2 points
Are there any comprehensive guides to standard preflop raising sizes out there? Squeeze sizing and squeezes v multiple callers etc?
E.g I had a spot where I raise 3bb I get 3-bet to 7.5 and someone cold calls I know 4-bet standard sizing oop is x2.5 but what about with the cold caller?
Sept. 25, 2017 | 12:02 a.m.
BB: $20.20
CO: $38.97 (Hero)
BN: $35.67
Sept. 24, 2017 | 4:10 p.m.
UTG: $19.40
MP: $23.12
CO: $53.56
BN: $25.85
SB: $30.73
Sept. 24, 2017 | 4:04 p.m.
Betting range is something I'm new to. Why can't we bet range here? Is it because it's harder to realise equity oop? Does this apply to whenever we are oop?
Sept. 22, 2017 | 2:40 p.m.
BB: $20.00
CO: $20.00
BN: $22.24 (Hero)
Sept. 22, 2017 | 4:57 a.m.
UTG: $31.68
MP: $20.83 (Hero)
CO: $8.20
BN: $31.85
SB: $23.04
Sept. 22, 2017 | 4:32 a.m.
CO: $20.30
BN: $20.40 (Hero)
SB: $20.00
Sept. 22, 2017 | 4:20 a.m.
UTG: $22.38
MP: $5.80
CO: $20.00
BN: $6.30
SB: $50.83 (Hero)
Sept. 18, 2017 | 4:45 p.m.
BB: $20.50 (Hero)
CO: $20.00
BN: $24.30
Rake is $0.86
Aug. 6, 2017 | 1:10 p.m.
CO: $22.24 (Hero)
BN: $20.96
SB: $20.40
Aug. 6, 2017 | 1:05 p.m.
CO: $15.50
BN: $25.23
SB: $17.88
Rake is $0.76
Aug. 6, 2017 | 3:06 a.m.
UTG: $41.25
MP: $20.18 (Hero)
CO: $58.49
BN: $4.10
SB: $20.12
Aug. 6, 2017 | 2:18 a.m.
UTG: $35.55
MP: $20.00
CO: $17.35
BN: $25.59 (Hero)
SB: $56.62
Rake is $1.19
Aug. 3, 2017 | 11:51 p.m.
UTG: $30.07
MP: $9.96
CO: $29.76
BN: $7.40
SB: $20.00
Rake is $0.55
July 25, 2017 | 11:55 p.m.
CO: $20.00 (Hero)
BN: $21.61
SB: $20.44
Rake is $0.48
July 17, 2017 | 10:50 p.m.
I think it depends if you think villain is always 3-betting JQo in the SB. If so it's pretty close as to whether you can raise for value. Having said that though I expect villain to almost always bet JQo on the flop so I think you can discount it somewhat.
So I think call or raise is fine on turn, you say you are crushed if your raise is called but if villain is weak (too lose?) they will always call with 2-pair plus. Also like you say the downside to calling is nearly all hearts put you in an awkward spot on the river if they bet.
On the river as played I think raising for value is thin but fine depending on how many JQ they have and if they b/c their 2-pairs.
July 11, 2017 | 11:56 a.m.
Also didn't think of this at the time but I probably get them off any Axs hand
June 24, 2017 | 1:09 p.m.
UTG: $66.52
MP: $20.00
CO: $47.41
BN: $7.94
SB: $20.30 (Hero)
June 24, 2017 | 1:07 p.m.
UTG: $23.45
MP: $9.30
CO: $26.59
BN: $13.34
SB: $6.57
Rake is $0.62
June 23, 2017 | 2:42 p.m.
Yeah I wasn't sure about the turn bet at the time and looking at it now we definitely have better hands to bluff with.
June 22, 2017 | 9:54 p.m.
UTG: $26.27
CO: $20.74
BN: $20.54 (Hero)
SB: $17.82
June 22, 2017 | 4:31 p.m.
CO: $20.27
BN: $20.10
SB: $20.00
Rake is $0.80
May 26, 2017 | 10:16 p.m.
BB: $20.00
CO: $20.99
BN: $16.30
Rake is $0.75
I play NL20. That sounds interesting, I'll keep an eye out for that and try it out if I looks like it might work. Thanks.
Sept. 25, 2017 | 1:01 p.m.