freeman zhang
0 points
i think facing most of reg should fold this river,but against some fish or bad regular,they just min 3bet the turn with AA/KK types overpair,and dont know what they are actually doing for what...they just cant fold AA or KK,but if it's that happen,they mostly will bet small on river or just checking back
Feb. 3, 2013 | 12:43 p.m.
hello,james.A6s on 29:00 at bottom left table.i doubt if bet-calling the turn is correct against with passive fish? i think most of passive fish will only check-call down with a hand like Ax with a heart or some Tj with a heart,maybe even stronger than some likes KJ or TQ types hand which he will just call but raise.So,when he facing the big size turn cbet will shoving over the top maybe it's much more stronger than we thought.But if we check the turn,the fish likely to bet almost entire his range,include some hand like 78 or 6x that he can call the turn,we can make a really easy call on the river.
and one more question,if we get called on the turn,and river comes a blank,the fish donk shoving,how should we deal with that? Due to we dont have much handhistory with fish normally,a call here might be really close.fish might have any 2 pair,flush,or sets,coz fish always take a weird line to play a strong hand.
at the end,sorry for my poor english,i really like explained every hand so detail like u,i'd like to have a coach like u,thanks for giving us the great video!!
and one more question,if we get called on the turn,and river comes a blank,the fish donk shoving,how should we deal with that? Due to we dont have much handhistory with fish normally,a call here might be really close.fish might have any 2 pair,flush,or sets,coz fish always take a weird line to play a strong hand.
at the end,sorry for my poor english,i really like explained every hand so detail like u,i'd like to have a coach like u,thanks for giving us the great video!!
Jan. 22, 2013 | 6:52 a.m.
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Feb. 7, 2013 | 8:38 p.m.