costly. In my opinion i think some review over the content, cover of pro's and pricing etc could perhaps be addressed.
This is of course just my opinion, but i feel it will be the same opinion of maybe half of members across both membership plans..
I feel like, a better cover in the essential plan ie. more pros and more vids, would be a much better thing for the site. But an increase to say $15-20/month rather than the $10/month it is now would be more suited. I think more people would be happier to pay the small amount more to have a larger coverage of pro's and vids, as for the disparity to $100/month for an elite membership. I realise there is obviously a reason for the high $100/month membership but if it were more like $60/month which is still $15/ week then there would also be far more jumpers from the essential plan to the elite...but far happier members across both plans.
Please excuse my naievity for not searching this subject already in the thread, but i hope this doesnt deter from a good topic of conversation. I hope to get some opinions of the admin on this subject etc and if you think my view is justly. And likewise if anyone disagrees to what i think etc
March 10, 2016 | 5:15 p.m.
Great game dDeoxy, congrats and wp !!
Clearly a good thinking player, not sure why u wanted reviewed...
Feb. 3, 2016 | 4:15 p.m.
Woah ok, so 88 in this spot is +1931 chips (1/2bb i think it was) and 99 is +6700...A bigger difference than id expect just taking into account of the 6 more possible combinations in villains range. Just seems to me that the figures somehow dont weigh up when we consider only adding another 6 combinations to the pp's tally of 42 combinations against the 64 comvinations of overcard combinations..weird, im obviously just confusing the matter maybe :)
So is it right to say then, if 8's is +1930 chips and 9s is +6700 that 9's is more than 3x the EV..cos that doesnt seem right either .....:)
Jan. 13, 2016 | 3:21 a.m.
Hi, I have a question regarding a specific hand and situation we often come across in regards to the 77 hand utg. In the top right table (big 55) 2 mins from the end of the video. Obviously calling and folding ranges are player specific but I agree with you generally speaking here, folding 7's easy, 8's borderline and 9's just a call albeit reluctantly. However iv never actually been able to theorise why the disparity between a hand like 77 and 99 in these circumstances, except for the obvious pair over pair advantage. And i think this hand example illustrates my confusion further and hopefully others as to why the big difference.
If we consider that sb's shoving range consists of the (KQ, AJ, AQ, AK) 16 combinations of each so 64 combinations and the pairs (8's,9's,10s,J's,Q's,K's and A's) 6 combinations of each so 42 combinations in all. There is still considerably more hands were flipping against
So are we folding 77 on the premise he could have 88, and calling 99 also because of this reason, with 88 being the bordeline call....... With only 6 more possible cominations of hands added to the group of overpairs, this still leaves more hands were flipping against. That been said how can we rule out calling with 7's in this situation but call with 8's ??
This situation comes up very often actually, where i fold 7's and borderline call 8's, or likewise fold 8's and borderline call 9's or sometimes maybe fold 6's and bordeline call 7's. And as of my analysis here, im actually weighing myself towards donk calling off with s**t pairs ! :)
I'd be interested to hear What your view of this is Owen, and likewise any other pro's. Am i missing something here ??? :)
Also as an added interesting anomaly, concerning the ICMIZER calling range chart u have popped up....8's a more profitable call than 10's and J's !?? Am i missing something here :)
Keep up the good work Owen, thanks for your vids and i hope this comment sparks an interest .. ;)
Loved the K6h hand bob on A8hhK flop , loved the analysis as well. I think with Q10/QJ hands making this same line -tiny bet flop, big bet turn (incomparison) and after ur analysis i think could be adzactly what he had esp with diamonds bd fd. I think thats what he has as often as 40% of time as considering ur line is synonmous with a King he can make this play to 1 look like value and 2 to move u off a King in a juicy pot for him to win. I call despite the % of time he can be valuing all the 2 pairs and straights, u set the hand up for perfect for this 1 play of his.
Hope to see more vids from you maybe lower buy ins at all ??
great vid great coach .ty !
Dec. 18, 2016 | 6:29 a.m.