16 points
Yeah not saying you are over folding, but population is. I can certainly see why PIO would have it as a big bet spot, but can also see merits of small bet vs a random opponent.
I do still think i'd be folding this combo on river though. Feels like you still have a whole bunch of Ax, QJ, KT, even some Jxs which don't block his bluffs, which in my mind make stronger bluff-catchers... unless you have a specific read that villain is heavily over-bluffing this spot (which he could be... but there's some decent reasons for him not to be getting super OOL as well)
Jan. 7, 2021 | 12:05 p.m.
To be honest in the KQ hand i disagree entirely that villian should be betting polar and doing a lot of checking. Vs population you'll get a lot of people over-folding vs a small sizing (i'd probably not go quite as small as he did, but 25% still seems fine), but it gives him much more maneuverability on later streets to apply appropriate pressure vs your range (which is strong-ish, but still capped). I'd be shocked to see any HSMTT reg using the pot/check strat you eluded to.
Tbh i think villian played his hand very well and I don't think your hand works particularly great as a bluffcatcher. Sure you block KT and AK, but you also block Kx, which makes up a pretty large % of his bluff range (i'd be surprised to see anyone decent show up with a bluff that isn't Kx or Tx OTR).
I'd also slightly factor in that he's by no means runaway chipleader and when he triples off here and gets called he's then in a pretty gross ICM spot as ~joint short stack, directly OOP to a more substatial CL. Not saying he'll be under-bluffing, but I don't think it's reasonable to assume he's going completely wild as you suggested with hands like 94o/95o etc. Nice call on this occasion though ;)
Jan. 6, 2021 | 12:13 p.m.
Are there any features/solutions in this software with varying stack sizes or the option of including antes for solutions? I mainly play MTTs and think the software looks pretty cool, but although i'm sure i'd gain some useful knowledge training with this software, 100bb no ante solutions will be vastly different to the majority of MTT spots.
Dec. 2, 2020 | 12:42 p.m.
Posted last comment before watching your PIO stuff. Guess i was out with the 99/TT, it prefers AQs and KQs, which makes sense blocker-wise. Was mainly thinking about what has more equity when UTG goes with his get-in range vs a cold-4
Nov. 25, 2020 | 12:22 p.m.
Agree that people aren't cold 4-bet bluffing really ever in that spot where you have KK, but I can see people cold 4-ing stuff like 99-JJ (mayyyybe AQs) with the intention of calling off vs UTG and folding vs super tight btn get-in range. So while i don't think QQ is ever getting it in vs worse (maybe JJ some freq and for sure fllipping vs AK), I think it sometimes gets some folds. Maybe he should just peel, keep in any worse pairs. He could then fold on some AKx AQx KQx flops, go with it on anything else.
Nov. 25, 2020 | 12:18 p.m.
At 35:00 you discuss turning K2s, A2s, 56s type hands into a bluff on the river. I can't really work out why you'd ever turn hands as good as 6x into a bluff on the river, even 2x seems like it has a lot of SD value vs his range here. What better hands are you hoping mr Koon will fold when you turn 6x into a bluff?
Maybe you can have some KJss, JTss, 75ss, 65ss, Axss (obviously not the latter given his hand in the case) you could bluff with
What range do you have for check-calling this river? If you are leading all Qx, flushes for value and you say you're turning weak 6x and 2x into a bluff. Leaving you good 6x and pairs 77+? Maybe some weaker Qxs?
Jan. 14, 2016 | 2:31 p.m.
the AQs hand it seems pretty clear the bb is all-in for <1bb and UTG limps, so hero is UTG+1
Oct. 8, 2015 | 2:23 p.m.
with KJcc i think checking back 653ccc would be a pretty significant mistake, certainly in a low-stakes MTT. You can get called by so many hands that are drawing dead on the flop, but which may well not get a bet from on a lot of turns.
Hands like 4x 5x 6x, with or without a club can certainly call once now, but may well fold when the turn is a high card. You also give the villains in the hand a chance to c/shove hands like 6x, 4x, any hand with a high club or pair/SD+FD type hands.
Obviously if the turn rolls of a club after we check back flop we're limited to maybe 1 street from that point.
Oct. 8, 2015 | 2:11 p.m.
With the KQo hand sb vs MP (which you elected to jam), what would your prefered line be?
I think jamming is clearly pretty poor given black88 should be opening A LOT tighter than standard given he's opening off 23bb with 2 similar stacks left in, so ICM considerations are huge for him and he's opening into the 2nd stack bb, who can f with him pretty hard.
Given that I think it certainly wouldn't be a mistake for him to be folding some suited Ax hands, TJs, QTs even wont be very profitable steals for him.
Obviously hugely player dependant, but vs a very ICM aware opponent i think folding is best, flatting is an option, but it won't do great vs his range... and not losing a few bb for you in this spot is pretty valuable given other stacks. KQs could potentially be a flat? I think KQs is a hand I really wouldn't know what to do with in that spot tbh.
3b/f is the other option I guess for KQo, which could balance with AA/KK combos. KQ obviously has great blockers, but personally I prefer not to have a 3bet range in that spot.
Sept. 30, 2015 | 12:45 a.m.
This page won't load for me through browser or iPad. Really want to delete my sync'd videos and put some more on there. Is this page down or something? Or is it just me?
Aug. 24, 2015 | 2:02 p.m.
At 14:55 table 3. You say villain probably has some weaker pairs 33-77, 99-JJ, 8x etc, which will always check back river. Given his bet-size gives a very reliable tell that his hand strength is either a weak made hand, or a draw, it seems like a pretty reasonable spot to c/r. He may well fold out most of his weak made hands here, or even extract some value if he decides to call 1 putting you on a hand similar to the one he had. It doesn't matter when he folds those made hands though, as he will check back river unimproved anyway, but we get some value from FDs too, which will likely call a turn c/r.
Just seems silly to put him on a range of hands exclusively worse than yours, which will all check back river unimproved and decided that check-calling turn is optimal, he just freerolls improving/getting you to fold and can v-bet whenever he gets there.
Think i prefer a c/call vs a larger sizing, vs someone who may 2-barrel some draws, but in this spot I disagree
I'm assuming for the sims like the T9xT9 hand where it shows your overbet rivers including a bunch of Tx like JT,QT etc and even some 9x that it's only a fraction of a combo of these that raises flop. Does it show number of combos it expects you to raise flop with those? I know you said you must be way under raising flop, but tbh i'd expect it to just be AT as a 1-pair raise for value at any meaningful frequency.
Feb. 23, 2021 | 5:40 p.m.