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What would someones raise first utg % need to be for you to start 3 betting this hand? I would think that at some point if the player is opening too tight you would be getting 4 bet too often by the top and bottom of his range and would get flatted by the part of his range that dominates you. In this case wouldn't we realize more equity by flatting and playing a pot in position with a much greater pot to stack ratio?

Aug. 26, 2015 | 10:26 p.m.

At around 31:30 with the 89dd hand, whats the reason that you prefer a bet/call vs a bet/3bet all in? With a bet/3bet we can see both turn/river and possibly get it in good vs 85s and 45s. We also get folds from gutters and even some random 6x and 7x hands that fish c/r fold from time to time. I feel like when we flat we just have to fold so many turns vs hands that we could have folded out on the flop. What do you think?

Dec. 18, 2012 | 7:14 p.m.

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