0 points
About Icmizer analysis I think the result might be different if you choose to select "final table". I don't know how different but I guess it might be..
Thanks cool serie!
Oct. 21, 2013 | 2:14 p.m.
*I did understand (lol)
Sept. 26, 2013 | 6:01 p.m.
Cool vid, live play is always cool to watch! You should select the info tab instead of chat in order to help viewers to see all the time how many players left etc.. and you won't have to open the lobby all the time!
Also @ 21:48 with 10bbs QTs, I understood your explanation but it might be good to analys it with icimzer because to me it was +cEV but I might be wrong..
Sept. 26, 2013 | 1:57 p.m.
I mean with that stacksize obv
Sept. 17, 2013 | 5:11 p.m.
At 12:40 you said that shoving don't rep a monster but do you think that 4 bet in that spot with a monster is a good idea? rep exactly what you have is pretty bad no? Unless you have big histo with vilain I guess.. Nice vid btw;)
Really like your vids man! Especially live play like that .. Imo at the end it is a call with KQo tho, I would give a wider range to Huang because it wasn't really 9handed anymore and it's a turbo KO.. but what do I know;)..
Thanks, keep up the good work!!
Nov. 21, 2013 | 3:11 p.m.