12 points
I personally would love to see some Theory Videos from the Legend Phil Galfond for the Essential members. Currently only 1 listed from 2014. Even just allowing a couple of the previous videos to be accessed to Essential members would be nice. For example i watched the Sample Video of "Designing an Exploitative Game plan" on the RIO YouTube Channel and found this Video very interesting.
I think this video could help players on the lower stakes since its the main Style people need to play for Micro's and even most Small stake games.
Just my 2 Cents.
Aug. 7, 2018 | 5 a.m.
Congrats on the Win.
Aug. 1, 2018 | 1:36 a.m.
Makes Sense. thanxs James, Much appreciated
July 29, 2018 | 4:34 p.m.
I think that was my issue as well. I havent played 5nl in years, so I wasnt too sure how people play there. I pretty much went with the mentality that weak recreational players will usually bet large if they have a strong hand as i was a little unsure myself.
Oh well - not playing 5nl session for the money thats for sure lol. or 25NL for that matter. Was just trying to focus on getting back to getting more comfortable with my ranges, my hud and Mental game as well. Mental game seems like something im going to half to practice/work at just about every day
July 29, 2018 | 5:01 a.m.
Alright, So i played my First Session online in like 6-8 months. totally started off thinking i could play like i used to lol. Typical this guy sucks, why does he always win.. ugh of course he hits the river...and then just tilt and punt a couple of stacks off.
Once i realized my state of mind was shit i took a nice break and watched a video recommend from RIO. I went back a couple hours later with a much clearer head.
decided to take it down a notch from 25nl where money doesnt really add up to alot so i played a session of 5NL. Must say played much better and just played 2 tables and worked on just playing good poker. What do you guys think of this river situation?
Villain on my left is very fishy - something like 56/22 over 100 or so hands.
After looking at the hand away from the table, I feel like Check Call is probably a better option on the River rather than betting out
July 29, 2018 | 3:45 a.m.
Really enjoyed this video. Was recommended to me in a post i made earlir and glad i found it.
Looking forward to watching Part 2 tomorrow :D
July 29, 2018 | 2:30 a.m.
Alright will look into them. Thanxs guys. Much appreciated
July 28, 2018 | 8:09 p.m.
I would be very interested - Willy Foo Foo - skype
July 28, 2018 | 6:13 a.m.
Good Day everyone.
New to the Website and enjoying the fourms already.
Looks like theres lots of good information on here.
A little bit about myself.
29 years old. Live In Canada and make a decent living.
Played Poker for 2-3 years off and on. Was going fairly steady for at least a year in 2017 till the start of this year and got laid off from work.
Took a break from poker due to not wanting to risk money that i shouldn't be gambling with #adulting.
Got myself a job a few months ago and been looking to coming back. I played Cash games and the odd tournaments for fun but mainly Cash.
Was playing 100nl 6Max last year on Pokerstars. Thinking of coming back and starting with $1000 at 25nl and work my way up.
Is Pokerstars Still decent place to play online? Heard the site has been increasing rake alot lately and Rake back has even been worse.
Should i be looking at other sites? I dont mind playing Fast/Zoom tables - Much prefer Regular Tables myself.
Anyway just wanted to Say hello and make an introduction. Always down for meeting new players as i dont really have any friends that play.
any video Recommendations for Essential is Always welcome - will hopefully investing into the Elite package in near Future.
Congrats Paul.
Sick level up Man
Aug. 8, 2018 | 5:20 a.m.